The Last Gentleman

Chapter 69: Observation and assistance

Chapter 69 Observation and Assistance

"Sword and sword bomber"

   is a special combat skill that Edmund learned by killing enemies in a row during his last mission.

   looks like a skill given to him by his profession,

   In fact, it is more about self-accumulation, proficiency and comprehension.

The release of this combat skills is very harsh,

   It is necessary to cut in at an extremely perfect angle and timing to seize the "gap between the opponent's attacks."

   Once caught perfectly, it will do pretty terrible damage.

   Even some gentlemen in the family who have broken through the limits are not guaranteed to perform this skill smoothly.

Edmond was able to use it perfectly at this age and facing such a strong enemy.

Training, talent, and lack of psychological quality are indispensable.

A shot that blasted the brain directly showed his teammates.

However, this is also an excellent opportunity, and the two teammates will not let go.

Gaga ~

A thick branch grew from Yi Chen's palm, and the ceiling of the center of the ward was directly connected to the best "viewing position".

A ball of black fluff quickly emerged from the end of the branch,

Try to spit out the eyes in his mouth as much as possible, observe the opening of Mr. Li's blasting head, and observe the mouse trends in the body.

This is not a simple observation,

Yi Chen is trying to make ‘memory and contrast’ in each mouse in Mr. Li.

These orderly activities in the body are similar to the ancient text of the peristaltic ... Yi Chen transformed the activities of these mice into text through simple changes to read and memorize.

The book emblem in the back brain area also follows quickly to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of memory.

Compared to Yi Chen's "Static Observation",

On the other side, Yuliana is a "dynamic observation".

She becomes a gentleman's letter choice is also rare blue, corresponding to occupation- [secret guest], a profession that takes into account information collection and assassination.

The professional characteristics are as follows:

"Zhenyin": The hearing of individuals has growth. It can hear the sound of more bands through training and cochlea structure. At the same time, the shock wave can be converted to the hearing, and the corresponding living dynamics and space position can be simulated between the brain.

"Silent": Hidden breath, reduce the noise generated during individual actions.

Special investigations like this are quite rare. If a gentleman can be equipped with such a gentleman, it can greatly improve the efficiency of task and reduce risks, let alone Ya Liana has good killing skills.

The team of Edmond is also equipped with two rare all -around reconnaissance categories, Yuliana and Yi Chen, which is a bit luxurious.

When Mr. Li was headshot,

! bass!

The two -handed dagger connected to the thin line has been inserted into Mr. Li's upper abdomen and right thigh.

Seismic capture,

Yuliana tried to analyze Mr. Li's body structure ... However, because there are too many mice in the body, they can only get rough dynamic diagrams in a short time.

   "There is no obvious pathogen structure. Is it possible that the core of the pathogen is hidden in the body of a certain mouse, or one of the mice?"

at this time,

Yi Chen's voice came from the side:

"Miss Anna, can you please pay attention to the dynamics of his lower body ... as precise as possible to the trend of each mouse as much as possible, try to find out one of them."

"it is good."

Just when the two were conducted in the test division of labor,

The dagger inserted in Mr. Li suddenly felt the obvious mouse group activity, and quickly gathered towards his head ... Obviously it was a huge wound that was preparing to repair the gun wound.

In this process,

Many mice have bite the head covering each other and blends their brains in advance until the volume of the human brain is reached, and then it can be installed directly on the skull.

   At this time,

Anna no longer uses a dagger.

   Instead, he took out a hilt full of wrinkled old leather from his waist, but there was no blade on the hilt.

  The dark aura overflowing from the hilt of the sword actually drew words in the form of a curse in the air, which made people uncomfortable.

The hilt is made from the diseased crystal obtained by a cursor that can be transmitted by a cursing and transmitted diseases in the previous mission.

When Anna clenched her hoe, she cursed.

   At the cost of cursing itself, a slender jet-black sword body emerged,

   Stepping on silent footsteps, he joined forces with Edmund to fight against the enemy.


Mr. Li’s head has not been repaired yet,

   The giant rat tail that was dragged behind him suddenly swung straight ahead... Dang!

A loud sound of iron sounded in the room,

   Rat-tailed fangs slammed into the hilts of the two of them, spattering fire cores, forcing Edmund and Anna, who had just arrived, to retreat.


The mouse is chimeric, and the head is repaired.

   "Ah! It hurts... You guys are only new gentlemen, yet you have such strength."

The words are just falling,

The mouse flies!

  Mr. Lee's speed is faster than any patient they have ever dealt with.

   The weird arm with three-stage structure has multi-angle and variable attack modes.

   Cooperate with the rat tail behind it, which is extremely powerful and has pet consciousness,

Substigate to the two people on the front.

Edmond and Anna were beaten and retreated.

  The body also began to have scratches of different shades,

  Any attack on Mr. Li's body surface will be repaired in a short period of time... Only a blow to the joints and head can slightly slow down the opponent's movements.

   Even with Yuliana's cursed attack,

Although    can leave black wounds, Mr. Li only needs to spit out a few blackened rat corpses to counteract the curse.

  Whether it was a rat that was beheaded, shot, or cursed to death,

   With the help of the silver blood vessels connected to Mr. Li's back, to provide vitality, new mice can be quickly reproduced in the body.

   Under the strong stimulation of growth hormone, young rats can reach the size of adult rats in less than tens of seconds, becoming an important part of the body structure.

  If the core of the pathogen is not found again, with the accumulation of injuries and physical energy consumption of the two,

   The ending will be finalized in minutes.

   At this moment,

  Yi Chen is still [Observing].

With the effective damage caused by his teammates to Mr. Li, through wounds of different sizes, the details of the mice in the body are observed.

The observation and contrast of the details to each mouse make the whole head start to smoke.

  The two eyeballs are already bloodshot,

  The nosebleed bleeds out and slid down the lower part of the cheek...Unfortunately, it landed in the mouth of the little grape, and it tasted a strange **** smell, and there seemed to be a lot of dead brain cell fluid mixed in the blood.

   The heart was slightly touched, and the sound passed.

"William ... I will not pay for your mistakes in the future! This time, it is also a strong willingness to see you want to survive and want to kill the goal.

I barely provide some combat level assistance. 』

The voice of    just fell.

The small grapes standing on the shoulders quickly rushed towards the left arm and came to the broken hand ... One head drilled into the wrist break.

   At the same moment,

Mr. Li, who occupies an absolute advantage, made him smell a dangerous atmosphere.


Through the gap of fighting, he looked in the direction of the induction, and found that Yi Chen, who was standing against the wall, was gone.

   "Where did you go?"

Just as he continued to respond to the two in front of him, there was a slight induction behind him.

   "Huh? Behind?!"

   Before he could turn around, a piercing pain swept across his back, causing Mr. Li to instantly give up his oppressive advantage and crawl quickly to distance himself.

  I see,

The silver blood vessels connected to Mr. Li's back are cut off,

   Ward Center,

The ax that cut off the silver blood vessels was holding Yi Chen's left hand and hanging on the leg.

"What's going on ... Isn't this guy's hand eaten by me?"

   In the eyes of Mr. Li,

Yi Chen's left hand should have grown again, and it seems that wearing a weird glove with black fluff.

It even felt like looking at him on the back of his hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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