Knock knock extremely fast knock sound continued to ring throughout the Navy headquarters.

The ground was shaking, and everyone was trembling. The island of Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the navy, has never been shaken so violently!

This sudden sound of a huge earthquake like a natural disaster was really fatal.

All the buildings were shaking their bodies desperately in this violent tremor, and huge cracks appeared on the bodies of every huge building.

The building of the tallest naval headquarters on the island, which symbolizes the justice of the navy and has always been the symbol of the navy, is trembling violently, and the terrifying cracks are spreading little by little.

“Earthquake, earthquake!”

And behind the naval headquarters of Marin Fandor, the families of the many naval officers who lived one by one ran out of the house in horror, gathered in a wide place, and shivered as they watched the thrilling cracks appear above the house.

Even the sea near Marin Fandor boiled with it, and countless seawater was shaking, swinging higher and higher, as if it was about to form a huge wave rising into the sky, and slammed fiercely on the ships docked in the harbor again and again.

“Stop, Clark, stop, Clark, I’ve seen it!”

Hearing the terrifying shouts that kept coming from outside, Karp and the officers at the center of the shock were even more shocked, and they had been facing this panicking scene.

The ground beneath Clark’s feet had sunken deeply, and the surrounding ground had also sunk down a lot, and one by one shocking cracks were emanating outwards.

One Navy officer did not dare to breathe, until Clark was stopped by Karp, and he gently breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as this breath relaxed, a rumbling sound sounded in the ground under his feet.

Poof, poof!

The naval officer, along with several companions around him, plunged deep into the huge crater that suddenly appeared under his feet.

A large collapse appeared on the ground, and the vulnerable floor, which had been destroyed by the violent shaking, had long been overwhelmed.

When the naval officer breathed a sigh of relief and did not adjust his balance, the land near Clark once again collapsed in a large area.

With a loud bang, the floor around Clark sank down a large area, and a group of naval officers were caught off guard, and all fell down and fell into the pit.

Karp looked at Clark standing in the deep pit with some trepidation, the ground under his feet had turned into a pool of fiery red lava, and the hot temperature was spreading outward wantonly.

“It’s terrible, stinky boy, you’re in trouble again!”

Karp pointed at Clark while cursing, while looking at Clark who stood unharmed in the fiery red hot liquid, his legs did not change, and his face did not even wrinkle his eyebrows.

Such a body is simply like a god.

It was lava that even steel could easily melt, but it could not cause the slightest damage to Clark’s body and the armor on his body, which made Karp have to be shocked.

Even if he faces Sakaski’s lava fist, he needs to use armed color domineering energy to wrap his body in order to isolate the heat of Sakaski’s fist and protect his body.

But Clark is not armed with domineering at all, he is completely relying on the strength of the flesh to resist the heat of the lava.

Karp even had a deep question in his heart, such a god-like body, if angry, who else can stop this man?

Do you still need to teach Clark the Navy Six style, he doesn’t seem to need it, and if he understands the armed color domineering, Karp can hardly imagine that there is anything else in this world that can break Clark’s defenses.

Clark lifted his foot and walked out of the lava sludge that had gradually cooled down and solidified.

He blew lightly on his feet, and a large breath of white cold air gushed out, freezing all the mud on his feet.

Then, Clark pulled out hard with a hard force, and the ice shattered, but all the mud on his feet was cleaned up.

“Old man Karp, I’ll just say that shaving is useless to me, you kick your feet in place dozens or even dozens of times, and let yourself have a huge explosive speed.

But for me, there was only one consequence of doing so, and that was that the ground was completely trampled by me. ”

Karp looked at the place where Clark had just stood, which had been reduced to ruins.

The most important thing is that this entire training base has become devastated in a huge earthquake, and it will collapse almost at any time.

Looking at the crumbling training base, Karp only felt a headache, how could he not believe the words of Clark Kid, this is good, this huge training base alone has basically been scrapped.

Coupled with the screams that came from outside just now, it was not difficult for Karp to imagine what a terrible situation happened to the entire island under the violent shaking just now.

“This is not good, let’s quickly find a ship to run out on a mission, and then come back when the Warring States are deflated!”

Karp himself came up with a bad idea, and he heard the angry and corrupted shouts of the Warring States from behind

“Okay, Karp, I’m still wondering who can make such a huge movement, and it really can’t escape from you!”

Karp was sweating profusely, turned around and saw the Warring States getting closer and closer, and raised his legs as if running away.

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