The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 47: Lots of Zombies

Ping'an Town Camp, 6:30 in the morning.

On normal days, there would always be some sleepy survivors in the camp at this time, but today was an exception.

All the survivors, including several children and the elderly, got up without exception. Almost everyone's face was filled with excitement and anticipation. They ran back and forth under the command of Uncle Ling, making final preparations for the cleanup of Ping'an Town.

"Hurry up, send out all the spears!"

"Is the oil in the bulldozer full? Check it again for me, don't make any mistakes!"

"Where is the battery pack of the tweeter? Bring it here!"

The survivors executed the orders one by one in an orderly manner. The camp of more than 60 people was like a machine with lubrication, and began to gradually accelerate.

Everything was for the purpose of taking over Ping'an Town!

Although the starting point was different, Lin Chen also got busy after hurriedly finishing breakfast. He asked Uncle Ling for a somewhat tattered tent and put the food unloaded from the car into it. We will drive it to lure away the zombies later, so it is necessary to reduce the load of the car as much as possible.

"It's really a bit hot."

After moving outside for a few minutes, Lin Chen's head was sweating a little.

Today's weather is very good, it is a rare sunny day. The bright sunshine shines on people's faces and feels hot, almost like July and August. Of course, this kind of sunshine is also the home weather that Lin Chen looks forward to the most. He feels the sunshine power surging in his body and is full of confidence in today's action.

Twenty minutes later, the preparations are ready, and most of the survivors are in their positions.

With more than 60 people and ten guns, it is impossible to say that there is no worry when attacking a town with thousands of zombies. However, the full preparation and comprehensive plan make them very confident. Stimulated by the large amount of supplies that are about to be obtained, the overall team maintains a high morale!

"The horn has been prepared for you, and the electricity inside is enough for half a day."

After finishing other links, Uncle Ling personally found Lin Chen and planned to give him a final explanation. After all, Lin Chen's first move to attract monsters plays a crucial role in the whole plan. Uncle Ling, who is a little nervous, wants to make sure everything goes well!

"Don't worry, I guarantee that all the zombies will be led away."

Lin Chen, who received five magazines from Uncle Ling, agreed and patted his chest.

In order to get as many soul crystals as possible, he would work hard even if Uncle Ling didn't say it.

"That's good! After moving the supplies in the town, we will have a celebration party and give you the credit for the first merit." Uncle Ling inadvertently revealed his boss style, as if he had regarded himself as the real person in charge of the camp.

In this regard, Lin Chen could only curl his lips indifferently.

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. You can get busy."

After explaining to Lin Chen, Uncle Ling found an excuse to leave, and then called Xiao Ba in his van. Although he thought Lin Chen should work hard, there is always a chance of something happening. Uncle Ling is a cautious person, and he always leaves a way out when making plans, and this time is no exception. For safety, he wanted Xiao Ba to find a place outside Ping'an Town to stand guard. Once Lin Chen failed to hold back the zombies, he would use a pistol to fire a flare to notify the people in the town so that they could respond in advance.

Xiao Ba knew that this was Uncle Ling's trust in him, so he took it very simply.

After the final inspection, Uncle Ling felt that there should be no problem. He wore military boots, carried a Type 81 rifle, and had several magazines on his belt. He gave a pre-war speech to the survivors in the center of the camp.

In fact, this outfit was more like a terrorist.

"Please rest assured, if you follow me, I will never let you suffer! Next, everyone listen to my instructions..."

Uncle Ling's words did not make much sense, but mainly used benefits to seduce people's hearts. But it must be said that this method is very effective. The survivors raised their arms and shouted, and they were ready to set out to capture Ping'an Town immediately! The bulldozer and four modified trucks also honked at the same time, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

While no one was paying attention, Lin Chen, the pioneer, drove out of the camp first.

In order to move the supplies as quickly as possible, all the extra vehicles in the camp were gathered together, including Qian Xu's Santana. However, since Lin Chen wanted to attract the zombies, his car could be an exception. Not only that, Uncle Ling was afraid that the car was not safe enough, so he specially arranged for people to reinforce the front and rear bumpers. Although the car looks much uglier, the actual safety index has increased by several percent!

Lin Chen has begun to consider whether he should also find a helper who is proficient in modifying vehicles.

"I heard that there are thousands of zombies in it!"

Qian Xu, who was squeezed in the back seat of the car, looked at Ping'an Town in the distance, and then looked at the horn that had just been moved to the car, and his tone was a little timid.

In his opinion, the best job is undoubtedly to move things last, which is safe and profitable. But Lin Chen was very smart before, so why did he suddenly jump out and take on this dangerous task this time? If it was because of the five magazines, Qian Xu would never believe it. After thinking about it, he decided that there was probably something hidden.

However, since Lin Chen didn't speak up, he didn't plan to ask.

"We don't have to kill them all, we just need to lure some away. Lin Chen has personally visited the two big pits, and he can bury thousands of zombies, let alone one or two thousand."

Shi Xuanxuan had seen Lin Chen's abilities and heard him talk about Uncle Ling's plan, so she wasn't worried.

As they talked, the Audi gradually approached the entrance of Ping'an Town.

Hearing the sound of the car, the zombies in Ping'an Town quickly became agitated. At the beginning, there were only dozens of zombies following behind. After the car entered Ping'an Town, zombies poured out from various shops and houses continuously, giving people a feeling of overwhelming. Shi Xuanxuan had to speed up to prevent the car from being surrounded by a large number of zombies.

"This is entering a zombie nest!"

Although Qian Xu knew that there were many zombies in the northern part of Ping'an Town, he did not expect it to be so dense. I think even Songyang City is only this dense.

"It's almost done. There's no need to go in."

Lin Chen estimated the number of zombies and decided not to risk going deep into the town.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Shi Xuanxuan drove forward a few steps and found a relatively wide place to brake suddenly. Without waiting for those zombies that had evolved once to rush over, she quickly turned around and started to drive out of Ping'an Town.

Qian Xu also turned on the horn in time, and the loud sound made most of the zombies in Beipingan Town boil.

"Ho ho ho!"

The roars of countless zombies gathered together, as if it was a loud prelude to killing. At this moment, there was only one instinct left in their brains that had long been unable to function, that is, rush up and tear the car apart!

"Too many zombies!"

Shi Xuanxuan, who was driving out, calmly turned the steering wheel. The Audi car was like a small boat going upstream in the sea of ​​corpses, and was almost surrounded by zombies several times. Although Shi Xuanxuan reacted quickly, the car body was still shaken left and right by the zombies from time to time, and the glass of two car windows was broken.


Finding that the situation was a bit dangerous, Lin Chen and Qian Xu decisively drew their guns and fired.

The sound emitted by the tweeter was so high that even the crisp gunshots were covered. Fortunately, as the nearby zombies fell one after another, the resistance to the car was also reduced a lot. Shi Xuanxuan took the opportunity to step on the accelerator to the bottom and rushed out of Ping'an Town.

If it were normal, the zombies would stop after chasing for a distance because they lost their target. But this time, the tweeter on the car was like an indicator light in the dark, easily pointing the direction to the zombies. In addition, Lin Chen asked Shi Xuanxuan to deliberately control the speed, so the entire group of zombies could always follow the car without being left behind.

"Really... there are so many zombies!"

Lin Chen, who was sitting in the front seat, looked back and was shocked by the dark tide of zombies behind the car.

When he was in Ping'an Town before, he only felt that there were zombies in front and behind, but the field of vision was limited at that time, so he didn't have a very direct impression. Now that the car has driven out of the town, looking back at the countless zombies behind, it feels too scary. Especially the first evolution zombies with faster moving speed, they are only a few dozen meters away from the car, and have opened up a distance from the large group of ordinary zombies behind.

"Fuck, there are hundreds of evolved zombies!"

It was the first time Qian Xu saw so many zombies, and his hand holding the gun was shaking.

He only had 200 bullets in total. Even if he was a legendary sharpshooter, he could kill an enemy with one bullet, which was far from enough.

"Not good, the distance between the evolved zombies and the ordinary zombies is a bit far."

Lin Chen suddenly discovered this problem when he saw the car approaching the outer camp. Due to the distance, a small number of zombies trailing behind gradually stopped in place. But if they slowed down again for those ordinary zombies, they would be surrounded by the evolved zombies.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen felt that he could only turn around and come back to lead them again after leading one wave away.

This was a little dangerous, but it would allow him to lead all the zombies that followed him into the two big pits.

"We're here!"

Shi Xuanxuan looked at the construction site in front and reminded Lin Chen loudly. There was no way, the horn was on the car, and if it was not loud, others would not be able to hear it at all.

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