The Last Gentleman

Chapter 84: Gethsemane

   Chapter 84 Gethsemane

  Under the guidance of Jin, Yi Chen came to the upper street where he had never set foot before,

  The end of the street corresponds to a very strange arch bridge. There are many sculptures of villains in different shapes and dark masks on both sides of the bridge deck.

   "Across this bridge is Gethsemane."

  Yi Chen also made a plant mask in advance to cover his appearance.

   "Jin, are you sure I can go to your training ground?"

   "Try it, I will explain our current team relationship to the instructor... After all, there is no one who is willing to team up with me in the same or earlier class as me.

   Special circumstances, special treatment, right? "


   As the two crossed the arch bridge,

   The scene in front of me is actually an [orchard], a large number of strangely shaped fruit trees are densely distributed, and a gentleman whose eyes are covered by black cloth is taking good care of these trees.

"these are?"

  Jin said with a look of contempt: "It's just a poor guy with extremely poor self-control, whose main emotions are dominated by the desire to kill. After all, we are there to cultivate... kaka."

  Jin instantly stretched out his right hand and drew twice between Yi Chen's neck.

   "The missions we arrange here are mainly 'quick kills', and some guys will indulge in the boring thrill of killing during the mission.

  Therefore, there will be a mental examination every two weeks. Those who fail the examination will wear black cloth blindfolds and be sent to the orchard to take care of the fruit trees until they are allowed to go back to training by the instructor.

   I declare first! There is nothing wrong with my review. "


   Yi Chen nodded, he could understand the necessity of doing so.

  The special gentlemen who choose black letters are secretly carrying out the killing mission of eradicating pathogens... They themselves have a certain killing habit more or less.

after all,

  Yi Chen also appeared in black envelopes when choosing letters, but he did not choose.

   And he also has a certain yearning and impulse in killing, otherwise he would not have asked Professor Chamberson to arrange physical training for him.

   Yi Chen is very clear that once he is immersed in it, his thinking will also degenerate.

   Special measures must be taken in order to maintain an independent and noble mind during the killing.

   Planting and caring for fruit trees like this may allow them to calm down and think about themselves.


   When Yi Chen saw these gentlemen blindfolded in black cloth, he immediately thought of his physical mentor-Hogney Zed.

  The two came to the log cabin deep in the orchard,

  A blindfolded old man with a prosthetic limb sat on a wooden chair with his legs crossed, blocking the door, with a homemade pine cone cigarette in his mouth.

  Jin came to the old man and made a rare bowing motion, "Mr. Begus, I have brought a new teammate and I am going to the instructor to take over the task."

  The old man's words spit out along with the smoke ring:

   "Is it allowed below?"

   "When we go down, we will tell the instructor."

  The old man got up, his collapsed and wrinkled muzzle sniffed slightly in front of Yi Chen.

   "The recipient of the first gentleman still smells of **** meat...Fill out this confidentiality agreement, don't cause me trouble, and report to the instructor immediately after going down."

  The old man handed over a yellowed piece of paper with various prohibitions written on it.

  Yichen, as a 'foreign visitor', absolutely prohibits divulging all the situations seen below, and the activity area is strictly limited. Any violations will be brainwashed.

   As Yi Chen signed the agreement, the old man also moved his seat,

  There is only one enclosed lift leading to the underground inside the wooden house, which carries two people to the fully enclosed lower area, which is completely separated from the [street area].

   The whole of Zion has one and only one entrance.

  【Gethsemane - The Executioner's Greenhouse】

   is a training ground built by the organization for gentlemen who choose black letters.

  When the elevator reached the bottom, a narrow stone passage came into view. There were various secret doors on both sides, and the sound of tearing, metal crashing and even screams could be vaguely heard inside.

   There may be a special training room behind each secret door.

  Under the leadership of Jin, he walked quickly through the labyrinth-like passages until he reached a deep and single passage.

At the end of the    there is the only secret door with a torch.

   Just as the two of them approached the secret door, a mature female voice came from the back of the wall.

"come in."

  Gold opens the secret door by turning the torch at the door.

The interior of    is actually a rather spacious office with grey and white tones.

   A woman without shoes is standing in front of the showcase by the wall,

  White shirt, black tie, knee-length grey plaid dress and black silk stockings,

   With slow and gentle steps, she appreciates and appropriately organizes her unique collection in the showcase - "Finger Stuffed"

   The over-the-shoulder blond hair was tied into a ponytail, holding the single-piece round glasses with a golden frame in one hand, carefully looking at each finger.

   By the reflection of the glass on the surface of the specimen, he glanced at the two people who entered the door.

   "Mr. Begus actually asked you to bring an outsider down, tell me! What's the matter."

Jin directly put one elbow on Yi Chen's shoulder, and the other hand pointed out a more exaggerated arrow, "William, but the strong man who scored [96 points] in the gentleman's examination, it happens that we are too. the same session.

   We ran into each other on the street before, and decided to form a team temporarily and do some difficult tasks to play. "

  The woman did not respond, but continued to organize the specimens.

   After finishing all the specimens, she turned around slowly.

   A well-maintained face in his early thirties, but his light green eyes never looked at the two of them.

   It wasn't until she sat back at the desk that she slowly turned her pupils, and Yi Chen felt uncomfortable just looking at each other for a moment.

   "Did you bring your personal information?"

"Hold on."

  Yi Chen really prepared a resume in the suitcase for emergencies.

   When the woman browsed the only recorded task record above, her eyes changed,

The keywords   'kill the severely ill' and 'contact with open source patients will not be affected' made her interested in the young man in front of her.

   However, she also noticed a problem.

   "You seem to have taken half a year's leave before performing the task of [Secret Medicine Recovery]? Why?"

   "Received special 'physical training' in the academy, which took half a year."


  The woman can see at a glance that Yi Chen's body is very special by observing the details of various movements.

   "Ofarostic Academy are all nerds, and if there are, they're just guys who are proficient in brute force. They don't match your physique at all... Who taught you?"

   "Mr. Zed."

   As soon as these words come out,

  The woman's expression changed greatly, and her body was completely sitting upright, "Hogney Zed?"


   "The blind man isn't dead yet?

   I remember that he was tried by an organization for causing the death of a large number of students a few years ago, and then he was imprisoned by the academy for some reason. How did you get in touch with him? "

   "Professor Chamberson arranged for me... Currently, Mr. Zede will only have private contact with me."

The voice of    just fell.

   I couldn't see the woman's movement at all, a slender leg was already hanging in front of Yi Chen's body,

  When the soles of the feet wrapped in the black silk screen landed on the! Ribs are broken.

  Yi Chen flew out in a spiral, hitting the side wall heavily, and the whole office was shocked.

   The woman who completed the super-fast kick still maintained a side kick position with one hand on the edge of the table and her body parallel to the ground.

   Slowly and evenly retracting his long legs, he fell gracefully in front of his desk.

   Currently, he is looking at the young man who was kicked into the corner and may have fainted.

   Who knows.

  Yi Chen patted his chest directly, stood up unconcernedly, and kept a smile at the same time... He didn't care about the rib that was kicked to pieces, even a little cool.

   "In just half a year, your physique has changed. Are you crazier than that lunatic Zed?"

   (end of this chapter)

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