The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 518: blueprint for the future

Wang turned his head to look at the holy flame, and said in a lively tone. amiable

"We are growing rapidly now. The number of new students in Kingworth College has exceeded 60,000 this year. After the Holy Grail of Fire injects new fire, the number of new students expected to exceed 100,000 next year may exceed 100,000. If this continues, our total battle personnel, will soon exceed one million, and high-level combatants will also exceed ten thousand.”

"The power of the Holy Flame also speeds up the cultivation speed of existing combatants. According to the statistics of the Holy Church, the average promotion speed of low-level combatants is 80% faster than before, that of middle-level combatants is 60% faster, and that of high-level combatants There is also a 20% to 30% speedup.”

"This is still in the case of insufficient resources. If we can provide enough resources, this speed will increase significantly."

From the king's words, Rhodes felt a feeling that the sun was rising.

The battle of Starry Sky City is indeed the key to the transshipment of human beings.

"But it's not enough."

Wang continued. amiable

"To break the shackles and continue to grow, Trorian needs stronger strength."

"We have agreed to the request of the high priest Megan. Kalil's hidden troops will continue to expand. The unawakened and the black spirit bearers will fight for Trorian as hidden fighters. Brittany Anne of Asia will be trained as a special combatant."

"The forbidden armed forces under the Silver Pledge will also expand. Transforming monsters will not work, but the white spirit bearers are stable and powerful. They will fight for Trorian as forbidden ones. Among them, the golden flash The Valkyrie will be used as a key training personnel.”

Wang paused for a moment, and his eyes fell on Rhodes' face.

"The strength of warriors has always been our core, but weapons and equipment made with advanced psionic technology can also exert effects."

"Great scholar Amides, great scholar Ward, and Mina and many other scholars have developed the No. 59 construct, the Battle Golem, which has formed a powerful combat force. They also discovered in Starry Sky City The new construction structure and psionic circuit, it is foreseeable that they will be put into official battles in the near future.”

"University scholar O'Brien of the Engineering Research Institute found an ancient psionic technology in Starry Sky City and successfully deciphered it. It can create powerful and low-consumption psionic cannons. It will be mass-produced soon, and it will eliminate the old cannons that consume a lot of energy and are unstable."

"Not only that, we also have hundreds of psionic technologies under research, and countless scholars and researchers are working hard. They may not provide us with positive combat power, but they will greatly improve the efficiency of all aspects of the royal city."

"There are still a lot of unknown knowledge and technologies left in the Starry Sky City. The Wangcheng Society is cooperating with the Engineering Research Institute to crack them. It is conceivable that after we digest these technologies in the future, Trorian's civilization will rise to a higher level."

Rhodes said with a smile: "Knowledge is power."

Wang nodded slightly, his eyes full of approval.

"As expected of you, Little Rhodes, you can always say such philosophical words. This sentence is absolutely true, knowledge is power."

Horus went on to say: "It is not only power, but also the future. If we can gain insight into the world, we will definitely be able to eliminate the black mist."

"Yes." Ah

Wang nodded slightly.

"This is what I call psionic technology. Its development will bring us unimaginable changes. Many scholars believe that this path is the real future. The power of an individual is always limited, and flesh and blood cannot match it." Iron Starstone."

Rhodes scratched his head and didn't speak.

Even with his knowledge, he couldn't tell which of these two paths was more likely to save mankind.

When the future is unknown, walking on two legs is the best.

"at last."

Wang said seriously. amiable

"It is the problem of resources, which is also the most serious problem that plagues us."

"Although our total resource output has doubled compared to before,

But now the gap is even bigger, and the problem of resource shortage has been greatly exacerbated. "

"First of all, there is the problem of the potions provided to the combatants. Due to the substantial increase in the number of fire-holders and the dramatic increase in their cultivation speed, there is a serious shortage of various potions, and there is a serious shortage of spirit grass and spirit flowers planted in the botanical garden. Your "Star Source" "It's even harder to find a drop. "

"Although the life priests are doing their best to expand production, it is a pity that spirit grass and spirit flowers can only grow in places with extremely strong breath of life. Only the old holy white tree meets the requirements, but we even have its nourishment..."

Horus hurriedly said: "King, the problem of nourishing the Holy White Tree has been solved. Rhodes has taken out a lot of soul residue... enough for the Holy White Tree to use for more than two weeks."

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Little Rhodes, why do you have so many soul residues?"

Horus answered first: "He picked it up in Starry Sky City."

Rhodes laughed dryly: "Yes, I picked up a lot, so don't worry about the nutrition of the Holy White Tree."

Wang said happily: "That would be great. If the quantity is enough, it can also provide a few small holy white trees, and we can plant more spiritual grass and spiritual flowers."

Rhodes smiled all of a sudden, and he saw divinity emerging on Star Square again.

Not much, but nothing beats waste utilization.

"no problem."

Rhodes readily agreed.

"In fact, I have a lot of soul residues. The monsters I kill often have their souls burst, leaving behind a lot of residues." Ai

Horus frowned, but the king didn't care about his inconsistent statements, and said with a smile: "Little Rhodes, look, you lit another lamp called hope for Trorian."

Rhodes said with a smile: "This is not due to me alone. A kingdom cannot be supported by only one or two people. The rise and strength of Trorian depends on each of us."

Horus and Wang looked at each other, and they both saw relief in each other's eyes.

Wang coughed and continued, "Due to the rekindling of the holy fire, we need to keep adding fire to increase the intensity. We are now extremely short of phlogiston and firewood."

"The phlogiston of the sacred fire must be made of high-quality sun stones, and the fuel for the fire needs sun stones, sun crystals, powerful soul crystals and ashes. A large amount of consumption has led to a shortage of ritual materials."

"Not only that, due to the large-scale production of weapons, golems, constructs, new-style psionic cannons, and the research of psionic technology, materials such as psionic crystal raw ore, moonstone, brilliance stone, star ruby, and star marrow have also begun to be produced. There is scarcity."

"The activity of the Forbidden Armed Forces and Kalil's Secret Forces has further exacerbated this situation." Ai

"It can be said that the problem of resources is imminent."

Rhode's face became a little gloomy, and he asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Wang smiled and said: "Little Rhodes, don't be too anxious. The first thing we need to do is to complete the prophecy of the source. Only when the future crisis is confirmed, can we let go of our development."

Horus echoed: "Moreover, we can find a lot of useful resources in the ancient city of Sagus. It is very, very remote, so it escaped the cleanup of humans during the Age of Fire, and it is one of the few well-preserved **** cities. one."

Wang said again: "The Dreadfort is equally important. The significance of the star source to high-level combatants is immeasurable. If you want to improve your high-level combat power in a short period of time, you can only rely on it."

"Finding the other three Fire King Cities is our longest task."

"The significance of finding them is immeasurable. If they really survived from the dark age to the present, there must be a lot of experiences to communicate with us." Ai

Rhodes hurriedly said, "My lord, I want to participate in all three things."

Wang laughed and said: "Little Rhodes, I'm telling you this just because you are the one who hides the fire and the son of the fire. You have the power and must know. As for the person who completes them, I don't need you. You can stay in Starry Sky City with peace of mind. Gathering the stars is your most important job."

Rhode's heart sank all of a sudden, Starry Sky City's

The cleanup is coming to an end, most of the threatening monsters have been killed, and the rest is the excavation and utilization of the ruins.

This has already reached the home field of Professor Binns, historian Barrett, and university scholar Amides. Rhodes has nothing to do. He just stays in the holy fire sacrificial field of Starry Sky City and stares at the Wanxing instrument all day long.

Ordinary monsters naturally have warriors to kill them, and they don't need him to do it.

It can be said that he has eaten most of the divinity of Starry Sky City.

Apart from Xingyuan's 8 points, there is nothing else. amiable


Rhodes tried to find an excuse not to stay in Starry Sky City.

"I can actually advance many days of spirituality..."

Wang refused.

"It's not good for young people to do too much at one time, it will hurt your health."

Rhodes scratched his head, not knowing how to show that he was in good health, seven times a night.

Horus patted Rhodes on the shoulder. amiable

"Little Rhodes, I know you are very impatient, but you don't need to worry. You will have countless opportunities to fight for Trorian in the future. Although you did not participate in these three tasks, you can participate in more in the future." important."

Rhodes was dissatisfied, "For example?"

Horus replied: "For example, join the team that destroys the temple and challenge the important mission of the Lord of Light. You may be able to lead the team to complete it. Therefore, you should take advantage of this time to grow up quickly. I can feel it. You are far from reaching your limit, and with the Seat of Ashes, there is no doubt about your growth."

"And around Trorian, the Night King of the Demon Forest, the Demon of the Old Abyss, the Mortuary, the Immortal, the Trembling, the Swamp of Despair, the Dragon's Tomb, and the Giant's Tower, all restrict us The shackles of development, we will break them one by one."

"Little Rhodes, you have countless opportunities to fight for Trorian, not just now."

Hearing Horus' words, Rhodes' heart calmed down a little.

Wang smiled and said: "The real threat to us is the king-level monsters. They wander in the deep darkness. Once they invade Trorian's territory, they will bring us serious disasters."

"So, we have always fought them outside of Trorian. If the combat power allows, we will destroy them. If not, we will only prevent them from approaching. The powerful forces check and balance each other. This is how we have existed until now. Foundation."

"This is also the real job of the Son of Fire, to protect Trorian from being invaded by king-level monsters."

"And our final blueprint is to reach the Great Dragon Wall in the distance, expand the territory three times, and collect more mineral resources."

"Little Rhodes, you will have many opportunities to perform in the future, but now, your main job is to gather the stars, and your main task is to control everything in Trorian, and adapt to the identity and responsibilities of the Hidden Flame and the Son of Fire."

Rhodes did not refute, Wang's words are correct, this is indeed the most reasonable choice.

If one day, he can really control the situation in Trorian, then the burden on his shoulders will be extremely heavy.

If he doesn't have this ability, it will not only bring him a serious disaster. amiable

After that, Rhodes met the leaders of various important ministries or institutions in Trorian in the holy fire sacrificial field, and he revealed his identity as the Son of Fire.

But Hidden Flame is not made public, it is a secret duty, unknown to all but a few.

During the meeting, Rhodes learned more about the structure and operation of Trorian, and finally understood how such a huge royal city works.

The leaders of many Wangcheng organizations were also very excited to see Rhodes.

Master Bald, the person in charge of the Engineering Research Institute, took Rhodes' hand and was unwilling to let go. He kept introducing him to the novel projects in the Institute, and praised the new knowledge system established by him for finding a new path for them.

Now, scholars are scrambling to invest in this system, constantly developing and inventing new things one after another.

The representative sent by the Kingworth Society turned out to be

Mina, she praised Rhode fiercely as soon as she met, saying that they found a new structure in Starry Sky City, and her No. 59 construct was about to evolve into No. 60. amiable

In the future, she plans to build a floating battleship, and firmly believes that this road is the way to save mankind. UU reading

Representatives of the Internal Affairs Tribunal, the Tribunal, and the White Tower also praised him.

The bald-headed Liszt, the head of the investigating legion, had some slight words for him at first, but during the conversation, Rhodes clearly told him that the castle of the Spirit-eating King had collapsed, and the Spirit-eating King had disappeared, so he could cross there with confidence.

Liszt's attitude changed dramatically all of a sudden, no matter what he said, it was like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

The representatives of Taboo Armed Forces and Kalil are hard to describe.

Finally, after tossing for a long time, Rhodes finally returned to Starry Sky City.

But within a few days, he received another order from the king. amiable

— Return to Wangcheng.

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