The lawyers who lie down to assist are forced to rectify the public security, procuratorial and judi

Chapter 92 The legal interpretation is unreasonable? Then change it!

Guan Cangyue and Song Tai'an quickly put on their humility and said.

"Oh, you dare to be a dare! How can we two old guys be called leaders!"

"Yes, after all, this is an internal matter within your company. How can we two old men express our opinions?"

Seeing Er Jing being so polite, Sima Chang persuaded him.

"You, the second elder, are so humble when you say that!"

"Mr. Guan, you are a legislator. When you were young, you were a famous professor of politics and law in Yanjing!"

"Mr. Song, to say the least, is recognized as an authority in the legal circles of Xia Dynasty, and he is still a visiting professor of politics and law in Yanjing!"

"The academic achievements of the two of you are hard to come by for us juniors!"

"We invited the second elder here this time. We hope that the second elder can put aside all identities and simply help us analyze and give us some opinions from an academic perspective!"

"Actually, we had the nerve to trouble the two elders, but something suddenly happened, and we felt it was necessary to listen to academic voices."

"After all, law itself is a shallow subject, and it all depends on the empiricism of us front-line workers!"

After some compliments from Sima Chang, Erjin felt better and then declined.

The two looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Okay, then let's express our humble opinions."

"But we are all theoretical, so just listen to some opinions, but I tend to listen and believe!"

Sima Chang said with a pleased smile.

"That's good, that's good!"

"I know if the second elder just heard our discussion, do you need me to explain today's issue to the second elder?"

When Song Tai'an heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Hehehe, 놊 is used, I still know a little bit about 놅!"

"Yesterday, the Jiangdong Provincial High Court heard a case. It was a very unique self-defense case! It seems that the Circuit Court of the Supreme Court approved the retrial, right?"

Sima Chang nodded.

"This case is indeed a retrial ordered by the Jinling Circuit Court. Yesterday afternoon, news came from Jinling that this case is very typical and deserves our attention."

"After research, we have temporarily decided to hold such a seminar!"

"It seems that Mr. Song is also concerned about this case!"

Song Tai'an smiled and said proudly.

"Hahaha, don't look at me, old man, I am old, but I still care about practical matters! This is the same as some legislators!"

Saying that, Song Tai'an glanced at Guan Cangyue with good intentions.

This made Guan Cangyue and Sima Chang look a little strange.

After a while, Song Tai'an continued.

"You are holding this meeting today because this case is inconsistent with the previous judicial interpretation?"

"In my opinion, this is very simple, just change the judicial interpretation!"

Sima Chang said with some surprise.

"Change it? It's... the judicial interpretation is revised, it's a matter of great importance!"

"It's related to just one case, but it's related to tens of thousands of similar cases in the future!"

Sima Changku 껙po뀞눓 said.

"So what? Didn't you watch the trial video?"

"How wonderful that young man said! The law should reflect the simplest moral emotions of the people!"

"On the other hand, a law that embodies the most basic morals and emotions of the people is reasonable!"

"If the legal interpretation is reasonable, then we will revise the legal interpretation!"

"If the law itself is reasonable, then we will also change the law!"

"You think so, Commissioner Guan?"

Later, Song Tai'an turned around and teased Guan Cangyue.

As good friends who have known each other for many years, Guan Cangyue and Song Tai'an often compete with each other and tease each other like this.

Although he was used to it, Guan Cangyue still gave him a blank look.

Being caught in the middle, Sima Chang seemed the most embarrassed.

He said little to Guan Cangyue.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Song suggested that we revise the legal interpretation. Do you want to express your opinion?"

Guan Cangyue nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll tell you two words."

"The self-defense case that was heard in court yesterday has both its particularity and its typicality, so it is necessary for us to look at it in two parts."

"It is special because the victims have been oppressed by evil forces for a long time, and their personal safety has always been guaranteed."

"It is said to be typical because our country's rapid economic development in recent years has resulted in an extremely high gap between the rich and the poor."

"In this way, the gap between the rich and the poor has resulted, and the distribution of production materials between the poor and the rich has been equal."

"If you are equal, it is easy to breed evil! And this kind of evil is directed at a specific group of people!"

"In other words, ordinary people account for the majority who face similar oppression. This is why this case has received widespread attention from society."

"In view of this particularity and typicality, I think it is indeed necessary to legislate certain regulations on this type of phenomenon!"

"There is obviously no problem with Article 20 of our country's Criminal Law regarding legitimate defense."

"So to solve this problem, we still have to start with judicial interpretation!"

"I suggest that you might as well revise and add some details to the judicial interpretation."

“This should give the people more confidence to resist oppression!”

“I also listened to some of the discussions just now, and some comrades hold the same opinion.”

“I think that rashly modifying the legal interpretation will encourage some people to take advantage of loopholes in the legal interpretation and deliberately kill people under the guise of legitimate defense.”

“In fact, this issue was considered when the law was first enacted. It was precisely to prevent this phenomenon that we used to strictly treat anti-killing behavior.”

“But now it seems that this has become a shackle that hinders victims from defending themselves!”

“World There is no perfect law in the world. We can only constantly improve and supplement it, constantly patch up the law, and make the law adapt to the progress of the times! "

"Paying attention to the law according to the actual situation is a manifestation of legal progress!"

"What we need to do is to be as cautious as possible in the patching process, and not to create a bigger loophole in order to fill a loophole!"

"Uh... That's all I have to say, you can do it yourself!"

At the end, Guan Cangyue felt a little embarrassed when he found the respectful eyes of the participants.

But this made Song Taian, who was standing next to him, feel a little comfortable.

After all, Guan Cangyue's words did seem to be more sophisticated than his.

Song Taian said.

You old man!

Just speak!

Why are you speaking in such an official tone!

After listening to Guan Cangyue's words, Sima Chang nodded.

He said with respect.

"It's true that listening to your words is better than reading for ten years!"

"We will seriously consider your opinions. Thank you so much today!"

The two elders were humble and polite again.

Then, Guan Cangyue seemed to say deliberately.

"We have said what we should say. The next step is your own business."

"But I still want to give you one last suggestion."

"" I think you still need to pay attention to the lawyer Lin Hao who won this lawsuit!"

After Guan Cangyue finished speaking, Song Taian's eyes lit up.

"Lin Hao! Yes, it's Lin Hao! I finally remembered! It turns out that the young man is called Lin Hao! "

Speaking of this, Song Taian suddenly felt that something was wrong and said in surprise.

"Hey! How did you know that?"

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