Before the yellow ape came to the Chambord Islands, through the intelligence of the navy, he had basically determined this place, and there was a man who made the navy extremely fearful.

The deputy captain of the pirate regiment of the former One Piece King Roger, Hades Rayleigh, and Karp’s order to the navy at that time was to hide his soldiers as much as possible and not to report to Marshal Sengoku.

Because if the navy were to face two legends at the same time, it would make the entire headquarters feel heavy.

And Clark, now obviously put by the yellow ape on the same level as the former Hades Renly, and now the strongest man in the sea, Whitebeard.

They are all legendary men that the Navy needs to face seriously, and although Clark is less famous than Whitebeard, this is precisely what Clark is more afraid of.

Clark will make people who do not know the truth lose their vigilance against him!

“Yellow ape, why can this kind of place still exist, you tell me!”

Clark, who grew up on Earth and embraced Earth’s values, simply could not stand the existence of such a blatant slave trade on an island.

This is a perverted and deformed industry, a place without humanity, a place that Clark, who still has the brilliance of humanity, cannot accept.

He is going to destroy this place, by the way, with the destruction of this place, to tell the world, Clark’s arrival.

The recovery and re-emergence of the Kryptonians, relying on him alone, is too slow.

He needs more subordinates, a vast territory, and more doctors like Vegapunk to fill his team.

In this world, the world government will definitely not allow itself to have such a huge force, and the power under its command will definitely make the whole world turbulent because of the advanced Kryptonian technology and the super combat power of the Kryptonians.

The world government will not allow itself to have a force capable of subverting the entire world, this is the conclusion Clark reached in the navy through contact with Vegapunk.

Like Vegapunk, who has provided the Navy with countless terrifying advanced technologies, as well as a series of human weapons beyond human common sense, and many genius doctors who have made the Navy ahead of the pirates’ technological inventions, aren’t they also like a treasure and a prisoner, who have been locked up in the Navy and strictly guarded?

Because Vegapunk has a brain that can make the navy much stronger, and this advantage is likely to change due to the change in the power of Vegapunk.

There is only one point of thinking about the leaders of the world government, too powerful a force, it must be all in their hands, otherwise, then destroy it!

The yellow ape gritted his teeth and desperately resisted Clark, who was becoming more and more powerful from his body.

The invisible majesty and momentum were like substance, oppressing every nerve of the yellow ape, making him feel that he was about to be unable to hold on and lying on the ground.

This is not the aura produced by some overlord-colored domineering, but just the shocking energy emitted by Clark when he is simply about to open his firepower.

Clark, who is now able to enter the surface of the sun to absorb solar radiation energy significantly, has fully exploited every cell in his body.

Although it has not yet reached the level of being able to enter the center of the sun, the energy in Clark’s body is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Every cell in Clark’s body is now escaping the energy stored in the cells, and the huge energy makes the surrounding air quickly distort.

The sweat on the yellow ape’s face became more and more, he had never felt such a hot temperature, even the red dog Sakaski, who was also a senior admiral, could not make him sweat like this now.

“Yellow Ape, you can’t stop me!”

After the yellow ape heard Clark’s voice, an extremely bad premonition arose in his heart, and Clark directly locked the position of the yellow ape with his senses, directly driving the twisted air around him, and rushed towards the yellow ape.

The yellow ape wanted to dodge, his body turned into a flash of light and wanted to shoot out to the rear, but he was surprised to find that the light after the elemental transformation of his body hit the ground crookedly.

And Clark had already chased after him, pressing a palm on the head of the unknown yellow ape and moving down hard.


Every place in the Chambord Islands seemed to hear a heavy crashing sound, which made the pirates feel a little numb in their scalps.

The yellow ape’s head was buried under the ruins of the shattered ground, and blood flowed from his head.

He pushed away the masonry on his body, jumped sharply, got out of the ruins, panted and wiped the blood from his head, and looked at Clark in front of him in disbelief.

“What the hell have you done, why is my ability invalid!”

The yellow ape was only now really beginning to feel afraid, and he didn’t understand why after he turned into a flash, the direction of the flash would shift, causing him to bump headlong in a crooked direction.

Clark looked at the yellow ape with a embarrassed appearance without care, as if everything that happened was already in mind, and he slowly took out a phone bug from his arms.

“Vegapunk, block the entire Chambordi Islands, don’t let a pirate run out of this island, today, we have to do something big!”

“What, you actually premeditated with Vegapunk!”

The yellow ape was even more surprised, if there had been some conspiracy between this man and Vegapunk, then he took Vegapunk to take the initiative to leave the naval headquarters under heavy protection today, wouldn’t it be equivalent to giving Vegapunk to Clark himself!

More sweat came out of the yellow ape’s forehead, and if he really let Vegapunk leave the navy’s surveillance and let him follow Clark, it would be much more serious than anything!

The yellow ape has seen with his own eyes that Clark has terrifying technology beyond the imagination of the world government, and with Dr. Vegapunk’s words, it is likely that those things will become reality!

The whole world will be turned upside down!

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