The Legacy System

Chapter 61 - 61: New Subordinate & Surprise

Kirigaya was dumbfounded, firstly it was because he had gone to visit the best doctors around the world, and they had said the same thing, it was impossible.

Yet his Master, which was supposed to be a cooking Master, was telling him that he could heal him, and that cooking was just a side hobby.


Then, there was also the part where he also said he was going to give him this opportunity only if he made the devil's deal.

While this seemed something really big, he could understand the purpose behind it. He had lied to his Master since the first day, so without having some security how would he believe him.

Not to mention, that it wasn't only an opportunity to a second life, but so much more than even Kirigaya couldn't imagine right now.

In fact, even though he had decided to go and save his family, Kirigaya didn't want to die. What human being would like to die!?

So he was really considering this deal right now, furthermore, this deal was proposed to him by his mysterious and incomprehensible Master.

He still had some bottom line though, he wasn't doing this for wealth, or power, he was doing all this for his clan, and his family so he said,

Kirigaya:" I agree with the deal Master, only that I hope that Master doesn't harm my family and my clan, if Master can promise me this, then this disciple's life and soul are yours."

Eric looked at him, with an amused look, and said with a mocking tone,

Eric:" Oh, placing conditions to your Master? Well, I can agree to that, but what if,…, what if your daughters want to follow me behind as my women, what should I do?"

These words left Kirigaya dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say for a moment but thinking about it, his daughters were really beautiful, so everyone would have thoughts towards them.

On the other hand, Eric was his master, he was powerful, insightful, and was certain to become a great figure, there was no doubt his daughters might fall for him if he stayed close.

But was that a bad thing? His clan didn't care much about seniority or age, they just cared about strength and expansion.

And Eric was the best candidate possible, so if they really wanted to become his, why would he have to oppose, so he said with a calm tone,

Kirigaya:" If that happens, as long as it's by their own wish this subject has nothing to say, quite on the contrary this subject would be tremendously pleased."

Eric was just trying to mock him. Since he dared to place conditions but he didn't expect such an answer. He really didn't know what to say after that.

He had taken a look at the girl before, and he didn't like her attitude and had a fleeting thought of wanting to teach her a lesson under his body.

But that was just a fleeting thought, and he didn't really take it into consideration, especially since he didn't know his disciple's attitude, but now he was thinking it seriously.

Thinking calmly though, especially since he knew his goals for the future, he could understand that it wasn't that illogical as it came first.

Akira on the side was really surprised at their exchange at first, but then she could also understand Kirigaya's line of thought. Eric wasn't a normal person.

Thinking like this, for the first time after such a long time, she started thinking about a future for herself. It was only for a moment, but that thought really crossed her mind.

Recollecting himself after the surprising moment Eric used 100 SP points to make the first upgrade of the sub-system skill and then used one skill point on it.

Like this, his skill went from level 1 to level 3 in less than a breath's time. In level 3 the skill had 5 slots to be fulfilled.

Sub-systems Rarity SSS Level 3--- 5 slot Upgradable 10000 SP Level 4—7 slots

He felt a big headache pain for a moment and had to support his head with both his hands, surprising Akira and Kirigaya, but he was able to recollect himself quickly.

Then looking towards Kirigaya he said with a solemn voice,

Eric:" Now, make an oath of total subjugation to me!"

Hearing Eric's words, Kirigaya immediately started,

Kirigaya:" I Kirigaya Kaito, swear to give my Master Eric Jade, my life and soul!"

As soon as those words finished, a notification popped up in Eric's system interface.

!! Does Host desire to use one sub-system slot on Kirigaya Kaito YES/NO

Without thinking much over it, Eric pressed the Yes button, and immediately the notification about the start of the system installation started and Kirigaya lost his conscience.

There was one thing that Eric had noticed after Akira had the sub-system installed, her body was kind of reconfigured.

What he meant was that her meridians were opened and connected to each other. Probably the same thing was going to happen with Kirigaya.

While he was strong and was training according to the art of his clan, what he had wasn't real cultivation. It was just a way of amassing energy in his body.

In a kind of way was just the crudest way of cultivation that while it strengthened the body, its effect was really low.

As for the poison Eric had two ideas at the moment, the first was the healing potion, and the second the body tempering potion.

While one could heal him, the other could cleanse his body, he doubted there to be a really powerful poison on Earth, and in the hands of a small clan, that was incurable.

Thinking about this, he took Kirigaya's left hand, and while checking his pulse he sent a thread of Qi inside his body checking his condition and looking for the poison.

While his medicine skills weren't the best, they were still top graded, so he had a lot of knowledge about different kinds of poisons and their mixture.

As soon as he saw the poison though, he was startled. This poison was one of the first articles that were sold on the Shop window of his old system.

While it's power wasn't really great and at most worked only towards the weak player's or people playing the game, it was still useful if used in the right way.

But that wasn't important right now, what mattered was the probabilities this brought upon the current situation.

If it was really from that, and this was truly something bought from a system, then didn't this mean that the S-day was coming sooner, or the least there were already agents on Earth.

This was truly disastrous to him, he was thinking he had a lot of time, and that he could prepare for everything slowly, but who would have expected this.

Trying to remember any possible news from his past about anything related to this, he couldn't find much, he only remembered a rumor.

About a Japanese clan, that had turned into the 'Hall of Shadows'. They were deemed to be the best assassins in the new order after the S-day.

But even he as one of the Emperors of Japan had no idea who they were, or how they came to be. Knowing this, it did make sense though.

If Kirigaya's little brother already had the system even before the S-day then it wasn't wonder for such a thing to happen.

Probably right now, he was just trying to amass power, but since he didn't know about the S-day he was most probably taking his sweet way to the top.

The wedding he had already planned, and from the information, Kirigaya had told him about that guy, that should be the case.

This just meant that he had to train Kirigaya as soon as possible and make sure that this didn't end in a failure, or caught some unwanted attention.

He didn't know how he might have gotten his hands on that opportunity, but he also knew he couldn't ask about it at the moment.

The best way would be to kill him while keeping his eyes open and look for any other person similar to him. Since there was one, then there must be others.

Troublesome, really troublesome, as if it wasn't enough for him the pressure he already had, but now his pressure just multiplied many times.

Damn Immortal's, they were getting on his nerves, not being able to give him some time to rest and enjoy, he decided that whoever had given this idea he would make him regret it.

At the same time, far away from him in a dark room lightened only by some torches, a black-dressed old man, that looked with one leg to the grave, felt a chill down his back.

He didn't understand why, but it was just a fleeting feeling, so he just decided to forget about it. Whoever was the reason, was useless if it wasn't in front of him.

He would deal with that matter when it came in front of him. Right now he was sitting in a lotus position while looking at some kind of mirror in front of him.

There were 20 red dots in that mirror, spread in different parts of what seemed like small continents, while names and information could be seen on the side of them.

If one looked closer at it, they would be able to see that the view on the mirror was a presentation of the Earth's map continents.

And the 20 red dots were distributed through its continents. One of those 20 red dots was also Kirigaya Kaito���s little brother, who right now seemed to be enjoying himself.

The old man looked at the mirror with a solemn expression, as he said to himself,

'These ants better work hard, otherwise I will torture them for millennia when I have the chance, it was so difficult to even manage these 20.

Those old fogies are too damn cautious…


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