The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 206: agent

Ms. Akanis finally withstood and a bit of bitterness tolerated her idea of ​​withdrawing the ambassador.

"Really," she answered with a sour mood. "In addition to being in Oledov, there is also an agent who is a believer of Nargas, named Kadia, and belongs to the Strand family. He is now the emperor of the Marnus Empire, Strand The Duke of Germany serves. Since these requests have reached a critical juncture, we can no longer tolerate the interference of hostile factions in our affairs. "

"Now that Old Aetius was awarded the honor of leading the resistance against the orc invasion, then we must take over the task of the Marnus Empire. So I want to let Kadia remove the obstacles as soon as possible. This must be an accident, not a conspiracy It ’s been a long time. I do n’t want other families to know about our plans. A secret way must be found. But Malfoy is resourceful, and I believe in his tricks. He must take orders immediately. ”

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Elles looked skeptical.

"You want me to go to Oledov, my lady?" He hesitated and hesitated.

Ms. Akanis laughed and clapped her hands. The sound of metal grinding became louder and louder, and a wall of the secret room began to slide backwards.

"Don't be stupid, Elles," she said contemptuously. "This might leave you there forever, and you haven't dressed yourself up so beautifully recently. If you can appreciate the art of witchcraft, you won't ask this kind of question. I will talk to him personally. "

There was a crack in the middle of the moving wall, and the walls on both sides slipped away with a spark. From behind them, green smoke hovered on the floor like a swarm of snakes. Something was hidden in the darkness. The black shadow was suspended in the air by a string of metal chains, and it looked like a huge iron bowl. The noise generated by the boiling liquid filled the room. There is another smell, familiar and elusive.

"As you wish, my lady." Oles said absently, glancing uncertainly into the smoky room. "But if you don't want me to convey this news, why would you tell me all this?"

Ms. Akanis sighed and stood up from the throne. She walked to the newly opened gap in the room wall. From outside the huge metal bowl, the sound of female chanting can be heard. As the smoke spread out, the scene inside became clear.

"Because I want you to see it for yourself, Elles." She said softly. "Talking directly to Malfoy requires powerful magic. After all, he is thousands of miles away. Such a thing requires sacrifice. Thankfully, I have never lacked volunteers."

The last ray of smoke landed on the ground. Ms. Akanis looked up with anticipation. Hanging on the metal cauldron is Lord Ellese's predecessor, Lord Goreres. He left a long and brutal mark of torture on his body. Metal spikes pierced his limbs and torso. His body was paralyzed and twisted, as if his bones were broken, and then reconnected in a strange way. His **** eyes were half-open, and he took a few breaths of shallow breath.

Ms. Akanis turned to her ambassador with an evil and brutal expression on her face.

"Please pay attention, Elles." She said. "You know who this is. I will tell you the price of failure. If you let me down again, you will be hung on this cauldron."

Eles swallowed and nodded. His mouth seemed speechless.

As her fingers intersected, she snapped a snap with a click. Assistants dressed in black cloaks and cloaks rushed to Ms. Akanis. She had a machete in her hand. The liquid in the cauldron foamed more violently, spraying out magical oil beads and splashing on the glittering floor.

She watched the blade of the metal machete reflect the red light in the room, with a relaxed expression of absent-mindedness, and then strode to the poor former servant.

"Poor Gorres," she said, stroking his cheek gently. "You never know when to shut up. My ambassador should not have this weakness."

She touched the tip of the knife against his neck gently, even gently. She looked back at Oles with a conspiracy sneer, and Oles stood back hesitantly.

Then, with amazing speed and dexterity, she thrust the blade deeply into Gorrez's neck and dragged it down his body. No matter how frightened he was, it now works. With a giggling, suffocating scream, his painful internal organs fell from his body into the steaming liquid below.

The surface of the cauldron erupted, and a series of **** energy mixed with blood leaped upward. Ms. Akanis was covered with this kind of thing, she laughed wildly and licked her lips greedily.

The burning fire and oil scorched Gorrez's twitching body. It was devoured at an alarming rate, and the last few trembling bodies quickly fell into the cauldron, making a hissing noise. Around the figure of the lady, green smoke brings new energy, they rotate around the lady, and the room is full of howling wind.

After a while, the smoke began to condense on the boiling surface of the cauldron, forming a small figure. Ms. Akanis felt filled with great satisfaction. Few things are more exciting than the successful use of magic.

Behind her, Elys came slowly from the shadows. His face looked haggard. Ms. Akanis barely noticed him. She could feel the original power of dark magic flowing through her body. The blood on her face and lips was hot and energetic.

Her pupils are enlarged and her breathing is heavy. After some hard work, she regained her normal posture of calmness. This is very timely. In front of her, Malfoy's figure began to show through the rotating jadeite cloud. The green ghost formed by the smoke leaned over and bowed.

"My lady," came a faint, ethereal voice from the cauldron. "Your presence makes me feel honored. As always, I am very happy to see your face that amazes the gods. Every time is like watching a peerless treasure."

Ms. Akanis glanced sideways at Ellice to make sure he had fully understood the meaning of the scene before answering.

"This is very good, Malfoy." She said coldly. "Don't let it affect your mind. I will not maintain this spell for too long. There are some new developments that need to be made known to you. The day when the orcs invaded the great empire Gaitan is coming, and I am in Marnu The Sri Lankan Empire has a task for you. "

The green ghost laughed.

"The show is over." Malfoy said happily.

Ms. Akanis, who was standing next to Oles, nodded.

"Yes, my mage." She said. "exactly."

When Ms. Akanis ended the communication with the Master of Malfoy, Elys seemed to hesitate to stand beside her.

"What else?" Ms. Akanis asked curiously.

"Small things, about the remaining issues of the previous Western Division." Oles said cautiously. "The Western branch found a black tower that remained intact, and they used it as a base for training church mages. The children from Istania, Tirya, and Burtania were sent to be trained."

"Isn't the Western Division exposed because of some foolish action?" Ms. Akanis tilted her head to recall the memory of the Division.

"Yes, but there seems to be a conspiracy in progress. They left a part of the bottom personnel and apprentices on the island where the Black Tower was found." Oles continued to explain. "The apprentices took control of the Black Tower, and now they have established an organization called the Fatalin Association. They participated in the civil war in Istana not long ago. It is said that their strength has grown."

"To what extent has it grown?" Akanis asked lazily.

"It is said that there are thousands of soldiers alone, but they are the Duke of Ron employed in Istania ~ ~ and Duke of Ron has submitted to King Margarita. Duke Ogborn Margarita and Bill Barry split up their territory. "

"Oh, it seems that the two dogs of Istania are going to grab another bone. Since the Fatalin Association is employed by the Duke of Ron, that is, the vassal of the dog. It seems worthless."

"Yes, ma'am. Do we need to do anything in Istana?" Oles asked cautiously. "No, that's not the area we need to be responsible for. The two dogs are not worth our energy."

"As for the apprentices you said," Ms. Akanis tilted her head and thought about it. "You said they built an organization."

"Yes, Fatalin Association." Oles said, bowing his head.

"Since you think there is a conspiracy, then it may be the back hand of a guy from a Western branch. After all, the development in secret is still better than the development in the bright side, isn't it?"

"Are you saying that the Tallinn Association may have been intentionally left by the Western Branch?" Oles bowed his head and thought for a moment. "It is indeed possible. It is much more convenient to directly seize power than to develop under the enemy's eyes."

Ms. Akanis looked at her ambassador with satisfaction.

"Don't care about them, if they will threaten the church, someone from other families will jump out and solve them. Focus on what we do." Ms. Akanis said. "Is there anything else?"

"No more, my lady. Please allow me to resign." Oles bowed deeply, and slowly withdrew from the room after being confirmed by the lady.


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