The Last Gentleman

Chapter 626: bathhouse

  Chapter 626 Bathhouse

  【Black Ascaris Bathhouse】

  William took off his clothes without hesitation, and stepped into the pool filled with extremely softened black roundworms,

  This touch is between liquid and solid, soft and delicate,

Indeed, as Olenna said, this kind of bathhouse can repair the body. Many black roundworms have penetrated into the body along the exposed holes on the body surface, and they repaired the wounded parts and stimulated them by secreting their regeneration fluid. The body restores itself.

   Tick Tick~ An untimely sound of water droplets came from behind.

  William, who was leaning against the edge of the pool, looked back for the sound of water, only to see that Miss Olenna, who was standing by the pool, was covered with a lot of saliva.

  The eyes stared straight at him, or at William's back muscles.


When Olenna was obsessed with the outline of William's back, her vision suddenly discovered something. The seemingly perfect back muscle outline actually had a "humanoid feel", as if there was a deformed human lying on and fitting in William's body. back.

   Just when Olenna thought it was just a simple muscle outline,


  A pitch-black eye suddenly opened on William's back, staring at her with grainy pupils.

   Not only this weird atmosphere and the sense of death conveyed in the eyes, but also an absolute fear seeping through,

  咚~ The high heels broke, and Olenna collapsed to the ground, her legs and feet wrapped in black silk were clamped together and trembling.

"Are you OK?"

  William's words made her wake up, and when she looked at her back again, there was nothing left.

   "No... nothing..."

   "By the way, my body is very suitable as your container, right?"

  William's sudden question made Olenna stunned for a moment, and she nodded slowly after half-paying, "Your body surpasses any host container I have seen in the headquarters. I don't know how to evaluate it."

   "It's not even close. My body is just a superficial thing. It looks perfect, but it's missing the 'real thing'."

  William recalled the battle with 'Gluttony' Gratoni, his own body was not worth mentioning in front of the opponent's teeth.

  Olenna also gradually recovered from the state of panic just now. She got up and walked to the pool and squatted down slowly, stirring the black round pool with her palms gently.

"I'm just an open-source parasite, and I can't understand what you want to express, Mr. William... But I believe that if you complete the pathway at such a young age, you can be received by the boss as an equal, and you can even pass ' The Seven Marquess' kills are already very, very remarkable."

  William looked up at the ceiling, "I'm here to rest today, I'd better not talk about this kind of topic. Miss Olenna, didn't you say that you want to help recover quickly?"


  Since she saw something on her back just now, Olenna was obviously a little apprehensive, and she didn't dare to touch William's back directly.


   Without taking off her clothes, she directly stepped the black silk into the pool and came to the front of William.

   But this look is even more incredible,

  The saliva in Olenna's mouth spilled out from between her lips like a stream, and she felt like she was about to become dehydrated.

  However, as her eyes moved down, the drooling state suddenly stopped.

   "Mr. William your belly?"

  What Olenna saw was the abyss structure of the human body derived from the [Shengmen].

   And because of her long staring, there was a real feeling of being sucked into the abyss... Crack! It wasn't until William snapped his fingers in front of her that her thoughts were pulled out.

   "This...Why does Mr. William have such a structure on your body?"

  Olenna quickly covered her eyes, not daring to look at William's body anymore. Both the front and the back seemed extremely dangerous to her.

William leaned his arms on the edge of the pool and explained: "The Black Round Company doesn't know my identity yet, right? I am currently the spokesperson of the tenth abyss, because I have close contact with the abyss, combined with my own characteristics, my body is It became like this."

   "The Tenth Abyss..."

  For a while, Olenna no longer knew how to evaluate the young man in front of her.

  The abyss is an absolute forbidden area for any patient in the old world, and there are only a handful of people who can touch the abyss in history.

  She stabilized her mood and tried her best to show the professionalism that the headquarters staff should have.

  「Ascaris entangled in the brain」

   Let the parasite itself and the brain entangle with each other, further improve the concentration and brain defense, and look at the abyss structure in William's abdomen again.

  She also discovered a detail. The liquid black roundworms in the entire bathhouse were moving in disorder, and only the group of black roundabouts near William's abdomen was circling steadily.

   "The liquid black roundworm is actually circulating regularly along this structure... This is the first time I have seen such a situation.

Cough~Mr. William, your body structure will definitely have an impact on the [Ascaris experiment], can you let me take a closer look, and let me bring the detailed situation to the research department, so that the experiment they are preparing can be more accurate. Fit your body. "


  Olenna officially started with the determination to die that she might be sucked into the abyss.

  Such awareness was also seen by William, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised and he made a decision.

  When her fingertips touched the edge of the abyss, she could intuitively feel the precise physical structure, but as her fingers went deeper, the sensuality began to slowly transform into a rock structure.

  She tried her best to remember this feeling in her mind, and touched as deep as possible.

  Obviously William's waist and abdomen were only about ten centimeters, but Olenna almost stretched her entire arm into the cave in her abdomen.

Snapped! Until William grabbed her shoulder and forcibly pulled her arm out.

   "Enough~ You will be in danger if you go further inside."

  When Olenna pulled out her arm, her fingers changed from five to thirteen... It was obviously affected by the 'unstable influence' of the Tenth Abyss.

  This also shows that the abyss in William's abdomen is not just a 'status symbol', but has certain abyss characteristics, but he can't use it yet.

  Olenna was also very decisive, she turned her head directly, revealing the terrifying side of the parasite. Bite off his entire right arm in one bite and regenerate it with the help of the black ascaris bathhouse, so as not to be affected by the abyss.

   "Mr. William, I'm going to the Research Department to send your body information in person, so that they can improve the experimental conditions."

   "No hurry." William grabbed Olenna's arm as she was about to leave the pool, "There's still time, so stay here and accompany me..."

   "Ah? That's right, I said that I want to help you recover, sir, but..."

  Olenna was no longer greedy for the body of the young man in front of her. Instead, she was quite afraid, so she could only bow her head silently and half-sit in front of William.

   "No need, I can recover by myself ~ Mainly I want to ask you a question.

  Because I just saw some unique 'talents' from Miss Olenna, it must be because of this talent that you were promoted to work at the headquarters. "

  William stretched out his right arm in front of Olenna, making a gesture of invitation.

   "Would you like to be my...student?"

  Even though William was sitting across from her, Olenna felt the other's lips pressed against her ear, and such whispers were simply irresistible.

   "I... As a member of the headquarters, I can no longer do things for others."

   "I don't need you to do things for me, just be my student and seek more knowledge with me.

  This will help you improve your work efficiency, increase the overall efficiency of the headquarters, and may even be appreciated by Boss Bourne and help you sit in a higher position in the headquarters.

  The relationship between us is just a simple teacher-student relationship, which will only have a beneficial impact on the company. "

"Oh well."

   "Relax and show me your brain."

   eye contact,

  The unique word [epilepsy] was engraved on Olenna's brain and the parasites entangled in the brain at the same time, and the relevant student data was also included in Xuexin Brain Network.

  Olenna's personal rating reached [B].

  William also took advantage of this relationship to deepen his understanding of the headquarters of the black round, and strive to maximize the benefits in the next half month.

  (end of this chapter)

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