The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God’s Domineering Love

Chapter 4773 The boyfriend with scholar syndrome is a bit sweet 103

But Le Bonan seemed to do this as a matter of course.

He washed and wiped it himself, but put a chopstick of fish meat into Luo Liyan's bowl.

Seeing that she was completely ignored, Lexueqin couldn't help but remind her: "Brother...have you forgotten something?"

It's just that even if Le Bonan heard her words, he wouldn't give any reaction.

So Le Bonan just ate a piece of fish himself, took a few mouthfuls of rice, and then started peeling shrimps for Luo Liyan.

"Nan Nan, your sister is calling you. As we have said, relatives and close people should only be able to reply before they can reply, right?" Luo Liyan opened her mouth and caught the measured shrimp handed over by Le Bainan. meat, and then nibbled on his fingertips.

Le Bonan blinked and didn't take his hand back in a hurry. He just turned his head and glanced at Lexueqin, then put the hand sanitizer and wet wipes in front of her from the drawer, and then turned back. Go see Luo Liyan.

Lexueqin stared at what was in front of her in disbelief.

So she doesn’t even deserve to put on hand cream?

Lexueqin was sore in silence, but still couldn't refuse the two things in front of her.

Luo Liyan gave Le Benan a piece of food, then spat out his fingers, "You eat too."

Naturally, Le Bonan obediently buried his head in eating.

Those students who were squatting and not leaving the classroom were all dumbfounded.

They all thought that Le Benan was a fool and a lunatic, but they never thought that he would love Luo Liyan so much.

All the secret taunts in the morning were completely like a joke and slapped them hard.

However, those girls still felt a little upset.

After they all left the classroom one after another to eat, Luo Liyan and the others also finished their meals.

The housekeeper asked the maid to finish packing their things, and then moved the chairs out for them. Only then did a servant come in with a small folding bed.

Spread out, it's only half a meter wide, but it can just fit between the seats.

"Yanyan, take a nap." Le Benan sat aside and patted his leg.

Luo Liyan knew that he actually didn't have the habit of taking a nap, so she lay directly on his lap.

Le Bonan took the small blanket from the housekeeper and covered Luo Liyan. After she closed her eyes, she started reading a book by herself.

Lexueqin didn't have the habit of taking a nap, but the air suddenly became so quiet that she felt a little drowsy.

However, her treatment was not as good as Luo Liyan's. She could only sleep on the table, but this made her feel extremely peaceful.

In fact, this is really good.

Although her brother was not as kind to her as her sister-in-law, compared to before, it was like heaven now.

Many students stayed at school to eat at noon, and they also took naps, so the classroom was generally very quiet and did not disturb Luo Liyan from taking a rest.

In fact, this habit of taking a nap was left behind by the original owner.

Without the pressure of deliberately wanting Le Bonan to stay with her for a while, Luo Liyan did not sleep very deeply, so when there were more people in the classroom, she woke up.

But before she could open her eyes, Le Bonan put down the book and gently placed his hands on her ears to help her isolate the noise.

Although his actions were performed under the table, many students still saw him.


[Silently kneeling down and begging the little cuties for tickets and monthly passes! 】

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