“Stinky boy, let you see now the iron fist education of true love!”

Karp suddenly disappeared in mid-air, stepping on the moon step, moving around Clark at a very high speed.

As a legendary hero of the Navy, I am afraid that except for Roger, the Pirate King who has fought with him many times before, and other sea pirates and his comrades Warring States, few people can know how powerful this old man who has served in the Navy for four or five years is.

Karp was able to break through the sound barrier with the strength of his body at this moment, and the extremely terrifying sound wave came to his side before it reached Clark’s ears.

The stomach suffered a heavy blow, Clark’s body arched, and then his arm was tightly clamped by a pair of iron hands like steel, and the whole person was violently flown out in the air.

Then, in the process of flying upside down, the back suffered another heavy blow, and the whole person hit the sea like a cannonball, splashing a large pool of water.

“How stinky boy, do you dare to underestimate the old man?”

Caphaha laughed, standing in mid-air, seeing the sea, Clark slowly emerged and wiped the moisture from his face.

“Not good, old man Karp, your speed is actually faster than the sound barrier, which is indeed beyond my expectations, so, against you, I will start the second stage.”

Clark slowly rose into the air, and the big red cloak behind him was wet and sticking to his back, making him a little uncomfortable.

“Before, I always used my ears to catch the movements of others, and just by listening to the sound, I could distinguish the routes and trajectories of all the enemy’s attacks.

However, since I can’t catch your voice before your attack arrives, I can only use my eyes for the rest of my life. ”

Clark flew to the same height as Karp who stepped on the moon, and despite several heavy iron fist attacks, there was still no scar on his body.

Karp also felt that his fist was like a complete hit on hard steel, and it was difficult to cause damage to this guy.

“You mean, you didn’t use your eyes at all before, just your ears?”

Clark nodded gently, Superman’s senses were not known how many times more sensitive than ordinary people.

If he can’t close his senses and just concentrate on receiving the information he wants, the countless noises he hears from all directions, the sight he sees, the smell of his nose, these countless information, will make him feel a very headache.

The Kryptonian troops who have just come to Earth need to use the equipment of the Kryptonians and block these things in order to be able to fight normally, otherwise countless information pours into the brain, which will make a Kryptonian instantly lose its combat effectiveness.

Karp looked at Clark a little unexpectedly, I didn’t expect that this guy actually kept such a hand, but even if you look with your eyes, the old man can still beat you with the iron fist of love!

“Hmph, anyone can brag about leather, let the old man come to see if you are as powerful as you say!”

Karp suddenly disappeared in front of Clark with a swoosh, and the next moment, appeared above Clark, raised his huge fist, and slammed towards Clark’s head.

Suddenly, Clark suddenly opened his eyes, and the world instantly fell silent, and the warship floating on the sea stopped swinging, and stopped strangely in the shaking position along with the waves on the sea.

The Karp fist in front of him is full of terrifying black armed color domineering, which is such a thing, so that Karp will not have enough defensive ability when he fights Clark.

But at this moment, his resolute face has been staying in front of Clark, his fists are clenched tightly, and every swirling green tendon can be easily seen by Clark.

Even the clouds that had been floating in the sky and the wind gently blowing across the sea were completely still.

In this world, everything became so quiet and slow, only Clark was alone, slowly circling Karp’s body and gently flying to his side.

Then, gently stretching out his foot, he placed it in front of Karp.

Then, time flew by, and Karp, who was about to punch Clark in front of him, was surprised to find that in just a moment’s effort, the person in front of him had disappeared.

Then, under his feet, who was still flying, he was suddenly stumbled and screamed, and the whole person rolled forward and fell into the sea.

“Stinky boy, what the hell is going on with you, is that teleportation?”

Karp, who jerked his head out of the sea, shouted out at Clark who was flying in the sky, and Clark suddenly smiled at Karp, which made Karp have a very bad feeling.

In the next instant, his eyes suddenly went black, and he couldn’t see anything.

Karp’s big hand grabbed his head hard, his heart tightened, and he was half cold.

This, isn’t this his dog’s head hat, it is something that he put in his lounge on the warship, how could it suddenly appear on his head.

Moreover, a series of Clark’s name signatures were streamed on it!

This guy, just in a moment under his nose, took something in his room and signed his name, such a speed, it is really a little scary!

Karp swallowed deeply, and suddenly let out a long sigh of relief

“It’s really the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave, this junior is really amazing, one day, the whole world will be shocked by his strength.”

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