“Do you know, General Sakaski, the red dog, it seems that he has been running after a sergeant!”

“You are wrong, I listened to my aunt’s third aunt’s little niece, you all don’t know, in fact, General Sakaski, the red dog, he doesn’t like women!”

A group of Navy soldiers looked at Clark, who was chased around by red dogs in the headquarters, and sympathy flashed in their eyes.

“Hey, this news is really exciting, no wonder General Sakaski is already this age and has not yet married!”

One by one, the naval soldiers gasped, and their eyes lit up as they passed this gossip to each other.

In the headquarters of the Navy, in addition to training and training all day long, only the following superiors to the sea to eliminate pirates remained, and their lives were actually quite boring.

Now that there is such a gossip that can adjust life, of course, choose to spread it quickly!

Without Sakaski, the red dog, the story of him and Clark was already spreading rapidly within the headquarters of the Navy at a terrifying speed.

And Sakaski is still trying to catch up with Clark, but Clark is a little impatient, this pervert has been entangled with himself!

“Stop, stop, you give me a stop, you keep chasing me, endlessly, right?”

Sakaski saw Clark take the initiative to stop, squinted and stood in place, looking at Clark in front of him, this guy had just been able to maintain high-speed movement for so long under his all-host mechanism, and he had been keeping an almost constant distance from himself.

This guy is not simple!

Although Sakaski had been kept at such a distance by Clark’s near play, he was not too angry.

He was very angry today when he saw Clark, who had returned to the Navy headquarters with Karp, actually let the headquarters make such a huge joke.

In Sakaski’s heart, justice is sacred, absolute, and there is no room for blasphemy.

And the most important center of the navy representing justice in this world, the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, should also be a place full of solemn and solemn atmosphere!

And Clark, the party who made the whole Marin Fandor boil, only to find out that it was a farce, also entered Sakaski’s sight.

He doesn’t care if you are the one promoted by Vice Admiral Karp or not, and the matter of damaging the face of the navy, Sakaski will never allow it.

However, after seeing Clark’s strange speed that can keep a certain distance from himself, Sakaski has a new idea.

In his opinion, Clark, who was discovered by Karp, does have good potential.

If such a person can use it for himself and recognize his own justice, then the strength of his subordinates can rise a lot!

Don’t look at the Navy’s self-proclaimed righteous organization, but where there are people, there will be fights.

Within the navy, there are now three distinct factions based on three generals.

One is to follow Sakaski’s staunch martial arts faction to eradicate all pirates.

The two outside Clark have not come into contact with the two generals now, and they don’t know what their personalities are.

“Are you willing to be like me and become a righteous navy!”

Sakaski stopped twenty meters from Clark and extended his hand to Clark, inviting him very sincerely.

Clark plucked his ears and looked at the guy in front of him boredly, he thought that this man in red was really a gay, it turned out to be trying to recruit himself.

Shouldn’t they value their great power like those organizations on Earth, and want to turn themselves into their subordinates?

“I’m not interested, I’m already a navy, and I’m Clark, and I’ll only be Clark, and I’m not going to be like everyone else.” If it’s okay, I hope you don’t appear in front of me in the future, bye. ”

Clark turned and left, and suddenly, a burning breath gushed out behind him, feeling the terrifying heat that made people sweat, Clark directly brushed his red cloak.

A large flame hit Clark’s cloak, Clark flicked his red cloak again, and a large ball of Mars was dusted to the ground by him.

“I said, I didn’t provoke you!”

Clark turned around, his eyes reddened and looked at Sakaski behind him, this guy’s one hand had turned into magma, it was obvious that the flame that attacked him just now was done by Sakaski!

“I want to see what is so remarkable about the person who is favored by Lieutenant General Karp… Burst! ”

Before he finished speaking, two red rays erupted from Clark’s eyes.

The scorching rays are two red lasers emitted from Clark’s eyes, with heat of up to 6,000 degrees and a powerful impact ability.

If you are facing a strong enemy, the high temperature is only used to assist the impact force to cause damage to the enemy, but in the face of ordinary enemies, the intense temperature of the light shot at them alone makes them unbearable.

“Aaaaah! So hot! ”

Sakaski’s body was instantly pierced by a ray with a huge impact, but the part that was pierced turned into fiery red scalding magma, which seemed to have no effect.

However, the high temperature attached to the scorching rays made him a little unbearable.

The temperature that his magma can emit is only about one thousand to two thousand degrees, and the scorching rays emitted from Clark’s eyes already have six thousand degrees Celsius comparable to the surface of the sun!

Sakaski, the red dog who never thought that he would be burned by high temperature and flames, only felt that his magma body was actually slowly vaporizing under the terrifying temperature!

His elemental body was being burned by this terrifying high temperature!

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