The battle between countries may be more humane, but these pirates have no such concept at all.

They burned, killed and looted almost everywhere they went, which had a serious impact on the overall economy of the Tru Kingdom. At the same time, it is unknown how many people have died at the hands of pirates.

Junhe brought the remaining members of the King's Guard to resist the invasion of the pirates one by one, but the manpower of hundreds of people is limited after all.

According to their statistics, there are about 40 pirate groups that have invaded the Tru Kingdom so far, and the number of people is nearly 7,000 to 8,000.

This has caused a serious impact on them, and they are still exhausted from dealing with it.

During the five days of Chang Nuo's return journey, news came from the Royal City almost every two hours, but every time the news was almost infuriating.

Junhe began to arrange people to retreat to the Royal City, and at the same time he had to organize people to resist the pirates and the Kingdom of Roya. The hardship in this was indeed unimaginable.

The Kingdom of Roya began to attack the Kingdom of Tru, just when Chang Nuo and his men arrived in Roge Town. Although it only took five days to return, it was enough to do many things in these five days.

But the good thing was that when they had already attacked the heart of the kingdom, the giant ship of the State had already appeared in the territory of the Kingdom of Tru.

When they appeared at the Nanniwa Port, no one greeted Chang Nuo this time. They only learned through the phone that there were at least 30 pirate groups left in the kingdom. Their whereabouts could not be determined for the time being, but the only thing that was clear was that their purpose was all the palace.

"Pulu pulu pulu..."

Chang Nuo picked up the Den Den Mushi and called Junhe directly. After the other party answered, Chang Nuo asked seriously, "What is the current situation of the Kingdom of Roya?"

"Your Majesty..."

There was a noisy voice from the other side, but from the voice, it can be heard that it was not Junhe, but other guards. They seemed to be more excited.

Den Den Mushi also imitated their expressions, which was particularly exaggerated.

"Your Majesty, we are currently defending the royal city. There are about 3,000 pirates outside. They are currently preparing to attack the royal city. Captain Junhe is currently resisting the attack of the Kingdom of Roya."

Hearing the voice from the other side, Chang Nuo suddenly felt angry. What he had been worried about for the past few days finally happened.

The pirates have actually attacked the royal city, which means that most other places have already fallen. This country has been handed over to him for less than three years. It is really his dereliction of duty that such a situation has occurred.

Chang Nuo's face was cold. He even felt that his good temper had disappeared at this moment. He thought that he could not bear to kill the other party even after he made a mistake. He did not expect that his low profile would cause such a big disaster.

After getting off the boat, Chang Nuo did not wait for anyone and left quickly towards the royal city.

The guards following behind him also rushed towards the royal city.

As for Gogoya, she stayed on the King. After all, the treasures on it now added up to 2 billion Baileys. If she left again, if there were pirates coming, wouldn't there be no way out?

At Chang Nuo's current speed, Nanniwa Port can be reached in just ten minutes from the royal city, and the anger in his heart is beyond description and he can no longer hide it.

He has no intention of letting anyone who has committed crimes in his country go!

As soon as I arrived at the edge of the royal city, I saw that the two sides were in a fierce artillery confrontation. The sound of gunfire was endless. There were indeed thousands of pirates standing under the city, and everyone's face showed an expression as if they were determined to win.

Chang Nuo saw that there were indeed a few devil fruit ability users among the pirates. Although they were not very powerful, they were enough to cause certain damage to his guards.

It has only been three days since the war started, and the whole country has become what it is now. Chang Nuo really can't accept it. After all, they have been trained for so long, but the overall actual combat experience is really too poor.

They have strong strength, but in actual combat experience, these guards seem to be

Just like an ordinary person holding a gun, he had no idea where to shoot.

Looking at the pirates, Chang Nuo's expression instantly became gloomy. The demon sword village at his waist had already felt the anger, and the whole blade began to emit red light. The blade that was about to come out almost formed a tornado.

As Chang Nuo began to slowly step into the battlefield, the guards and people standing on the tower saw this scene and immediately began to roar. Everyone's face was excited. No matter what the reason was, at least his king was the spiritual symbol of the whole country.

Chang Nuo stood directly in front of the pirates, and the momentum of thousands of pirates did not suppress him at all.

"You bunch of scum, you dare to enter my country, so from today on, I, Genji Chang Nuo, as the king of the Kingdom of Tru, declare you... death penalty..."

When Chang Nuo said the word death penalty, the people in the entire royal city were all boiling.

The royal city has a wall that is about five meters high. In addition to the guards, there are also many people who come to help. Now everyone's eyes are all fixed on the bottom. They want to witness the strength of their king. Of course, there are many people who are more worried. Hundreds of guards also jumped directly below, ready to fight to the death, but just when they were about to start, Chang Nuo shouted loudly, "You all retreat, take the responsibility of protecting the people in the city, and leave these bastards to me alone..." Chang Nuo said in a cold voice, staring at the thousands of people in front as if he was looking at a corpse. Yao Daocun was shaking constantly at his waist, and he could no longer hold back his bloodthirsty desire. Chang Nuo gently put his hand on the handle of the knife, stood there, did not move, but a gust of wind came out of thin air, and then Chang Nuo disappeared instantly. When he appeared again, he saw the pirates falling to the ground one by one, and before they could react, they were already torn apart.

The entire front of the royal city instantly turned into a bloody place. None of the pirates who saw this situation were not terrified and scared.

So many pirate groups that were originally full of confidence wanted to leave this place in an instant.

But since everyone has arrived here, how can they leave so easily?

"Little guys, we are many now, don't panic, all rush up, then the countless treasures in the Tru King City will be ours, it has come to this point, there is no way back!"

Just when the other pirates were about to run away, a loud voice sounded, tempting them with money, which was also a little comfort to their hearts that originally wanted to leave.

Chang Nuo's eyes were red with killing now, and he was acting indiscriminately. No one could see his trajectory clearly, and they could only see rows of people falling down.

This time he did not intend to leave anyone behind. Since he had done such a thing in his own country, there was only one way waiting for them, that is death.

Now the people and guards standing on the city wall saw for the first time that his Majesty the King was so brave. He came and went freely among thousands of people. Although the scene was bloody, it was indeed the most enjoyable visual appreciation for those who watched the battle.

When the guards on the National Ship came over, they were about to rush up, but were stopped by other guards, and Chang Nuo said the same words to them again.

In less than five minutes, almost seven or eight hundred of these thousands of pirates had died, but in this short time, they also began to think of better response plans.

Fortunately, they were not a pirate group at all, and the interests must have not been evenly distributed before, so there were some grudges in their hearts, which prevented them from cooperating more perfectly.

Although their number was still relatively large, there were still some weaker pirates who were completely terrified and their steps were slowly retreating.

For these pirates, they are nothing more than profit-oriented, but now they have to face heavy losses, so they still prioritize saving their lives.

But since they have already come to this place, it is definitely impossible to withdraw.

Chang Nuo stopped among the pirates. There was no trace of blood on his body. The overall look was the same as when he first came here, but his eyes turned deep red, which looked quite weird and terrifying.

Demon Sword

After absorbing so much blood, the village has become quite strange. The blood-red light on the blade, although enchanting, makes people feel scared.

After seeing such a terrifying and strange scene, and feeling the so-called powerful strength of King Tru, the remaining pirates no longer care about how much money they can get this time, and they all start to run away.

There are at least more than 2,000 pirates left, and they are all scared and cowardly. Even those pirates with devil fruit abilities are the same in the end.

Chang Nuo was not in a hurry to chase them, anyway, there was no need.

Looking at the mess behind him, there was no complete corpse, and all of them were in pieces. Chang Nuo frowned and tried to suppress his disgust.

This is the first time he has encountered such a large-scale killing.

"Go and capture all those people. How can these people destroy our country? In the future, they will use their lives to build it for us!" Chang Nuo stood there and looked at the pirates who had begun to leave and scattered, and shouted to his guards in a calm voice.


Hundreds of voices suddenly sounded, and they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

If there were not so many ordinary people before, they would not be able to let go of their hands and feet, for fear that something would happen at that time, otherwise they would not let these pirates attack the royal city.

Now, these guards can let go of their hands and feet and do a good job.

As for the Kingdom of Roya, they will probably retreat soon after receiving the news of the pirates' defeat.

This matter is not over after the pirates leave, but just a beginning.

Chang Nuo has never thought about invading other countries. It is good to keep his own place and live in peace. The key is that there are some people who don't like it and have to make some moths, which makes him very uncomfortable and dissatisfied.

There are about 3,000 people in the Tru Kingdom who have started the Six-style Navy training, but there are only 400 to 500 people who have mastered one or more styles. Now think about it, all these things will be put on the agenda. A strong country cannot rely solely on itself as the king.

This time, the attack of the Kingdom of Roya cannot be said to be all bad things. At least it has also highlighted the internal problems, involving management, military and other aspects. All of them have been presented in front of us, which will play a great role in future management.

Now the Royal City is completely safe. Many pirate groups have fallen apart, and the King's Guard is still arresting them. So at least all the people in the Royal City don't have to worry about their own safety now.

As the gate of the Royal City opened, countless people swarmed out, everyone was shouting, and many people began to spontaneously go out to pick up corpses. Those things were too unsightly in front of the Royal City.

Chang Nuo liked the enthusiasm of these people. At least three years ago, everyone's expression was more dull and they had no desire for life. They had completely lost confidence in their future life.

But now, everyone's smile was full of smiles, which was not fake at all.

As life became more and more prosperous, Chang Nuo's support in the entire Tru Kingdom had reached an unprecedented peak.

Although he was only fifteen years old, at least for the old king who had been king for decades, how many people still remembered his name now.

"Long live His Majesty..."

"Long live His Majesty..."

The voice came like a tidal wave, including women and children, especially those children, who now worshipped Chang Nuo too much.

In the world of pirates, it is almost difficult for women to make money, but it is different here. There are two huge factories, one is responsible for making perfume, but most of them are almost hard labor, so the perfume factory is mainly made by men, but the textile factory is different, it is almost all women.

With the country so prosperous, the next main goal is to strengthen the entire nation!

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