The melancholic poor Superman Clark, deeply troubled by the problem of his girlfriend, has been doing nothing on Karp’s warship.

“Clark, think about it, men should aim in all directions, should not only focus on the love of children, have you seen this vast sea?”

“Vast, don’t you think.”

Karp, who originally wanted to try to persuade Clark to pursue his ambitions in another direction, was choked after saying two words.

“What, you don’t feel vast in the face of such a wide sea?”

“Ah, it feels like it only takes one breath to fly around the planet several times.”

Although Karp didn’t understand what Clark meant, he still thought he was so good.

“Blah blah! Who are you deceiving you, the old man has seen many people in his life, and he has only seen one person reach the end of the world, and has spent countless years of hard work, struggle, and fighting! ”

Clark glanced at Karp excitedly, isn’t flying around the earth several times in a breath of time standard equipment for Superman?

He remembered that when he raced with a strange kid named The Flash he had seen before, he almost broke the speed of light and directly let time travel against the current.

He is not bragging, unless the equator of this planet is several times larger than that of Earth, otherwise, he can now achieve the speed of light after accelerating with full force.

“Hey, forget it, you don’t understand what I told you, you just need to know that on this sea, there are countless people who are fighting for fame, wealth and power.

It would be a waste of your talent for you to have such an ability and only focus all your eyes on your children’s love. ”

Karp looked embarrassed, and then pointed to himself

“Look at me, because of the struggle, so now I am an honorable vice admiral, these are my subordinates, how is it, do you feel very powerful, are you interested in becoming a navy?”

Clark pulled his eyelids, lacking interest

“I’m not interested, I just want to find a girlfriend now, I’m the last Kryptonian, I don’t want to die before I haven’t been in a relationship!”

Hearing Clark talk about such a heavy topic, Karp thought that the Kryptonians he was talking about were a hidden family hiding somewhere, but they encountered population problems and only had the last heir left.

Karp gritted his teeth, looking at Clark’s strong appearance, the strange family of Kryptonians must also be very powerful, if such a family can be won into the navy, it may also become a backbone of the navy in the future.

I can’t bear to let the child set and not look for a wolf! Karp made up his mind in his heart.

“Well, Clark, I can introduce you to a lot of great girls, and you can pursue them yourself!

However, you must promise me to join my naval forces, how! ”

Clark’s eyes instantly bloomed with hope, and for a moment, Karp didn’t see Clark’s movements clearly at all, and was hugged tightly by Clark with a bear hug.

“Old man Karp, you are such a good man!”


After finally breaking free from Clark’s bear embrace, Karp glanced at Clark’s current appearance and gasped heavily.

“I warn you in advance, Clark boy, you can’t be so excited in the future

Moreover, the girl I introduced to you, you must be gentle, treat her well, be careful, absolutely not be able to use so hard, got it! ”

Karp helped himself to the old waist that was almost broken by Clark, who was excitedly unable to control himself, and a trace of guilt flashed in his heart.

Karp rubbed his waist and made a series of clicking sounds, only then corrected his almost misplaced bones.

“Well, since you have now agreed to join the Navy, you are also a Navy soldier under me, let’s go change into Navy clothes first.”

“No, I refuse, these clothes are too ugly to reflect my figure at all.

I’ll tell you Old Man Karp, the girl you introduced to me will easily fall when she sees my perfect body! ”

Clark waved a few sexy POSEs, and then triumphantly crossed his hands on his waist, Karp looked at Clark’s red panties worn on the outside of his body, and suddenly regretted recruiting this guy into the Navy.

This kind of navy wants to make the image of the navy in front of the whole world become embarrassing!

Karp really wanted to pull off the red panties that this guy was wearing backwards and put them on his head to let him know how perverted these panties were on the outside.

“I think you’d better wear this thing under your pants, okay! Don’t you think it’s too perverted to do this! ”

In the face of Karp’s roar, Clark’s eyes instantly became sad again.

“It was 10 years ago today, and when I first saw the last legacy left to me by my biological parents, it was this one of the clothes that was tailor-made for me.”

Clark’s voice had a hint of sadness, and the melancholy look made the surrounding naval soldiers can’t help but sympathize with him.

It turns out that this is the last thing left by people’s parents, so even if you wear red underwear outside, it may just be remembering your family.

Thinking about it this way, these red panties don’t look changing at all, but are full of slow love.

“No, you believe me, that’s definitely just a pervert!”

Karp pointed to Clark’s huge red panties on his lower body and roared as he threw a crisp white navy uniform at him.

“Go change my clothes!”

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