The Last Gentleman

Chapter 73: open source patient

   Chapter 73 Open Source Patients


A familiar owl fell on Yi Chen's left shoulder, and at the same time, the palm of the hand that could not be familiar with the right shoulder came.

"The next thing, let me and Mr. Aiji ..."

   "Professor Chamberson!"

Although Yi Chen was very excited, he had already speculated in his heart.

  Chamberson didn't mean to greet,

He was also surprised that the possibility of "minimal" really happened.

At the time, when Zion's rear aid troops rushed to the fake moon incident, Dr. McCawv had completed the beheading of the moon marks and even transported the body back to Zion.

But after the autopsy, it was found that this seemingly complete corpse was missing.

Although the organization was subsequently sent to clean up the troops and conducted a rug -of -type search on Venyl, there was no suspicious trace.


   Moon Hen is really alive, and he was led out by Yi Chen.


  Chamberson has experience fighting open source patients,

   But the [Moon Mark] in front of him is the most special one among the open source patients he has ever seen. This disease related to the moon belongs to a high-level and rare special disease.

   He will spare no effort to complete the kill as much as possible.

   Arms hanging in front of you, palms spread

  The ten fingers seemed to have consciousness, drawing a pure white circle in the sky.

  1. The main ring and the quartet ring are connected to each other by bridging, and the irregular star forms a dynamic transformation form of the main body of the array.

  2. There are subtle differences in the external patterns of different rings and the connection forms used for bridging, which play the role of adjusting, amplifying, and stabilizing magic.

  3. The pattern of the main ring core is [wind], and the sub-ring core includes metal, blade, gravity and eyes.

   Such a complex dynamic array was constructed in two seconds.

   A push palm landed in the center of the circle,

  【Secret activation】

   Hundreds of wind blades with a metallic texture, thick and sharp, were not hindered by the friendly barrier, and directly slashed at the opposite Moon Mark Lorian.

   "A magical gentleman?"

  The silver-haired youth slowly raised his free left hand.

  Om! A flash of silver gleamed.

   One side is pure and flawless, a moonlight shield with a triangular structure hangs in front of it,

  The wind blade that falls on the surface of the shield will either bounce off or be swallowed directly.

  The moon marks themselves are also under the reaction force, and the sick body is forced to retreat step by step.

   Just as he was about to block all the wind blades, a sense of unease struck.

   A stronger sense of threat, stuck between the gap between the wind blade and his blind spot.

   The fist wrapped in black miasma was already close to the back.

   "Oh? Is there another strong man?"

   Moon Mark abandons the defense against the remaining wind blades,

   a turn around,

   wrapped the ‘female doctor’ in his arms with the right arm of the infusion to protect her from harm.

   Then use his free left hand to block the waving black fist,


   Swish ~ Silver blood splash.

   More than 20 steel-like wind blades pierced through the hospital gown, inserted into the back of the moon mark, and even penetrated from the front!

   The left arm that tried to block the fist was completely smashed,

   Only some broken pieces of hospital clothes and minced meat remained on the shoulders.

   Moon Hen also spit out a mouthful of silver blood and sighed softly, "It's really strong..."

   However, Professor Chamberson was already standing behind him,

   The white beard floated upward, and the aura of the whole person changed completely.

  All air within 100 meters stops flowing.

  Chamberson stretched out his hand to grab the dynamic magic circle he had just constructed, and the magic lines of the magic circle were fitted into a hurricane-wrapped magic sword, which he held in his hand.

   Even bigger than Dagbert's greatsword.

   does not give the moon marks any respite at all,

  Dual wielding slash,

  The manic hurricane contained in the great sword directly tore Moon Hen and the female doctor in his arms to shreds.

  The Twilight Clinic and the hill where it is located were baptized by the strong wind. Many trees near the top of the mountain were cut off, and a lot of leaves fell with the wind.

   When everything calms down,

  Chamberson's eyes are not very good-looking,

   Just because the slash just now didn't feel right, it was more like slashing on the surface of a hardened glass than on the flesh.

   Not long after.

   A voice came from the rooftop of the Twilight Clinic,

   Moon Mark was standing on the edge intact, and his right hand was holding the 'body brace' that the female doctor had cut off to ensure the infusion.

   The moonlight liquid between its brass frames is reduced by about 1/10.

   "Sure enough, a talent like you, William, must be highly valued by humans. There are two strong men comparable to Dr. Mycroft who have been watching behind the scenes. It was really dangerous just now.

  We will meet again...The-Moon-is-watching-you. "

When the voice of    fell,

  The flesh of the moon marks turned into stars and dissipated in the night sky.

   The barrier of the homo-space was also completely broken, and everyone returned to the front yard of the abandoned clinic.

   The supervisor, Aggie Flores, who pulled up the gentleman's stick, wore a high hat slantingly, and arranged his clothes, looked at the rooftop position, and there was still a little black miasma in his right hand.

   "Bai Xiao, don't we chase?"

   "What are you chasing? Didn't you feel the strange touch just now?

   This guy is probably even more powerful than the "Fake Moon Incident", and this "moon disease" is our first contact. The information brought back by Dr. Mycroft is quite one-sided, and we still don't know how to break it.

   And our priority is to keep this new group safe. "

   "Okay~ I don't want to take this risk anyway."

   The supervisor looked indifferent, and then turned his eyes to Yi Chen, who had a calm face.

   "Boy, you did a great job! You can be so calm when facing open source patients."

  Yi Chen is preparing to thank the supervisor who came to assist,

  Chamberson said angrily: "What nonsense, to actually assign this kind of task to them... It will almost lead to irreparable consequences."

   The supervisor waved his hand quickly, and even made a gesture of surrender, "Isn't this a smooth stop? And the harvest of these little guys is not small."

  Chamberson also stopped talking nonsense with the supervisor,

   He drew the magic circle again, and released nearly a hundred magical owls to investigate the mountains in detail to ensure that the moon marks really left.

   "William, you should be able to go down the mountain by yourself, right?"

   "I'm totally fine, please pay attention to Yuliana's situation, Professor."

   "Well... hurry down with us and return to Zion at full speed."


   Horse workshop.

  Chamberson checked the physical condition of everyone in turn.

   When he found Yuliana, he was also embarrassed, unable to judge whether it could be completely cured, and even dared not make a conclusion whether his life could be saved.

  Edmund's arm was cut more seriously than it looked. If he didn't get timely treatment, the entire arm would need to be amputated, and it would even leave sequelae that would affect his future gun holding.

   "When the mission itself becomes uncontrollable, the fact that all members of the mission can still survive and complete the mission is enough to demonstrate the overall level of your team.

   Once this task is reported up, the attention of the organization will inevitably fall on each of you.

   At that time, I will propose to arrange top-level treatment to ensure that you will not leave sequelae as much as possible. "

   "Thank you." Edmund thanked softly, but his eyes kept on the unconscious Yuliana.

   At this moment, Director Edge suddenly said:

   "Return to Zion, before submitting the mission... There is one thing I want to confirm in advance.

  You jointly killed the sick gentleman-【Jasmin Lee】in the underground area. Did you learn the secret information about the 'Twilight Clinic' from him? "

   Yi Chen nodded slightly and didn't say much.

   The supervisor showed a satisfied expression, as if this was the real purpose of the mission.

   "If this is the case, the submission of this task needs to adopt a special mode that is not open to the outside world, and it may be delayed for a few days until our notice.

   When you return to Zion, I will also vouch for you to get the best possible treatment. "

   At this time,

   Crossed his hands in front of him, and Yi Chen, who lowered his head, suddenly threw a question.

   "I have a question, how is Dr. Mycroft now? I want to ask the real situation, not the situation that is literally written for everyone to see."

   The supervisor can understand Yi Chen's mood at the moment,

   He leaned over, leaned close to his ear, and whispered:

   "The brain is preserved, the body is put to death.

   After all, as a doctor, the knowledge base in his brain is still very valuable... Killing this kind of garbage directly is too cheap for him. "


   After getting such an answer, Yi Chen also took a sigh of relief, leaning his head against the compartment and closing his eyes to rest.

   The Twilight Clinic incident is over. Today is a temporary update (not closed this Sunday). I have recently deleted a lot of manuscripts, and I will reorganize them to lay the foundation for the next plot.



   (end of this chapter)

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