Zabuza's indifference towards his companions not only chilled the audience in the ninja world, but also made the audience in other worlds feel ashamed.

【Luffy: People like Zabuza who don't cherish their companions will never be able to board my ship in their lifetime!】

【Wu Geng: You must never have any cooperation with this kind of person. He is too selfish, even more selfish than me!】

【Xu Xin: This kind of persistence in the mission, indifference to life and indifference to companions made me feel like I saw the Bi Henin of the past!】

【Lu Ci: He really does look like those bastards who are living a good life!】

【Daben: Lao Niu, you'd better be careful about Zhu Wujie. I always feel that guy is full of bad intentions. He is the same type of person as this Zabuza!】

【Niu Xuanfeng: Don't worry, brother Daben, Zhu Laosan is no match for me! Even if he has ten guts, he wouldn't dare to attack me!】

【Kintetsumon: Marshal, Tiger King has the same personality as Zabuza, so we'd better be careful when dealing with him!】

【Wild Ape: Hahahaha, whoever dares to use me, Wild Ape, I will kill him! 】

Just when everyone was taking this as a warning, a new video appeared on the huge screen again....

On the bridge, just when Kakashi was about to kill Zabuza, Kado appeared with dozens of his men.

"I'm very disappointed, Zabuza."

Zabuza said angrily:"Kado, why are you here? What happened to your subordinates?"

Cardo sneered:"The battle plan has changed a little. Zabuza, please die here!"

Hearing this, Zabuza asked with red eyes:"What did you say?"

Cardo put on a shameless look,"It will cost a lot of money to hire a regular ninja, so I hired a fugitive ninja like you! If you ninjas kill each other, it will also save my money and time."

After explaining,

Cardo sneered with disdain:

"Really, they even said it was some kind of demon from the Hidden Mist. It's really hilarious."

"In my opinion, you are just a cute kid."

Hearing this, Zabuza looked at Kakashi with an apologetic look:"I'm sorry, our fight ends here. Since I have no reason to kill Dazna, there is naturally no reason to continue fighting with you."

Kakashi did not choose to pursue the victory, and said with understanding:


【Usopp: I thought Zabuza was despicable enough, but I didn't expect there would be someone even more despicable!】

【Zoro: I always feel that this Cardo is just like those arrogant Celestial Dragons, who think they are superior and play people around!】

【Nami: In that case, the most hateful person is probably not Zabuza, but this Cardo!】

【Zhang Zifan: Cardo is trying to rob his fellow thieves!】

【Li Xingyun: It’s a nice idea to get something for nothing!】

【Wang Ye: I want Bilian even more than I want Bilian!】

【Zhang Chulan: ? ? ? 】

In the scene,

Cardo swaggered in front of Bai and kicked Bai in the face with his leather shoes.

Seeing that Bai did not react, he kicked Bai twice more, and then poked Bai's face with his crutch.

"Dead? This guy."

On the other side,

Naruto saw that Bai's body was desecrated like this, and he shouted angrily:"Asshole! What are you doing!"

He wanted to stop Kado's rude behavior, but Kakashi stopped him and reminded him:"Don't move!"

There was no way,

Naruto had to look at Zabuza and said angrily:"You also say something, he is your companion, right?"

Zabuza replied coldly:"Shut up, kid, Bai is dead!"

Hearing this, Naruto replied indignantly:"His body was treated like that, are you indifferent? Haven't you always been with him?"

Zabuza turned his back to Naruto and said as if he accepted his fate:

"Just as Kado used me, I also used Bai"

"I should have said that we ninjas are just tools."

"What I want is Bai's ability, not him himself."

"My dialogue...No lingering"......

After hearing these words, the audience in the world of the universe was furious, and they wanted to travel to the bridge to teach Zabuza a lesson.

This guy, does he really not care about the lives of his companions?

Seeing his companion's body being insulted by a disgusting person, he was indifferent. How cold-blooded!

You know,

Bai died because of him, but he was unwilling to protect Bai's body.

What a coward!

【Tanjiro: A cold-blooded guy, more ruthless than a real demon!】

【Yuji: Bastard! You have a beastly heart!】

【Luffy: Damn it, what on earth are you thinking? Even Bai's opponents sympathize with his plight, but you, his companion, turn a blind eye to it. Damn it, damn it, damn it!】

【Wang Ye: What kind of brainwashing did Zabuza go through that he actually abandoned all his human emotions!!】

【Lei Wujie: He only wants Bai's ability, not Bai as a person. How did he say that!】

【Zhang Chulan: Bai, I got it wrong after all!】...........................................

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