The old man was in a mess, but he was still very angry.

Chang Nuo clenched his fists calmly, but he didn't know where to use his strength, so he could only bury all his resentment in his heart.

Robin was also a person who shared the same suffering. The destruction of O'Hara and the massacre on Battlila Island were just a trace of this dark world.

Seeing Chang Nuo's appearance, I don't know why. Robin didn't seem to have the initial fear in her heart. She slowly sat on the edge of the bed, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the king of the country sitting opposite.

"Although your country has suffered the same treatment, at least you still exist now. You have made this country much better than before, but what about O'Hara? He has been completely wiped out in history. Who still remembers this place now?" Robin cried. "So this is what I want to do. When I have a certain strength in the future, I must rewrite the rules of this world. At least I will not let the rich gain power, the powerful gain power, and the powerful destroy all living beings." Chang Nuo said domineeringly. As he spoke, the domineering aura on his body unconsciously emanated, and everyone on the ship staggered. Most people fainted in just a moment. Only the king's guards are still trying to stay awake. This is the only way to penetrate the space barrier. At this time, Junhe just rushed back to the ship. He felt such a huge momentum as soon as he came back. This is the first time Junhe has experienced the pressure of the domineering king. It's not that he didn't know what happened, but he was shocked that his own king could use such a huge power of domineering color?

"Block the surroundings and no one is allowed to approach!"

Junhe immediately shouted to all the members of the King's Guard.

Without saying much, the others felt the seriousness of the situation and immediately began to disperse around, not limited to this ship.

Junhe stood outside the room where they were, fearing that the matter would spread.

How much of a sensation the domineering color domineering could cause, just look at the four emperors in the new world today.

The World Government and the Navy will never tolerate the emergence of such a powerful person. The domineering color domineering of one million people appears on his own king, so as subordinates, these people should naturally protect him with their lives.

The two people in the room looked at each other, and they could see the angry expression in each other's eyes. After all, what they had experienced was almost the same.

"Will you kill me?"

Robin suddenly asked. This was a topic that he was very concerned about. However, from what Changnuo said just now, he felt the same anger towards the navy, and they felt closer.

"Don't wander around anymore. I will ask them to take you to the Kingdom of Tru. Live there well and don't think about leaving. Otherwise, for the safety of the country, I will kill you at all costs!"

Changnuo closed his eyes, sighed, and then said calmly.

After getting this answer, Robin was finally relieved. At least this time, he didn't have to worry about the end of his life.

Although they had never been to Tru, she had read some of the development there in the newspaper. If they really lived there, at least they would no longer have to worry about the feeling of wandering around.

After a moment of silence, Robin suddenly smiled and said, "Okay!"

"After you go to the Toru Kingdom, learn the power of your devil fruit well. Don't worry about how much impact it will have there. You can become a doctor at the age of eight. If you find it boring in the past, you will be responsible for education in the future!"

Chang Nuo thought about it and made arrangements.

Robin is a rare genius in O'Hara in a hundred years. At the age of eight, he already knows all the knowledge of O'Hara. That place has always been famous for literature and is completely regarded as a cultural holy land in the entire pirate world.

"Don't you worry that I, a pirate, will lead people in your country astray?"

"What about pirates? The real worry in this world is never pirates. Take a good rest. Don't think too much during this period. Don't show up here, and don't cause any trouble for us."

Chang Nuo said in a calm voice.

"Can I ask you a question?

? "Robin suddenly opened his mouth and said.

"Tell me what you want to ask!"

"I want to go back to O'Hara. Is it possible?"


"There are many secrets there that cannot be discovered by others. I want to take those things with me.

I have been wandering on this sea as a pirate before, but now it seems that there is no need for this, right?"

Listening to what Robin said, Chang Nuo smiled slightly. He did not refuse, but did not clearly agree.

Robin himself probably didn't know why he had always been wary of everyone, but he couldn't be wary in front of Chang Nuo. It was not only because of his appearance, but also because he looked very quiet, which made people feel wary.

"Let's talk about it later! At least we can stabilize first. This time we are going to Marijoa to participate in the ceremony of joining the World Government. In July, there will be a World Government Conference. At least during this period, there will be no time for anyone to accompany you.

However, after July, we still have our own plans and plans, so you should go back to the Tru Kingdom directly. After all the previous things are done, I will have someone take you there. "

Chang Nuo said, after all, taking her to O'Hara is something that can be done at hand, but at this moment there is really no way.

Although O'Hara has been destroyed for more than ten years, pirates and navy still go to the island from time to time, constantly searching for all the information about O'Hara.

But despite searching over and over again, on such a large island, they did not get anything valuable.

Chang Nuo believes what Robin said, that everything that can exist in O'Hara is definitely related to literature.

However, now the entire Tru Kingdom, in addition to strength, the rest is knowledge related to literature.

Although Chang Nuo can buy these things through the system space. The key is that someone needs to answer them.

After so many years of poverty, few people have ever been exposed to cultural knowledge. The road ahead is still long, but at least the dawn is in front of us.

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