Bad World.

When Chi Meng learned that the woman being counted was her mother, she was in a trance.

Since she was old enough to understand, she had never seen her mother, not even a portrait.

Moreover, no matter how she asked her father who her mother was, he always kept silent.

"Is it my mother...Is she dead?"

Seeing Chi Meng so sad,

Li Xingyun walked up to her and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

At this time, the video about fresh ginseng was exposed again....

Xian Can saw that Chi Li and Chi Li were also from Miaojiang, so he used their identities as bad guys to scare away the pursuers.


Xian Can shamelessly ate their meal.

After overhearing that they wanted to go to Twelve Caves, he stared at Chi Li and asked,"Why do you want to go to Twelve Caves? Huh?"

Seeing that his purpose was exposed,

Chi Li stood up, looked around, and said righteously,"To save people!"

Xian Can was puzzled:"Save people? Who?"

Chi Li said passionately:

"Save you! Save me! Save them, save the world!"

"Now that the Tang Dynasty is in decline and traitors are everywhere, we must stand up and be fearless! Otherwise, countless people will die in the war!"

"I know that you have the ancient method to save the people, so please help me!"

Xian Can saw the sincerity in Chi Li's eyes and couldn't help but said,"You are really good!"

Hearing this,

Chi Li was stunned:"Ah?"

Xian Can slowly approached Chi Li, forced him to the corner, and then directly raised his 1.8-meter long legs to press down Chi Li's left hand, and then locked Chi Li's right hand with his left hand, making him unable to move.

Chi Li said nervously:"Let me go!"


Xian Can kissed him without saying a word.

A minute later,

Chi Li asked blankly:"Girl, why are you..."


Xian Shen kissed Chi Li again, not giving him a chance to speak.

A few minutes later,

Xian Shen let go of Chi Li and asked very seriously,"I like you very much. Will you marry me as your wife?"

【Sanji: Huh? There is such a good thing!】

【Agatsuma Zenitsu: I'm going crazy!!! Why hasn't this happened to me! I've been looking for people to marry me every day, but no one is willing to pay attention to me!!!】

【Jiraiya: No, are all girls in the bad world so hungry? Let go of Chi Li and come to me!】

【Master Maitreya: Suddenly I feel that coral is not fragrant anymore...】

【Pingqiu Yuechu: If a girl said this to me, my answer would be three words! 】

In the bad world,

Li Xingyun sat on the ground like a defeated rooster, and complained:

"Family members, who understands! I am a descendant of the Tang family, but no beautiful girl has taken the initiative to approach me. Is this fair?"

On the side,

Zhang Zifan's spirit was not much better. The treatment Chi Li received was something that he, the young master of Tongwen Hall, had never experienced before. It was too depressing!

"Miss Chi Meng, are all the girls in Raojiang so proactive?"

Chi Meng blushed and glanced at Li Xingyun, saying,"Of course not....But my mother's appearance is really shocking!"

Dead Creek Forest,

Xian Shen shuddered after watching the video and said to herself:"Why was I so shameless back then! This is embarrassing!"

However, when she looked at her reflection in the water and then at the beautiful self on the screen, she was still sad.

Her best youth was wasted in this dark Dead Creek Forest.

At this time, the video continued to be exposed......

Chi Li flatly refused Xian Can's request , and the two of them had a fight.

Seeing this,

Chi Li told Xian Can that there is a rule in Miaojiang that as long as a man breaks into a girl's room twice in a row at night, he must marry the girl.

At night,

Xian Can directly beat Chi Li into his room twice, and said mischievously:"Now that you have entered my room twice, can you marry me?"

Chi Li agreed.

Xian Can smiled and asked:"What's your name?"

"Chi Li"

"My name is Xian Can!"

Afterwards, their relationship quickly heated up, and then they returned to Miaojiang happily together.


Xian Can helped Chi Li and Chi Li enter the Twelve Caves and taught them the two arts of insect poison. However, he was exiled to the Dead Creek Forest for breaking the rules of the Twelve Caves.

In this regard,

Chi Li asked self-reproachfully:"Why did you lie to me? Didn't you say that there would be no punishment for helping me?"

Xian Can smiled indifferently:"For me, this is not a punishment. The Twelve Caves are boring. I am very happy to be able to leave there!"

Then he made a grass ring and threw it to Chi Li,"Don't like others anymore!"

Chi Li watched Xian Can go deeper into the Dead Creek Forest and shouted:"Can I see you again?"

"Maybe I can see him again in my dreams!"


Chi Li went to the Dead Creek Forest several times to look for fresh ginseng, but he always avoided her, as if she were dead........................................................

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