The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 26: Supernatural Evolution

If a person is asked to pick up things from a scene that looks like hell with countless broken bodies, I am afraid that few people in this world would be willing to do so.   But what if the things he is asked to pick up are priceless diamonds? I am afraid that no one would refuse.

Not only will they not refuse, but perhaps it is more appropriate to describe them as rushing in with enthusiasm and excitement.

For Lin Chen, those pieces of soul crystals are like diamonds!

What does it matter if they are a little dirty or smelly? At this moment, he will wade in even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead.

After picking and choosing with his nose covered, Lin Chen finally collected all the soul crystals. Naturally, his body was inevitably in a mess, covered with coagulated blood clots and mucus everywhere. Fortunately, the mysterious virus cannot be transmitted through contact, otherwise Lin Chen would have lost ten lives.

A total of 23 soul crystals.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an unprecedented bumper harvest!

When he picked up the last soul crystal, Lin Chen accidentally found a deputy mayor of Songyang among the pile of corpses. The corpse with one leg missing next to him was his secretary. Perhaps because they were torn apart by other zombies, at this moment, the work permits and ID cards of the two were crookedly exposed. The smile on the yellowed certificate was kind and brilliant, which was quite ironic.

In addition to this deputy mayor, there were probably other dignitaries among the corpses.

Unfortunately, no matter how prominent and wealthy these people were in their lives, they were all treated equally in front of the virus.

Lin Chen shook his head and returned to the security building silently. As a human being, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling sad for the rabbit's death. However, he quickly put away his unnecessary pity and sat calmly on the roof of the second floor to absorb these soul crystals.

I hope I can upgrade at once.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen took the first soul crystal and began to absorb the strange energy contained in it.

As they were injected bit by bit, the sunlight energy in Lin Chen's body also accelerated. The superpower that was almost exhausted quickly recovered to the top level, and the upper limit of the superpower continued to increase with the influx of energy!

One, two...

Ten, fifteen...

Lin Chen, who had never absorbed so many soul crystals at once, felt that his body was bursting, but he knew very well that this was just an illusion when he was about to break through. As the energy that continued to flow in gathered in his body, Lin Chen's superpower seemed to boil.   When the last two soul crystals were also absorbed by him, Lin Chen felt that a thin film in his body was broken, like a balloon being blown up, and a faint "puff" sound could be heard.

At this moment, the total amount of Lin Chen's superpower increased sharply!

It's done!

Lin Chen was overjoyed when he felt the newly formed small sunlight energy node in his body.

After possessing the sunlight superpower, every time his strength increases by one level, there will be one more energy node in his body. When Lin Chen reaches the perfect fifth level and eighth level, he will also form thirty-eight nodes and a core in his body, making his superpower truly great!

Of course, he only has one node now, and his ability has just reached the primary second stage. Lin Chen is still far from perfecting his ability, but his strength has improved a lot. Compared with his initial ability, Lin Chen can now accommodate more than double the energy. In other words, he can summon two pea shooters in succession, or... four sunflowers!

Sunflower is the second mimicry plant that Lin Chen can summon.

This plant has no combat power itself, but it can help Lin Chen absorb sunlight. For every additional sunflower, Lin Chen's ability recovery speed will double!

What a terrifying bonus!

Think about it, once Lin Chen summons four sunflowers at the same time, his ability recovery speed will be five times the initial one. Even if one of the sunflowers is replaced with a pea shooter during the battle, it is four times the initial speed. It can be said that after having sunflowers, Lin Chen really has the ability to fight continuously, instead of being weak for one or two days after bursting for ten minutes like before. If the weather is good, Lin Chen can fully restore his ability in an hour!

After a beautiful vision of the future, Lin Chen waved his hand and summoned a sunflower.

The mimic sunflower looks not much different from the real sunflower. The green plant and the golden sunflower face look vibrant in the sun. As long as he is closer, Lin Chen can feel the energy absorbed and condensed on the plant being continuously transmitted to him. This extra energy echoes with the supernatural power in his body, which doubles the recovery speed of Lin Chen's supernatural power!

When Lin Chen needs to leave, the sunflower can also turn into a small golden round badge hanging on his shoulder.

At this time, the speed at which the sunflower condenses sunlight energy will be much lower, but the advantage is that it can be moved. When Lin Chen needs to unfold it, he can change it back to its original state at any time. More importantly, the sunflower is one of the few mimic plants that can be summoned by Lin Chen in the future without a summoning time limit!

As long as it is summoned and not destroyed, the sunflower can exist forever.

Thinking of this, looking at the sunflower swaying in the wind on the roof, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel in a good mood.

Although he had suffered a lot in the past few days, the improvement in his strength would allow him to survive better in the apocalypse. In comparison, this little bit of suffering was nothing.

After a hearty meal, Lin Chen packed up his things and jumped down from the security building again.

While he had enough superpowers, he decided to continue cleaning up the Xinyuan Club. Although the previous horn sound attracted most of the zombies in the club, there must be some remaining zombies in every corner. Besides, in such a large club, there would probably be some things he could use, such as a good car!

The previous Bluebird was completely finished, and Lin Chen needed to find a new means of transportation.

For a leisure club of a certain scale, it is not difficult to find a better car. Soon, Lin Chen got into a well-maintained Audi with a full tank of gas.

For this, Lin Chen spent another ten minutes to get all the remaining food down from the security building.

I remember that it took Lin Chen an hour to move things upstairs, but now he only needs to throw them down, which is much faster.


Slowing down the car and searching inside, Lin Chen was able to get a glimpse of the overall picture of the Xinyuan Club while cleaning up a lot of missed zombies.

The exquisite rockery fountain garden, huge outdoor swimming pool, ten-story main building business hotel, shopping club and racecourse are all available. Among them, what attracted Lin Chen the most should be the financial department he found by accident. After killing the two accountants who turned into zombies, Lin Chen looked at the neatly bundled more than two million cash with his eyes wide open. There were RMB and US dollars in this money, and even a small amount of currencies from other countries, which should have been counted by the financial department but not sent away in time.

If it was just a number on an account, then two million would really be nothing. But if more than two million cash banknotes were placed in front of you, and many of them were in denominations of fifty or ten yuan, it would be very amazing.

More than two million!

After being neatly stacked, it was as big as a coffee table!

To be honest, Lin Chen was almost stunned by the visual impact. Unfortunately, his joy only lasted for a short while, and then he was discouraged.

The end of the world is coming, and order and law have become a dead letter. If you want something, just pick it up on the street. Money, as a currency carrier, will naturally become waste paper. Perhaps, food, weapons and gold are hard currencies, especially the first two!

So, Lin Chen reluctantly touched a handful of them and kicked all the banknotes away.

Money and other things are just dirt.

In the doomsday, strong ability is the greatest guarantee for survival!

However, in addition to money, Lin Chen did not get nothing. In the room next to the finance office, Lin Chen unexpectedly found two brand new walkie-talkies, both of which were fully charged, and there were also several walkie-talkie battery chargers plugged into the sockets next to them. Considering the practicality and importance of these equipment, Lin Chen found a somewhat worn black backpack and put the extra gun, magazines, common medicines and a small amount of emergency food in it.

The backpack weighing more than ten kilograms is acceptable to carry on his back. After all, his physical strength and endurance have improved a lot after he has superpowers.

In this way, even if he is forced to give up the car in an emergency, he will not be left with nothing.

"Is anyone coming?"

Just as Lin Chen gradually cleaned up the interior of the club, he suddenly heard a faint female voice. Because the voice sounded weak, Lin Chen thought it was an illusion at first. But when the cries for help came one after another, he finally confirmed that there were still people alive in the club.

I really didn't expect that after more than ten days of the biochemical crisis, there were still people alive in this club full of zombies!

Somewhat surprised, Lin Chen shook off the two zombies in the corner and drove over quickly.

In the innermost part of the Xinyuan Club, which is the staff dormitory at the other end of the racecourse, Lin Chen saw a woman tying a bed sheet to a bamboo pole and waving it back and forth on the third-floor balcony!

"Save me!"

Seeing Lin Chen approaching, the woman waved harder. Perhaps because she was too weak, the wind next to her was a little strong, and she couldn't hold the pole, and the bed sheet fell down together with the bamboo pole.

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