Perhaps the conspiracy against their family had already begun when he secretly boarded the ship to the New World.

It was impossible to just trick the original body onto the ship and be done with it. There would definitely be other actions later. Feng Willow now wished he could fly back to his own territory immediately.

Although the territory was not large, it was also the territory of a small town, and there were five villages under it. In their own territory, the power of the nobles was really too great.

Although their family's title was only a baron, it was also a local emperor. Such a life was really beautiful just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, the cheapest ticket from the New World to the Old World cost fifty gold coins, and you had to drift on the ship for half a year. If you wanted to get better treatment, you would need a higher-end ticket.

And Feng Willow's entire net worth was only eighty copper coins. No matter how anxious he was to return to the Old World, he couldn't afford a ticket now.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much now. Let's try the strength of my alienated crow first!" Feng Willow put aside his unnecessary worries.

Feng Weiluo raised his hand lightly, and the alienated crow on the ground spread its wings, flew into the air, and landed on his arm.

This alienated crow was cultivated by his alienated secret medicine, and it can communicate with him. This is also the most basic ability of a sequence nine beast trainer.

"It's a pity that it's not an eagle. The appearance of the crow is still not majestic and handsome enough." Feng Weiluo looked at the alienated crow standing on his arm and shook his head with a little regret.

When he was preparing to alienate the beast, he also thought about getting an eagle to alienate. The eagle not only has guaranteed combat effectiveness, but also has a more majestic and domineering image.

Unfortunately, he was penniless at the time, and it was difficult to even support himself. Not to mention buying an eagle, he couldn't even afford a dog.

Among the animals he could catch, there were either mice, crows, or sparrows. These are the most common wild animals in Luodan Port.

The skill of alienating beasts is to obtain alienation improvement on the combat effectiveness of the beast itself. If it is weak, even after using the alienated secret medicine, its strength will not be too strong.

Finally, after comprehensive consideration, Feng Willow chose the crow as the object of alienation. Crows are also very powerful among birds, so he finally chose the crow.

This is only the first stage of alienation, which has made the crow so big. When his strength becomes stronger in the future, he can carry out the second stage of alienation, and the crow will become even more powerful.

Considering the current size of the alienated crow, maybe after the second stage of alienation, it can take him to fly in the sky.

For the sake of his own image, Feng Willow still waved his arm and let the alienated crow fly into the sky. There are many crows over Luodan Port. Although his alienated crow is a little bigger, it is not so conspicuous when flying in the air.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Feng Willow plans to take the alienated crow to test its current strength first.

The technology of this world has developed muskets and artillery, and the power is not weak. This is also the reliance of the countries in the old continent to run rampant.

Feng Willow took the alienated crow and tested it from strength, reaction speed, endurance to defense. With the power of the alienated crow, it swooped down from the air, and its attack power was very strong, and it could break a tree as thick as a thigh.

Its speed was also far beyond that of ordinary birds, and its endurance was also strong. It could fly continuously and fight with high intensity for three hours.

Only defense Feng Willow has not tested yet, because he has no gun in his hand, and he cannot test the defense of the alienated crow for the time being, whether it can withstand the attack of guns.

However, Feng Willow used an iron rod to test it. When he used the iron rod to attack with all his strength, he could not hurt the alienated crow.

"This is extraordinary. If it is against ordinary people, if the opponent does not have a gun, the alienated crow should have no problem fighting twenty or so!" Feng Willow thought with satisfaction.

"It's time to get my money back!" Feng Willow patted the head of the alienated crow beside him and said.

In the past two months, he has a certain understanding of this Luodan Port. This is the port established by the Snowland Empire of the Old Continent. The highest ruler is the governor sent by the Snowland Empire. There are certain armies to protect the interests of the country.

Below are the major chambers of commerce of the Old Continent, and some representatives of the interests of the nobles of the Old Continent. Further down are the free people from various countries in the Old Continent who come here to seek opportunities to make a fortune.

Among these free people, there are good and bad people, including those serious businessmen, and of course there are also some vicious and evil people. Most of the gangs on the dock were established by these villains.

The lowest level is the local natives. It can be said that the local natives have no status at all. Except for a few people who are willing to work as dogs for the chamber of commerce forces and live a little better, the other local natives are all at the bottom and are exploited by outsiders.

Feng Willow looked in the mirror and adjusted his clothes. Because he was an assistant teacher in the school, he was now wearing a black bachelor's suit, which was of course his work clothes.

He was tall, but wearing a loose bachelor's suit made him look not so strong, and he had a bit of bookish air. He was very satisfied with his current image. After all, he had traveled through time and returned to the age of eighteen again.

Walking on the road of the college, many female students' eyes were chasing him. Young, handsome, and educated men are always more favored by female students.

"Willow, are you going out?" An old man said to Feng Willow kindly.

"Hello, Professor Christine, I'm going to the dock." Feng Willow responded enthusiastically. His job was introduced to him by Professor Christine.

If it weren't for Professor Christine, he might have starved to death on the street. It can be said that Professor Christine has a great favor to him.

"Young people, you should go out more often, don't always read books in the house. But now it's more chaotic outside, you still have to be careful after you leave the college.

If possible, it's best to buy a pistol for self-defense. If you don't have enough money, I can lend you some first." Professor Christine said with some concern.

"Thank you Professor Christine, if it's convenient, then I really need your help." Feng Willow said embarrassedly. There is no way, who made him short of money, and now he really can't afford a pistol.

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