The left path sequence starts with the beast tamer

Chapter 34 Hijacking a Ship (Part 2)

The swamp lizardman was bitten by the three heads of the three-headed lizard at the same time. The three snake heads exerted force at the same time and instantly tore him to death.

After the lizardman died, the courage of the surrounding natives disappeared instantly and they fled in all directions. On the dock, no one dared to intercept their team anymore.

"Professor Willow, a few brothers just fell behind and were killed. I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower to operate the armed sailing ship now. We can only choose a smaller ship." Anthony said with a big breath.

Feng Willow looked back and saw that there were only 22 people left in the team behind him, and several of them were injured. The female student, although a little embarrassed, was not injured.

"Fuck" Feng Willow really had the urge to curse. Looking back at the dock caught in the war, Feng Willow knew that they had to leave immediately.

The union of the native tribes and the lizardmen made the fall of Lodan Port inevitable.

"See which one can drive, let's leave quickly!" Feng Willow said.

Anthony ran onto a triangular sailboat first, then ran down and said with a frustrated look: "Professor Willow, the sails have been destroyed by those guys, and these ships can't go out to sea."

No wonder there was no one guarding these ships. It turned out that the natives and lizardmen destroyed the sails and oars of all the captured ships in order to prevent anyone from escaping by boat.

Feng Willow once again looked at the warships of the Snowy Empire, the largest sailing ship, which was still resisting fiercely. It should not have been destroyed by those damn natives.

"Forget it, let's go to that sailing ship first and help them save it." Feng Willow said.

He has put away his greed now. Before, he was thinking that he could directly rob a large ship and make a fortune from the national disaster of the Snowy Empire.

Now it seems that there is not much chance, so let's save our lives first.

On the sailing ship, batches of natives, completely disregarding their own lives, rushed onto the sailing ship howling. The two sides launched a brutal hand-to-hand fight on the deck and in the cabin.

On the deck, a stone puppet with bat wings was diving from the air towards the natives below. Whether it was the bat wings or the spear in the hand, every dive could bring a large number of casualties.

The existence of the stone puppet was also the reason why this warship could hold on until now. The Snowy Empire was famous for the sequencers of the scholar path and mastered the production technology of alchemical puppets.

"Ship, quickly ship, set sail!" The captain shouted angrily while controlling the stone puppet to fight.

"Captain, there are too many damn natives. The ship is now stuck and we can't set sail." The first mate shouted desperately.

The humble natives who had been beaten and scolded by them in the past had become so crazy that they attacked them without regard for life and death.

"Found you! You damn rat." Under the sailing ship, a swamp lizard man stared at the window on the second floor of the cabin with a pair of vertical pupils.

The lizard man held a javelin and took a run-up. After more than 300 meters, the javelin accurately shot into the window.

The stone puppet that was originally hovering in the air also fell from the sky and crushed an unlucky native to death.

Without the captain's restraint, the sailors retreated step by step and couldn't even defend the deck.

Feng Willow saw this scene through the alienated crow and immediately accelerated the speed of the charge. Once the lizard man rushed onto the ship, the ordinary sailors on the ship couldn't stop it.

The swamp lizard man was satisfied and rushed to the sailing ship. He jumped high with a charge and rolled forward beautifully. Unfortunately, before he landed, the claws of the alienated crow had already found him.

If it was on land, the strength of this lizard man was actually much stronger than that of the alienated crow. The alienated crow might not even be able to withstand his javelin throw.

Unfortunately, he jumped up at this moment. He wanted to jump onto the ship and jumped very high... It was a tragedy.

Under Feng Willow's control, the alienated crow went straight to the opponent's waist with a pair of sharp claws. When the lizardman realized that something was wrong, he was helpless in the air.

"Ah!" The lizardman let out an inhuman scream, and the claws of the alienated crows had already grabbed both sides of his waist, and blood was dripping.

The lizardman, who was supposed to roll in the air and land on his feet, was attacked by the alienated crows, and he fell face first on the deck like a dead dog.

He was unwilling to accept it. He had obviously solved the most powerful opponent and was about to occupy this powerful warship. Success was just around the corner, but he was attacked by a crow and his kidneys were taken away. The effort fell at the last hurdle!

"Kill!" Feng Willow drove the three-headed snake lizard. Every time the dragon spear in his hand attacked, someone would die. He killed all the way in the direction of the sailing ship.

This journey was smoother than he expected, and he did not encounter a sequencer blocking the way. Feng Willow charged and killed the natives near the sailing ship, and then rushed to the deck of the sailing ship with his men.

At this time, the deck was already full of dead bodies, some of them were soldiers of the Snow Empire, and more were the bodies of the natives. Feng Willow also saw the bodies of two swamp lizardmen.

Riding a three-headed lizard, Feng Willow walked to the lizardmen lying on the ground and trying hard to get up. Feng Willow had no mercy and pierced the other's head with the dragon spear in his hand without mercy.

Feng Willow didn't know if he was late or how many sailors were still alive. He lifted the body of the lizardman high and shouted to all the natives: "Surrender and you won't be killed!"

Seeing the death of the lizardman and the powerful deterrence of the three-headed serpent, the natives on the deck immediately lost the courage to continue fighting.

They were so fearless before, not because they were really not afraid of death, but because they were affected by the secret technique. They became bloodthirsty and impulsive, and temporarily forgot their fear.

With the death of the lizardman, the secret technique on them was also lifted, and they threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground.

Feng Willow turned to Anthony and said, "Get ready to sail immediately. If there are not enough people, let these natives help. I'll go to the cabin to see."

Anthony hurriedly commanded the sailors and the surrendered natives to untie the iron chain between the ship and the dock. Disconnect the connection between the large sailing ship and the dock.

The sailors and natives in the cabin were still fighting, but with the death of the captain of the sequencer, the remaining sailors were also in despair and were beaten back by the natives.

Feng Willow originally wanted to ride the three-headed serpent into the cabin, but after looking at the narrow cabin aisle, he had to give up this idea. Now this big sailboat belongs to him.

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