The Last Gentleman

Chapter 82: red lotus

Chapter 82 Honglian

I did not expect to meet in this special way after more than half a year.


Newcomers who enter the city in the same batch as Yi Chen,

Because the black hands behind the green lake town failed, the assessment score was evaluated to [92] second only to Yi Chen.

The killing number of patients and primary infections, he adds up more than the rest of the appraisers.

The follow -up also chose a black letter,

Kim's gentleman training has become very different. He will not study at Ovarus Titk College. Instead, he will conduct a non -public special training, which is biased towards the tadpole.

Yi Chen himself has always been curious, what is the career of Jin.

After eight months,

Yi Chen's physique changes, and the brain has grown.

even so,

When Jin's palm slipped on his shoulders, the sense of danger was still, even stronger than the last meeting, prompting Yi Chen's instinct to move his shoulders.

"It's still so sensitive ~ I just want to check your new body.

Hmm ~ Although only a brief contact, I can feel that your physical body is completely different from before, so it is right ~ At that time, you look not strong at all. "

"What do you do here?"

"Didn't you say it? I booked a large number of goods in this store and was inspected just now. I did not expect that the quality of these goods was very high, and I accidentally broke out.

Are you interested in come in and see? "


Yi Chen has time now, and he is also curious about what [Gold] is doing.

Step into a store that is broken due to explosion,

Eye immediately poured into a variety of scattered limbs. To be precise, it should be "imitation meat". Two large boxes were piled up in the depths of the shop, and similar limb imitation meat inside was.

"Imitation meat"

This word, Yi Chen read it between the library.

Some professional gentlemen, or gentlemen, may need to use human flesh when they are dispelled and hunting. Because of their gentleman character, a substitute slowly appeared in the market- "imitation meat".

It has the same taste and texture as the real meat,

Even some of the pets that are very picky and can only feed the meat of the human body are fully accepted, and even prefer to eat this kind of meat.

There are two sayings about the origin of "imitation meat",

1. A gentleman who obtains a purple letter, a gentleman related to [Meat] can produce imitation meat in large quantities daily.

2. From the physical body of the patient, some of the patients who are severely damaged and cannot get the crystallization of the crystallization, and even the flesh of some primary infections can be recovered at low prices.

After special treatment, after confirming that the diseased characteristics are not carried, they circulate in the bottom streets in the name of "imitation meat".

This kind of imitation meat is not cheap,

I am afraid that one hand and one leg will need tens of silver coins.

Those who buy a few big boxes like gold must be big customers.

A short shop owner was busy picking up the scattered limbs on the ground. He didn't say a word about the explosion and the damage of the store just now ... it should not be said.

Jin Ban squatted his body and looked at the boss crooked his head, "Mr. Fabio, I'm sorry to bomb your shop like this, I will pay compensation."

As soon as he heard Jin said, a short boss trembled, "This is my problem, how can you pay for it! You are the big customers here, but some small damage.

If you wait a minute, I will re -pack you out immediately. "

"By the way! Three months later, I prepare three boxes ... The quality of this quality of four boxes. "

"I will handle it."

The whole three boxes were packed by the boss, all carried on one shoulder of Jin.

Jin's physique is similar to Yi Chen, and even thinner and shorter, but easily carrying a box that is far beyond her weight.

"Do you need me to help?" Yi Chen asked kindly.

"It's not a very heavy thing. If you really want to help, you might as well go to my room and let me check your new body and what emblems hidden."

Yi Chen directly compared a "rejection" gesture.

"Boring man."

Yi Chen immediately switched to the topic he wanted to know, "Gold, what do you need so many imitation meat?"

"Of course, what else can I do?"

"how to use?"

"You can use it ..."

Jin Qing shook his shoulders and flew out a broken leg directly between the top box and was grasped by him.

Tightly followed, the position of the fingers gripped, a red thread spread between imitation meat, and even woven a strange red lotus pattern under the skin.

At this moment, Yi Chen smelled a sense of danger similar to when being touched by gold.

The feeling of intuitive passing to Yi Chen was- "this leg is about to explode."

at this time,

Jin actually made a throwing action, trying to throw the legs in his hand ... and his aimed direction is exactly the intensive intersection of personnel flowing.

"Hey! Gold!"

Yi Chen instinctively wanted to stop, but Jin first threw his hand.

However, when the realistic throwing action is completed, the broken leg is still grabbed in Jin's hands.

"Hahaha! Look at your nervous look, don't you think that I am really a crazy crazy? If you kill a group of gentlemen for no reason, the people above will execute me directly.

Just because I interrupted the limb of a waste, I was annoyed on it. I don't want to waste time on such boring things.

I don't want to die now. After all, [Organization] is still very interesting to me, and there are many things that are more fun than death waiting for me to do. "

After that, the red lines that flowed between the legs and feet were all in the body, and he also followed one upper movement to let the leg fall back into the box.

"Is this your professional characteristics? No ..." diseased characteristics "? "

"It's really smart ~ Yes!

With the assistance of the organization, the diseased body of my father was burned out to get a quite special red crystal. Then I swallowed it without politely, becoming part of my body, "diseased characteristics-red lotus". "

The word his father changed his color.

Seeing this, Jin immediately stepped forward and added:

"Don't make this expression. Beasts like my father are not worthy of someone to pity him at all."

"Um." Yi Chen didn't ask much. He probably could understand some of the things, and soon transferred the topic back. "In other words, if you use these limbs as a remote weapon, it is inconvenient to carry it?"

"When you return to my residence, it will be very portable for them.

are you going? I live alone now! "

The curiosity from the deep inside still made Yi Chen nodded,

Even the small grapes raised their hands in favor, which is the first time that the little grape is so interested in outsiders.

"Okay! Let's talk about it first, just go to see how you handle these" imitation meat ", there is no need to do anything else. "

   (end of this chapter)

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