The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 246: scapegoat

Flain struggled, kicking in vain, and awakened suddenly from the nightmare. His eyes flicked open after blinking, and he took a breath of air into the cold, dry air. He looked around sleepily and found himself surrounded by a dark red mist. Some shadows moved around him.

He lay face up on a large slate. When his eyesight began to recover, and his feelings began to recover, he found that his wrists and ankles were locked. He recalled what happened before.

Flaine shook his head and tried to concentrate. He was drugged, and perhaps still affected by the spell that took away his consciousness. It's hard to recall what happened. He narrowed his eyes. Gradually, his vision became clear.

He was in a dark room surrounded by crackling torches. Even though they are burning, the air here is cold and wet. He felt like he was buried underground, buried in an ancient tomb.

Fraine raised his head again, and those shapes became clearer. He recognized the iron masks of the riders, and the memories of meeting by the river surged again. He felt a chill in his stomach, and there was a breath of evil magic from them.

Why didn't he notice that before he was overwhelmed by the spell they released? He must be tired. In any case, this is the only excuse he can come up with.

"Welcome back, Master of the Black Tower." Said a voice he didn't know.

Frian frowned and looked around, trying to find out the source of this sentence. A tall figure came to him with a metal staff. He wore a black silk robe and a heavy necklace around his neck. Flint was somewhat surprised that he was a pure human being, and his face showed almost no signs of variation or distortion.

He has a sparse beard and long black hair. Only when he looked at the man's eyes, Flynn saw the chaos and mania caused by the evil forces reflected in him. This man looks like an evil wizard, but he is relatively new to black magic. The distorting effect on the long-term service of the God of Evil is clearly not yet fully effective.

"I believe you like your dreams." The evil wizard said with a cold smile. "Some people never wake up again. You seem to have at least some willpower. My lovely monsters tell me that you are difficult to be conquered, so don't feel too sad about what happened. Everyone may have bad one day."

Flaine felt that the last effect of the medicine in his body began to disappear. His eyes rolled around in the room, looking for any weaknesses that could be exploited. It is a pity that even if there are weaknesses that can serve as breakthroughs, none are obvious.

"Where is my staff?" He said, then immediately regretted it. His mouth felt as dry as he swallowed a lot of sand. As soon as the words fell, he felt a severe headache in his temple. It was as if this were the worst hangover in his life.

"In a safe place." The evil wizard said. "We can't let you use it anymore. Until we know more about you."

Flein leaned his head on the cold stone, hoping that the severe pain would calm down a little so that he could concentrate.

"No one knows that you are here, and the mage of the Black Tower will never be known." The evil wizard continued. "However, it seems now. We can't always use this formal title. My name is Uric-von-Strohheim, and I am responsible for the affairs here. As for you, how long is your life depends on Because of how much you have helped us. First, your name. "

Despite the splitting headache, Flynn's mind started to work. Despite the aggressive appearance of this evil wizard, this Stroheim didn't seem to completely control his emotions. A certain temperament in him revealed a fragile quality. Flynn speculated that it might be useful to put pressure on him.

"Heinrich de Tesheim," Flynn wrote himself a noble pseudonym without hesitation, and then said coldly. "I have never heard of you. Von Stroheim sounds like a noble family, but there are only two human nobles in this place, the Earl of Night Owl and the Baron Cappucci. I guess you bought you Title, if it makes any sense. "

After listening to this, Uric's calm face completely disappeared.

"How much do you know about this kind of thing, redneck?" The evil wizard shouted, his voice scary. Then he controlled himself and took a deep breath.

"It seems that you do not appreciate the fact that I keep you alive. The only thing you should care about now is that you are still alive because of my strength and my kindness. You are under my control, under my control Below. The former is extensive, the latter is not. "

Flaine nodded weakly, the other party's words showed that the wizard's mood was very unstable. This is not a good thing for him.

"Very good, I understand." Flynn said more respectfully. "Maybe you can explain what happened?"

Yurik regained his composure, relaxed and leaned casually against the wall closest to Flynn.

"I hope I can get an explanation from you." The evil wizard said. "There is a place nearby, a place hidden in strange rock formations, which makes this island so interesting now. It has encountered some trouble recently. More directly, someone found that place ~ ~ Killed all the priests who were performing ceremonies. As if this was not bad enough, one of my servants, my most trusted assistant, was also brutally killed. I think you know nothing about this, do you ? "

Flaine felt his emotions began to decline. Von Stroheim is planning an evil plan that was destroyed by someone, and the destroyer is likely to be responsible for the black tower mage leading the team. But being regarded as a man who broke his plan, Flynn didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"Of course not me," Flynn said, letting his contemptuous expression of the idea show. "In this barren wilderness, I have nothing to do with you and anyone. You have found the wrong person."

Yurik looked at him frowningly, and seemed very upset.

"Here, you have no right to give orders, Mr. Tesheim," he said. "I can't believe you. You have to tell me what you are doing here, otherwise your death will be a great pain."

Flynn clenched his fists in frustration. It's bad enough to be interrogated when you have something to hide. What's worse is being mistaken for someone else.

"Look," Flynn said. He finally managed to control his anger. "I really didn't take part in killing your priest. But even if I did it, why do I tell you such a traitor among mages?"

Evil wizard Yurik's eyes flashed a short burst of anger again, but he controlled his anger. He often seems to be on the verge of madness. This may be a help or a hindrance. Even without his staff, he is weak at the same time, but Flynn can still do something.

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