Although Hancock couldn’t understand what Clark was saying, when he saw his serious speech, he always felt that he was getting more and more angry, as if he had lost something important just now.

How did she know that Clark’s speed was so fast, dynamic vision capture, so powerful, and he could see a lot of places that others couldn’t.

“Fragrant feet!”

Hancock raised his leg and kicked Clark’s head, trying to petrify Clark’s head directly.

Clark leaned back and dangerously let the white jade leg kick past him.

The power on these legs is not particularly strong, but it has a strange fruit ability, which can make the place where it hits be directly petrified.

Clark didn’t dare to gamble with his body whether he could withstand such an attack with an armed domineering defense.

Fortunately, Clark’s speed far surpassed Hancock’s, and he was able to easily dodge her attacks.

Several jumps in a row, away from Han Cook, who was angry and used his fragrant kicks in succession.

Clark slipped out again from under the cabin and returned to the deck above.

Hancock snorted coldly, and jumped up, and saw Clark’s side 440, all his subordinates, including his two sisters, all fell on the deck.

This guy, in just one moment, cleaned up all the fighters of the Nine Snakes Pirates except her!

The hateful face that made her feel mocking, seemed to be silently mocking herself, and Hancock suddenly regretted it a little.

She suddenly felt that she had provoked such a terrifying guy so willfully, and had begun to bring terrible disasters to herself, to her pirate group, and to her country.

But, soon, she came to her senses again.

Who is she! She is unique in heaven and earth, the world’s number one nobody, Boyahan Cook, Pirate Emperor, no matter what she does, she can be forgiven by the whole world!

“I’m sorry Hancock, you attacked me first, so according to the rules of pirates, the king is defeated, if you lose, your pirate group, your Amazon Lily Country, all belong to me!”

Clark grinned, and the terrifying speed caused him to come behind Boyahan Cook like a shapeshift phantom, knocking her unconscious with a hand knife.

Hancock’s limp body fell forward, and Clark caught her body, only feeling a soft and silky patch at the beginning (agfe).

Clark put his arms around her waist and led her quickly back to his boat.

A group of pirates around who turned into pig brothers when they saw the female emperor, one by one, drooled, looking at the female emperor in Clark’s hand, sleeping quietly, exuding a different kind of seductive power.

Clark snorted coldly and woke them up,

“You guys go over there and that mole catches. I’ll have something for him to do later. ”

After speaking, Clark carried the female emperor to the laboratory of Shippunk on the ship.

“Doctor, inject the Starman gene control sequence into her body, and we will control our first base!”

Vegapunk is also excited, and has seen a bright future created by his own hands, which is about to appear in front of him.

“Yes, Chief, I promise that when she wakes up, she will obey your orders under the control of Yin!”

Clark nodded, not doubting Vegapunk’s loyalty and ability to do things, and walked outside.

With such a short effort, on the naval warship outside, it was already a lively fight.

Facing the siege of a group of supernova pirates, although Lieutenant General Mole is brave, he is still invincible.

was taken by Clark to this windless zone where birds don’t, and their hearts are full of resentful supernovas, and they shoot with grudges.

Although each person looks at it individually, it is difficult to deal with a powerful lieutenant general like the mole, who is experienced and has extremely experienced combat skills.

However, he couldn’t stand the siege of a group of people with all kinds of strange Devil Fruit abilities.

Just as the mole struggled to maintain his defenses under the attack of the storm, he was accidentally hit.

Bonnie instantly returned him to his childhood when he had little fighting power.

Looking at the yin who was succeeded by herself, she became a child mole, and Bonnie let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, not everyone is a pervert like Clark, and his fruit ability can’t fully play a role in it, and Clark almost broke out and directly destroyed the entire Chambord Islands.

Fortunately, it wasn’t a matter of her ability getting out of control.

Turned into a child’s mole, unable to resist, they were brought back to Clark’s ship by the supernova from the soon-to-be-sinking naval warship.

At this time, Clark also walked out, looked in a good mood, and said hello to the mole with a smile.

“Lieutenant General Mole, I don’t know, what did you come here to find Hancock.”

“Hmph, you this, rebel admiral of the navy, I won’t tell you!”

At this time, the mole, milky to Clark replied, hearing the mole’s not polite words, Clark was not angry at all, who would be angry with a little fart now.

“Actually, I don’t need you to say that I also know, Vice Admiral Mole, the Navy is going to war with Whitebeard, I’m afraid that the Navy headquarters is afraid that it will not be able to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, so I want to forcibly gather all the Seven Wuhai to the headquarters.”

Although the mole was turned into a child by Boni’s fruit ability, it still maintained the most basic IQ, knowing that these people in front of him were his enemies, he gritted his teeth and never said a word again.

Clark shrugged helplessly,

“Well, since you didn’t cooperate, I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you that I could replace Hancock by agreeing to your Navy’s mandatory summoning order, and let you go back to report the news, it’s a pity that you are so uncooperative.”

Come, give him a small lifeboat, prepare food for the day, and see if our great vice admiral mole, can successfully leave this place without wind and return to the headquarters of the navy. ”

Urki smiled, and with a strong figure, he directly grabbed a small boat with one hand, threw it into the sea, and then threw the current little mole-rat vice admiral onto the boat.

Subsequently, Clark’s fleet, with all the Hydra pirate ships that had been knocked unconscious, and the things snatched from the sunken naval ships, all left the place.


The little mole-rat, Vice Admiral, let out an unwilling roar, and rowed with difficulty with the oars that had been specially left behind on the boat.

“Chief, what if that guy encounters the Sea King before he transforms back?”

Bonnie looked at Clark standing on the bow of the boat, and the awe of this man in her heart had become deeper and deeper.

“That’s his own bad luck, isn’t it?”

And in Clark’s gaze, now there is only ahead, the Amazon Lily Island, which is getting closer and closer!

Belongs to the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, the daughter of the pirate goddess Boyahan Cook!

However, soon this place will change owners! _

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