The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 358 Discussion on re-launching satellite

Chapter 358: Discussion on retransmitting satellites

After discovering that the noise in the walkie-talkie was much quieter, the officer was surprised and began to try longer-distance communication.

It didn't matter if he tried this. He soon discovered that communication even at a greater distance could now be carried out. Due to the power problem of the walkie-talkie, he was unable to conduct further tests. However, as radio enthusiasts, the officers quickly acquired radio stations and began to conduct long-distance communication attempts at the Shanghai-Hai base.

Fifteen kilometers, twenty kilometers, twenty-five kilometers...

After applying for the protection of a plant control specialist, he and a few friends began to conduct multi-stage tests under heavy snow. Even though the snowflakes as big as goose feathers greatly interfered with the communication effect, they still felt an obvious difference.

There is no doubt that solar wind interference is rapidly weakening

After confirming this, the officer immediately reported this important news. The military who learned about this did not dare to neglect, and immediately organized experts to conduct research and sent someone to notify Lin Chen of the news.

"Further results should be available soon."

Before the chief of staff finished speaking, the experts over there had already completed experiments and deductions. After a brief 'communication', they finally gave the result: "The solar wind attack that has lasted for nearly a year is attenuating at an extremely fast rate. Judging from the current speed, it will be completely restored to normal levels in at most two days."

This extremely reliable conclusion immediately made many high-level officials look happy.

The restoration of communication is really important to humans. At the very least, it allows survivors to contact other bases and get rid of the current almost closed situation. As for the more profound level, Lin Chen already has an idea, but he still needs to communicate with his subordinates to confirm it.

"However, recovery of communications is not guaranteed."

Several experts are not so optimistic. They poured cold water on the senior officials: "The active phase of the sun can be abnormal once, or it may be abnormal a second time. No one can say how long the calm after this active period will last." We still need to continue to observe the situation.”

Of course, this situation is also very possible, so the senior executives suppressed their excitement and began to wait patiently.

The heavy snow lasted for thirteen days, and then began to turn into light snow showers intermittently. The general situation is similar to last year. Although the duration is slightly shorter, the amount of snowfall is not bad at all, and the temperature is also lower. After careful exploration by the plant control experts, the entire Taihu Lake was frozen, and some thick places were even close to 30 centimeters thick. This thickness is enough for a large group of zombies to pass through it.

For this reason, the garrison personnel on Xishan Island had to temporarily increase their patrols against land zombies. The plant control masters also have an additional task, which is to go twice a day in the morning and evening to use supernatural powers to explode the ice dozens of meters away from the island.

With the occasional appearance of the sun, the Shanghai Navy's observations began to yield fruitful results. After repeated demonstrations, experts finally concluded that this time the solar activity has gradually entered a stable state. Even if you want to become active again, it will take more than half a year at least.

This means that human communication is guaranteed for a period of time in the future.

However, when the last solar flare erupted, all satellites and large ground base stations were damaged, and only a few parts and equipment with protective measures survived. Coupled with a year's time, I am afraid that many survivors and even the base have become desperate. Even if they still have a good radio station in their hands, they probably won't think of continuing to try it. The most important thing is that there is still excess power. How many other people can do this besides the Shanghai base?

Therefore, even if Lin Chen and others have high-power radio stations, it will be useless if no one accepts and responds.

Lin Chen and the others didn't have any good solution for this, so they had no choice but to make calls 24 hours a day, regardless of power.

However, in addition to external communications, Lin Chen is also worried about one issue, that is, satellite

Now that the solar flare has disappeared and the intensity of the solar wind has dropped to normal levels, does that mean the satellites can work again? If there were spy satellites now, the Shanghai base could quickly grasp the situation around the world, including monitoring the distribution and attack direction of zombies, so that they could prepare early if they might threaten themselves.

When he thought of this, Lin Chen's heart became eager.

Therefore, at the newly held high-level meeting in Shanghai, Lin Chen raised this important issue.

Apparently more than one person in the Shanghai military had thought of this. When Lin Chen mentioned it, they all put forward their own opinions. After some discussion, Lin Chen found that the problems mainly focused on two aspects: where did the satellite come from; how to launch it?

As one of the pinnacle manifestations of technology, there is no doubt about the precision of satellites. If you want to build a satellite in the apocalypse, the possibility will not be any higher than that of an ordinary person killing level 4 zombies alone. If there is no basic condition of satellite, then there is no need to talk about everything that follows.

Regarding this hardware problem, the senior executives of Shanghai and Haihai had nothing to do. After racking his brains for a long time, a major general who was not impressed by Lin Chen stood up and said uncertainly: "I heard that there are still people preparing to launch at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Base. The backup satellite is said to be part of the incomplete Beidou navigation system, and if true, it would be perfect for use as a spy satellite."

"What did you say?"

Everyone, including Lin Chen, was surprised.

In China, when it comes to satellite launch bases, many people may first think of the Jiuquan and Xichang satellite launch bases in Gansu. But in addition to these two, the Taiyuan satellite launch base is not inferior to the first two. There is even a Wenchang base in Hainan that has not been fully put into use. However, does the Taiyuan base really have satellites that have not been launched?

The major general was obviously not sure either. He had only heard it mentioned by a friend inadvertently. Facing Lin Chen's questioning, he hesitated a little, which disappointed many people.

Lin Chen also hesitated for a long time.

The idea of ​​re-launching spy satellites is beautiful, but if you really want to implement it, it will be very difficult. Not to mention how to find technicians to launch, the problem of the satellite alone is enough to worry about. He thought for a while and asked: "Are there any survivors in our Shanghai base who have worked at the satellite launch base?"

"If they are the original survivors of the Shanghai Base, there will definitely be none." The person from the Logistics Office said: "But if they are the survivors who came from Nanchang, Wenzhou and other places later, it would be hard to say."

"Then send someone to check."

Lin Chen's order was quickly implemented. After half a day, Lin Chen got a result that surprised him: there were not only people who had worked in the satellite launch base, but also more than one.

Soon, three men wearing thick down jackets appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Even after more than a year of hard work in the last days, they still have a faint aura of books. Seeing the famous chief executive receiving them in person, the three of them couldn't help but feel surprised and in awe. Even though the man in front of them was really as young as the legend said, his power still made the three of them dare not breathe.

"They all came from the Xichang Satellite Launch Base. After completing their mission and getting permission from above, they traveled to Wenzhou with a specially organized tour group. As a result, everyone else and the soldiers who protected them died after the apocalypse broke out. Only three of them survived." The chief of staff introduced Lin Chen in detail.

"very good"

Lin Chen looked at them once and asked the three of them to sit down with a smile. After casually chatting for a few words, Lin Chen saw that the three people were not so reserved, and then Lin Chen asked: "Since you all work at the satellite launch base, you must know a lot about the secrets inside?"

The three of them looked at each other, and then selected the oldest man to speak.

He rubbed his hands nervously and asked, "I wonder what the commander-in-chief wants to know? We will answer whatever we know."

Lin Chen was quite satisfied with his attitude, nodded, and took out the news he had heard from the major general before: "I heard that there are satellites at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Base that have not yet been launched. I wonder if the finished satellite is real? Although you are not from Taiyuan, you are all in the industry, so you should know something about it. Or are there any other satellites that have not been launched yet? Preferably one that can serve as a spy satellite.”

Lin Chen's words made him understand something. He thought for a while and said: "We are not sure about the specific news, but there may indeed be unlaunched satellites in the satellite launch base in Taiyuan. At least , if there are still satellites launched by the mainland, they must be in Taiyuan."

Although he didn't say it to death, the affirmation in his tone still made Lin Chen's spirits rise: "Why do you say that?"

The man smiled, www. talked about the news in his circle: "Before the end of the world, the Jiuquan base was busy with manned spaceflight and had not been responsible for anything else for a long time. As for Xichang, it has been under the control of the capital base after the end of the world. Although it was once occupied by zombies , but it was later restored, and contact was lost again after the solar flare erupted. According to our work experience there, only the Taiyuan base may still have satellites."

Lin Chen groaned for a moment and revealed a piece of news that he didn't know: "When the solar wind continued to hit the earth, the center briefly launched some small satellites, but they only lasted for a short period of time. Crash. Do you know how the central government sent them into the sky? Where did those small satellites come from? "

"Small satellite?"

The man frowned and said uncertainly: "Since it was launched after the communication was interrupted, Xichang, which is farthest from the capital base, can probably be ruled out. Either there is a secret launch point in the center, Either it was launched from one of Jiuquan or Taiyuan. My personal tendency is that they may have used the satellite base in Jiuquan to launch."

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