The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 41 Material Distribution Plan

Peaceful Town.

In terms of size alone, it's not really a town. It is only because there is a railway station nearby and the Shiqi River flows through it, so its location is relatively important, that it got the name of the town.

"Where to go? Directly into the town?"

Qian Xu, who was following behind, stepped on the accelerator and caught up, rolled down the window and asked loudly.

Lin Chen thought for a while and replied: "No need to enter the town, just follow us to the west."

According to what Wang Jie met on the road, there were probably thousands of zombies in the town. In addition, more than 60 people built a simple survivor camp two kilometers outside Pingan Town. This was the camp he was going to. If he wants to clear out thousands of zombies, even if he has special powers, it will be difficult for him to do so. He will always have to rely on the help of others. Besides, if you go and say hello beforehand, you will feel confident dividing things up in the end!

I hope the people in this camp haven't started cleaning up Ping'an Town yet.

Fortunately, he only delayed yesterday. Even if the people in the Ping'an Town camp had started taking action, they might not be able to complete the cleanup in such a short time.

"Look, the camp is right ahead."

Shi Xuanxuan's eyesight was good and she saw from a distance the simple camp with its back to the river and protected by walls and ditches on three sides.

That’s right, it’s here!

As the distance quickly shortened, the layout of the camp became clearer and clearer. Lin Chen looked around with curiosity and saw that the outermost wall of the camp was built with masonry and wooden piles. The trench below was three meters deep, and the excavated soil was used to heighten the wall. In addition, you can see a seven or eight-meter-high observation tower built with wood in front of the camp. Because the terrain of Ping'an Town is low, you should be able to see the situation in Ping'an Town from the observation deck.

This campground is pretty well built.

Lin Chen observed it and felt that it was not as bad as Wang Jie said. With the strength of the defense of this camp and the cooperation of a few brave people, it would be impossible for hundreds of zombies to break in.

"This is the Ping An Town Campground. The cars in front of us are stopped for inspection."

When the car approached the entrance of the camp, four or five young and strong men came out to stop them. Obviously, the man on the lookout had already noticed their arrival and notified the people in the camp in time.

"There's a gun."

Shi Xuanxuan noticed that the tall man who took the lead had a gun in his hand, and the other three or four people also held sticks and kitchen knives, and she couldn't help but secretly increase her vigilance.

Of course Lin Chen also noticed this, but he knew the basics of this place from Wang Jie's mouth, so he opened the car door in a hurry, got out, and walked two steps forward: "We are survivors on the outskirts of Songyang City. We passed by here and thought There is no harm in staying here for two days.”

"There are three people in total? None of them are infected by the virus, right?"

After listening to Lin Chen's words, the face of the tall man holding the gun softened slightly. Besides, there were only three people and it certainly didn't look like they were here to cause trouble.

"Don't worry, we drove all the way here. If we had, we would have turned into zombies in the car."

"That's good. You must not hide this kind of thing, otherwise it will be dangerous for you and me." The tall man warned, and then waved to the person behind him. The young men behind responded and put away the tools in their hands, and then lifted the roadblock blocking the road. However, Lin Chen noticed that there was a person who had been following Lin Chen and the others, who was probably responsible for monitoring the actions of the new arrivals.

The outside is loose and the inside is tight, but the person in charge of this camp is very careful.

However, Lin Chen became more and more optimistic about his unknown plan to clean up Ping'an Town.

The size of the Ping An Town camp is not large, roughly equal to the area of ​​two football fields. It's just that there are too few people here, only about 60 people, and it still looks very spacious on average. Shi Xuanxuan drove all the way in and could see seven or eight tents of different styles and more than a dozen cars, which must have been brought by people who had escaped. Although their distribution is not orderly, the camp does not give people a messy feeling.

After finding an open space and stopping at random, Lin Chen got out of the car and began to carefully look at the situation in the camp.

Qian Xu also parked the car next to the Audi, and then anxiously wanted to find a place to resolve his internal crisis. Considering the intimidation of the automatic rifle and the reaction of the camp leader, he did not bring out the Type 95.

"This camp is really decent."

After looking around, Lin Chen had a rough idea.

The area at the innermost side of the camp, near the river, should be an area used for trading, and several people had set up stalls there. There were more or less a few things on it, but unfortunately no one paid attention to them. The people setting up the stalls obviously didn't take it seriously, so they took a deck of playing cards and got together to play cards.

On the north side of the camp is a welding repair place, where several people are busy modifying an off-road vehicle.

In the center of the camp was a large logistics van that drove over from nowhere. The door at the back was open, and two men with shotguns stood outside to watch lazily.

You guessed it right, that should be the place where the Lord’s messengers live.

"Hello, buddy."

Just when Lin Chen was about to return to the car, a young man who had stopped him at the door came over carrying a hard-cover book.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Chen took a look at this young man with a crew cut and a jade finger ring. For some reason, he felt a vague sense of danger from the young man in front of him. Judging from his calloused hands and vigorous steps, he is probably a real practitioner. Faced with such a person, even if Lin Chen has some special abilities, he would not dare to look down upon him.

"This is what our uncle Ling meant. Newcomers should register their weapons when they enter the camp. This will make it easier for us to maintain order in the camp, and secondly, when we clean up Ping'an Town the day after tomorrow, we can distribute the harvested materials according to the amount of effort."

"Clean up Ping'an Town the day after tomorrow?"

Lin Chen got something he was interested in from him. It seems that he is not too late.

The young man thought that he had not heard of his boss's plan, so he explained: "You are new here, and you may not know that our Uncle Ling has been preparing to clean up the zombies in Ping'an Town a week ago. Now the preparations are almost done. The day after tomorrow morning, Ping'an Town will be completely razed to the ground and the supplies will be emptied. At that time, all the survivors in the camp will get benefits. However, the distribution of supplies is of course not equal. Those who have guns and manpower can get double supplies, those without guns can get one, and the elderly, children and women can only get half. So if you are also interested in the supplies in Ping'an Town, it is best to register your weapons truthfully, so as not to suffer losses later."

"Oh? There is such a distribution method!"

Lin Chen became more and more interested in Uncle Ling he mentioned. Although this distribution method seems to be distributing a large amount of supplies, it actually fully mobilizes the abilities of other survivors. As long as they can finally take down Ping'an Town, they will definitely make a lot of money. This is the so-called sacrifice of small gains for big gains.

If you always want to take all the supplies yourself, then other people will obviously not work hard for him!

Although Lin Chen's main purpose of this trip was to kill zombies and get soul crystals, he certainly wouldn't object if he could get a batch of supplies. Everyone was using each other, and Lin Chen felt that he was not at a disadvantage.

After comprehensive consideration for a while, Lin Chen still made a discount and reported: "There are three of us here, with a total of one pistol and one automatic rifle."


The flat-haired young man who was about to pick up the pen to register was a little surprised. There were nearly seventy people in the camp, and there were ten guns scattered around. But the best he had seen was only an Type 81, which belonged to his uncle Ling. The others either had pistols or hunting rifles, and even the kind of antique bird guns that fired lead bullets. Now the young man opened his mouth and said an automatic rifle, which was really beyond his expectation.

"Can you tell me the model and the number of bullets? This way we can have a good idea when we deploy in the end."

"Not many bullets, about a hundred rounds."

As usual, after shrinking by half, Lin Chen asked Qian Xuliang to show his treasure. Such an obvious and cool weapon, unless it is completely unused, it is almost impossible to conceal it. So, it is better to make it clear in advance than to be exposed.

"Type 95, good stuff!"

The young man recognized its model at a glance, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

If he also had such a rifle in his hand... No! Uncle Ling would never allow him to move before Ping'an Town was taken. Besides, the background of the three people in front of him was unknown, and they were obviously not weak. If he wanted to take action, he might get himself into trouble.

Let's wait and see.

Thinking of this, he explained some matters that need to be paid attention to, such as maintaining hygiene in the camp and not fighting privately. Of course, these are basically minor issues. Lin Chen did not plan to live here for a long time, so he just listened to it briefly.

"That's it, I will notify you if there is anything later. Anyway, welcome to our Ping'an Town camp."

From the beginning to the end, the expression of the flat-haired young man was very calm, but when he left, he couldn't help but look back at the gun, which made Lin Chen and Qian Xu more cautious. However, the two of them didn't care too much. After all, even the young man himself hadn't made up his mind to do anything, and they didn't feel anything was wrong.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have three guns in their hands, and whoever wants to move will be in trouble!

In the end times, the bigger the fist, the more powerful it is!

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