These upper-class people in the old world all live in the west of the city of Lodan Port, and the University of Lodan Port is also located in the west of the city.

Sequencers are well-deserved nobles in both the new and old worlds, because they possess extraordinary powers.

Although Feng Willow is only a sequence nine, the extraordinary hiddenness in this world is not something that ordinary people can touch. Although the original body is a noble, he did not become a sequencer. There is only one sequencer in the family, his father.

To become a sequencer, not only talent is needed, but also financial support. A mere sequence nine who has just entered the extraordinary needs to be cultivated. It takes thousands of gold coins to cultivate it.

Moreover, some materials for holding ceremonies are still in short supply and cannot be bought even with money. The scarcity of extraordinary resources is what restricts the number of sequencers.

Even for a baron family like the original body, it is extremely difficult to cultivate an extraordinary sequencer.

This is why Feng Willow dares to go to the gangs now. As long as the sequencer is willing to report to the country where he is, he can easily become a noble.

It's a pity that this Luodan Port is the territory of the Snowy Empire, otherwise he would have gone to the government to report directly and become a noble, and he wouldn't be so poor.

His family is a noble of the Anerfa Empire. The main branch of the family has already been the title of earl, and his father is just a side branch. If he registers as a noble in the Snowy Empire, it would be a real treason. His family is likely to be fine, but his father and mother will suffer.

He can't pit his father and mother for a little money. No matter in which empire, treason is a very serious crime.

The reason why Feng Weiluo dared to come and cause trouble for the gangs just after becoming a sequencer was because he was sure that there was no extraordinary power among these gangs.

Who would want to become a gang leader who can become a decent noble? In the final analysis, the gang leader is just a dirty job. Even if he has some money, he can't stand up to the public in terms of social status.

And some gangs are just other people's black gloves, and they don't even have much money.

Feng Weiluo doesn't know what the situation is with these gangs in Luodan Port, and whether there are people behind them. But that's not important. No one would be hostile to a gangster and a sequencer with extraordinary power.

To the east of Luodan Port is the seaport. The further west you go, the more luxurious the buildings on both sides are. Near the sea are the places where the poor live and the warehouse area.

"This gang leader is quite good at enjoying himself. Is he worthy of living in such a beautiful house? Are the gangsters in the New World so rich?" Feng Willow walked to a large white villa. There was a lawn in front of the villa. Under the setting sun, it looked very beautiful.

This big villa is really better than the baron's castle in his original home. But for Feng Willow now, the richer this gang leader is, the better.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Will at home?" Feng Willow chose to go directly to the door. Will is the leader of the Hungry Wolf Gang. A gang leader who does all kinds of evil.

"Excuse me, who are you? What do you want to do with Mr. Will?" The servant at the door was a native of the New World. Looking at the bachelor's gown on Feng Willow, he carefully looked at him. People who can wear bachelor's gowns are at least people with a relatively high social status. Then he asked in a low voice, with a very humble and polite attitude.

The difference between the humans in the Old World and the natives in the New World is extremely obvious. The two sides are not of the same race. You can tell them apart at a glance.

The natives of the New World have a bluish-gray complexion, and some have scales on their bodies. They are a subspecies of humans. They are naturally defensive and strong, but their intelligence is underdeveloped.

Before the countries in the Old World came into contact with them, these natives still lived a tribal life, without even a unified country, and fought with wooden spears, which seemed very primitive. Moreover, even in such a backward situation, these guys would fight each other, interpreting primitiveness and barbarism to the fullest.

In Luodan Port, people from the Old World are all superior people. Even if they are some down-and-out guys, they can still bully the natives and experience the feeling of being superior. But if they are killed by the natives, it is not surprising.

So this gatekeeper servant will be very humble when he sees Feng Willow.

"I am Feng Willow, an assistant professor at the University of Lodan. I have something important to see Mr. Will." Feng Willow said bluntly.

A low-class gangster is not enough to scare him as a Sequencer. Moreover, with the means and power of these gangs, they can easily find out his identity, so he has no need to hide.

He just wants to get back his more than a thousand gold coins. Then take a boat back to the Old World and go back to inherit the family business. He doesn't want to risk his life every day in the New World.

"Sir, please wait a moment. I will inform the master now." The servant said respectfully.

"It seems that he is at home, just take me there directly!" Feng Willow said with a smile. As he expected, this time is not meal time, and Will is usually at home.

The servant was a little stunned. He had been in Will's mansion for so long, and this was the first time he saw such a rude guy.

The servant changed his face instantly. Feng Willow was so impolite, obviously not the master's friend. Then there was no need for him to be so humble.

"Boy, you need to know where this is! If you dare to act wild here, if you make Mr. Will angry, you will not see the sun tomorrow." The servant's original docile appearance suddenly disappeared, and he turned into a vicious look. I'm afraid this is his true face.

There are no good people in gangs? The so-called obedience is just pretending in front of the superiors.

"That's right, if you are too polite, I will be embarrassed to do it." Feng Willow smiled and raised the revolver in his hand, raising his hand and shooting.

Hearing the gunshot, the street, which originally had few pedestrians, was instantly empty. This is a high-end residential area, and the people living here are either rich or noble.

So there are very few pedestrians on the street, but the security force here is also the strongest.

After Feng Willow shot the servant at the door to death, he did not go inside, but found a corner to hide.

The patrolman is coming soon, and the people from the Hungry Wolf Gang should be coming soon. His purpose of alarming the snake has been achieved.

Hearing the gunshot, more than a dozen people came out of Will's villa, three of them were holding pistols, and two were holding rifles.

Rifles are much more powerful than pistols.

"What's going on? Where is the gun fired?" the big man holding the pistol asked?

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