The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 212: Duel on the grass

Sir Lothar-Du-Lancaster sat down on the saddle of the warhorse and picked up the heavy kite shield that his servant lifted in front of him. The coat of arms composed of meteor, holy grail and crown of crown is highlighted on the blue background. The knight waited patiently, as the servant bypassed the warhorse and lifted the sturdy spear in front of Lotel.

Nodded coldly, and took the long gun. Its handle was painted with bright red and yellow swirling stripes, which was not in harmony with the fierce steel pointed point.

Lotaire looked at Sir Daniel and raised his arm. He crossed the shield's buckle and fixed the shield with the crescent moon and the boar coat on his arm. His spear is painted with a black and blue checkered pattern, which matches the cover of his warhorse.

Before Daniel lowered the helmet on his helmet, Lotel saw the eyes of his enemies glaring at him. The extreme hatred and the immediate revenge made his excited cheeks tremble. Lotel rarely sees anyone with such determination and such unwavering commitment to bloodshed sacrifice. He had never seen such feelings on the face of such a young man.

A group of people gathered on the grass in front of the northern village of Aquitaine, just a few miles away from the gray walls of Oquinn Castle. The news of the duel has long spread to the court of the Duke of Gales, and even to the ears of farmers in the fields and vineyards.

Before the arrival of the two Jazz who participated in the duel, a festive atmosphere had already arrived on the designated battlefield. The court nobles from the duke sat comfortably in the shade of the pavilion hurriedly assembled, while a large group of farmers sat on the grass and watched their actions with ignorance of excitement.

Farmers are not familiar with the nuances of custom celebrations and honor duels, but they still observe the knights and their entourages with all their attention. It's as if they are here to watch a festival.

Sir looked at his deputy, thinking that the knight from his father's court was named Ranulf.

"If I die here," he said to the knight. "I order you not to take any revenge against Sir Daniel."

Ranulf made a grimace to Lotel's advice.

"If you choose to fight him with a sword," Ranulf growled. "This Toulouse dregs will undoubtedly die here, so that there will be one stinky **** in the Duke's territory."

"Oh my god, Ms. Liming is up! Why don't you take a sword instead of a spear to fight him?" Ranulf said with anger and complaint.

"Because this is my decision." Lotel said firmly. He looked at the entire venue and watched Daniel say the last words to a person other than his entourage, which should be his deputy. There are obvious similarities between them, even though the man is several years older than Daniel. Maybe it was his cousin. There must be Toulouse blood in his veins.

"Your Majesty will never forgive me if I let the sons of **** Toulouse kill his son." Ranurf cursed.

Lothal shook his head.

"If this person kills me here, it is not murder, but the result of a fair duel. I believe in the justice and fairness of my father. He will understand."

Lotel put down the helmet mask to block any further protests by Ranurf. He turned his gaze to the other side of the grass, watching Daniel trotting out of the servants surrounding him on the Toulouse horse. Lothal used the spurs to stab the side of his horse, and rode toward the field.

Although not afraid, Lotel was upset by Ranulf's words. Sir Lanurf was right, there was a huge gap between Lotel ’s famous swordsmanship and his spear ability.

Let Rotel choose the weaker weapon out of knighthood or pity? Because of Daniel ’s challenge to the offending party, the right to choose weapons is Lotel ’s. In fact, even when Daniel avoided the long sword and chose a spear, even Daniel was surprised.

Maybe it is as simple as a persistent sense of justice, he gave his opponent a chance to compete fairly. Lotel knew that no one could be worthy of his sword in Aquitaine, and even in the whole of Burtania, few people could match him.

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Sir Daniel is just a ranger knight, he is still learning to become a kingdom knight fighting skills and discipline. Competing with Sir Daniel's long sword is a despicable behavior, not suitable for anyone with honor and decent.

The grievances between the Lancaster family and the Toulouse family have cost both parties a lot, but Lotaire is unwilling to let his personal honor be the victim of that conflict. If he had to die under Daniel's gun to maintain his integrity, then his destiny was in Ms. Liming's hands.

Sir Daniel used the Spurs to gallop his horse, and rushed toward Lotel. He put down his high spear, and the steel tip of the spear shone in the sun, thinking of a devil's sharp tooth.

Lothal urged his horse to enter the battlefield, focusing on the enemy's armor. The sound of the iron hooves rang through the fields, a thicket of grass and mud flew, and the two knights rushed towards each other. When the two knights collided together, even the nobles who watched held their breath.

Daniel's spear failed to pierce Lotel's shield or the man behind the shield. Instead, the steel tip of his weapon deflected downwards, sliding past the side of the thick steel crown that encased the head of the Lothal horse.

Lothal's weapon hit the enemy's shield violently, and the arm holding the shield broke off like a branch. Daniel could no longer use the power of this arm. His arm rested weakly beside him, and the edge of the broken shield rested on the shield-type shoulder armor protecting his shoulder.

The violent impact and the sudden pain caused Daniel to shake. His warhorse responded to his inability to clamp the legs of the horse's body. It turned and turned the injured owner off the saddle. Daniel fell heavily on the ground, clutching his broken arm tightly to his chest.

Sir Lotel turned his head and walked towards Sir Daniel, who was down. The enemy slowly stood up again, watching him silently as Lotel approached him.

"Honor is enough," Lotel told his opponent. "Surrender, I will spare your life."

The silence of expectation enveloped the crowd, and the nobles leaned forward on their seats, trying to hear every word. Some bold farmers climbed into the field, their eyes fixed on these two people: the winner and the loser.

Under the threat of Lothal, Daniel's body lost, and all the power seemed to disappear in his body. He slowly raised his head reluctantly, staring at his enemy.

"De Toulouse succumbs to Du Lancaster?" Daniel booed, then shouted. "never!"

The cunning knight suddenly rushed forward and fell to Lothal's spear. Daniel disobeyed the spirit of the knight, and slashed the uneven edge formed by the armor and shield locked on his left shoulder towards the throat of Lothal's horse. The frightened animal stood upright on its hind legs and kicked its front legs in the air.

Daniel was beating his breastplate under his hooves, screaming at the animal, ignoring the mockery and boos of the audience. Lotel was able to maintain his center of gravity when he stood upright three times before the warhorse he personally raised. After that, he lost his balance and was thrown to the ground, landing in a burst of armor and a bruising impact.

The filler under the knight's armor absorbed most of the impact force, allowing him to break free from the sudden impact. He took a few breaths and quickly stood up from the grass, swinging back and forth as the enemy rushed at him.

When he stood up, Daniel's sword was cut off at him, almost hitting the joint of his thigh armor. The knight with a broken arm kicked Lotel's knee in revenge, trying to kick him to the ground so as to kill him easily. Lotel punched the young knight on the injured shoulder and hit the cracked shield.

Daniel screamed as the impact shattered the pieces of his broken shield through his torn forearm.

Luotel took advantage of Daniel's moment of distraction, and staggered away from the two, pulling out his sheathed sword. When he was about to draw the blade from the scabbard, he hesitated. Even now, even after Daniel's disgraceful behavior, he is still reluctant to deal with a young knight who is far worse than his swordmanship.

"Coward!" When Daniel noticed Lothal's hesitation, Daniel booed. "You dare to let me beg you for mercy!"

The enraged knight rushed towards Lotel, and his long sword pierced the junction between breastplate and plastron ~ ~ wanted to stab the steel blade in his hand into the enemy's stomach. Lotel spins in the direction of Daniel's attack, and the instincts he has tempered in years of battle and duel gradually take control of his body, overwhelming the thought of trying to control his own hand.

Before Lotel realized what he had done, Daniel was already kneeling at his feet, Lotel's sword inserted into the armpit under the young knight's right shoulder. Lotel watched the body of his injured opponent tremble and fell, falling motionless to the ground.

Lothal slowly knelt beside the dead knight and pulled out his sword. He stood up and turned to Daniel's deputy. When Rotel spoke to Daniel's deputy who was still alive, his voice was filled with cold anger. This anger was not due to grievances, but because of grievances he had to do such things today.

"Buried him next to his brothers," Lotaire said, his voice trembling with anger. "But when you entrust his soul to Ms. Liming, don't treat me as a murderer. This boy should never confront me until he has enough courage and skill to win such a battle."

Lotel put his long sword back into the scabbard.

"I didn't kill this child." He repeated. "The man who killed him was the one who let him ride out and was killed. The murderer was sitting in the castle of Toulouse. When you saw the Earl of Robert, tell him what I said!

"Tell him, don't waste my time on those challengers who are not as good as me! Tell him, don't murder your child from today!"


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