The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 321: trap

Catherine stared at Ambrose for a long time, as if she were an ordinary person, and then she turned herself around, but his image remained in her mind: his hair, his shoulders, his Lips ...

A group of courtiers appeared behind the execution table. As they stepped back and bowed, it could be seen that her father was already on the road. Catherine's heart throbbed. She, her mother and the maids lived in seclusion in the castle's wing belonging to the Queen, and had not seen her father for weeks and months. For her only daughter, his appearance is still an opportunity.

The king appeared, and he walked fast, his red and black jacket against his broad shoulders, and his high hat made him appear taller. Catherine stood up quickly, bowed her head dignifiedly, and bowed deeply. She stood on the platform above the king, but her head should be lower than the king's. Although her father was tall, it was still a twisted movement.

Catherine tightened her tummy, her thighs stretched tight, and squatted halfway. Her corset pierced her waist. She focused her attention on her discomfort, knowing that she would survive this period of time. She saw the king in the corner of her eye. He jumped onto the imperial platform and strode forward. The crowd cheered as soon as he saw him clearly. "King Denise! King Denise!"

Peverly straightened his bowed body, and Catherine waited a while before raising her head. The king looked at the crowd motionless as if he didn't know Catherine at all. Then, he sat in the seat next to Harold, and a red cushion appeared on it a moment ago to relax his noble hips.

Catherine also stood up straight, feeling relieved in her stomach. Harold also straightened up from the bowed body, stood there dumbly, hesitated, and then sat down, but Catherine was sure he would be happy to sit next to the king. She waited for Peverly to sit down, and then she straightened her skirt and returned to her own seat.

Things are going fast. After all, the king is not known for his patience. More people boarded the execution table. There were four men in black clothes and four men in guard uniforms, and the prisoner was almost invisible among them.

The crowd sneered and shouted: "Traitor!" Then, "Prostitute!" And "Bitch!" And some bad words, or worse words.

Some things Catherine knows and occasionally read while reading, but I have never heard anyone say it, not even Peverly. They are more powerful than the language she knows. They are not beautiful, neither poetic nor clever, but humble and vulgar, like a slap in the face.

Catherine glanced at Ambrose, his face twisted and motionless, standing stiffly across from her. Catherine closed her eyes.

Peverly whispered in her ear: "You are not watching, Your Royal Highness. You are here to see the end of the traitor. This is for your own good. So if you do not turn your face to face the guillotine, I Just pin your eyes with a pin and let it open. "

Catherine did not doubt Peverley's sincerity. She opened her eyes and turned to the guillotine.

Miss Anne-Noven wore a blue silk robe with silver lace. Her jewels shone in the sun, her blonde hair pinned up and shone with golden light. Under normal circumstances, Miss Anne is considered beautiful, but today is far from it. Now she was so thin and pale that she was supported by two guards.

But the most striking is her mouth: thick black lines from the upper lip to the lower lip, her mouth was sewn, her chin and neck were covered with dry blood. Her tongue has been cut off. Catherine wanted to see Ambrose, but she dared not turn to him and never saw him again. Seeing his sister like this, what must he be thinking? Catherine stared in the direction of Miss Anne and found that the best way to do this was to focus on the guard who lifted her up, his finger How thick and how tight his hands are.

The spokesman of the king stepped forward to address the crowd and demanded silence. When the noise subsided, he began to read a roll of parchment, which listed Miss Anne's crime.

"Seducing married men into temptation." Refers to her relationship with Sir Wald.

"The King failed to attend when invited." It means that when Noyes and his men confronted Sir Wald, she would run away with Sir Wald. (First launch, domain name (remember _ 三 <>

"Murder the king's men." That's what it means, although it is hard to believe that looking at Miss Anne now, she stabbed a soldier under the king in the battle that killed three people including Sir Wald .

Murder was the main reason for her execution; murdering a king ’s men was equivalent to killing the king himself—it was a crime of treason, so as the conclusion of his speech, the speaker said, “And because she betrayed Bilba Lee and our glorious king. "

The crowd became wild.

"As a traitor, murderer and prostitute, she was deprived of all her property and confiscated by the king."

A man dressed in black approached Miss Anne and began to take off her jewelry one by one. Every time he took down a thing-a brooch, a ring, a bracelet-excited cheers and applause broke out in the crowd.

Everything was put into a small box held by another person. When the jewelry was taken away, the man picked up a knife and cut off his clothes from the back. When the dress was ripped off her shoulder, a new burst of cheering broke out from the crowd. The fastest computer terminal to update: https: ///

Miss Anne was almost dragged down, but the guard pulled her up and helped her. The crowd barked like a group of hounds again and started shouting "Take off! Take off!"

Miss Anne was wearing only the remaining clothes, holding the thin cloth tightly in front of her chest. Her hands were shaking, and Catherine could see that her fingers were deformed and broken. At first Catherine didn't understand why, but then she realized that this was part of the ritual of execution of the traitor.

Those convicted of treason were prohibited from communicating with the king ’s faithful subjects, so their tongues were cut off and their lips were stitched together. However, because all the servants of Bill Barry used gestures to talk to each other when they were not allowed to speak, Miss Anne's finger was also interrupted.

One of the men unbuttoned Miss Anne ’s hair, her hair was long and thin, the lightest yellow. He grabbed a hand and cut it off her neck. He grabbed his hair and put it in a small box.

Finally, she almost returned to her infancy, shrinking in the early spring sunshine, with a thin layer of worn robes, clinging to her body. Even the dignity of Miss Anne seemed to be taken away by the king.

The speaker turned from Miss Anne and shouted to the opposite podium: "What do you think of this traitor?"

Her father, Lord Marquis of Novin, a tall, gray-haired man, came forward. He straightened his waist and cleared his throat.

"You betrayed your country and your glorious king. You betrayed my family and myself, you betrayed all the loyal subjects who nurtured and trusted you. You betrayed my trust and the reputation of my family. If you were not Just be born. I openly condemn you and demand to be executed as a traitor. "

Catherine looked forward to Miss Anne's reaction. Miss Annie looked back at her father and seemed to stand upright. Then, five other male relatives-her two uncles, two cousins ​​and her brother Talkan-came forward, shouting their same condemnation, and finally demanded her execution.

Talkan looks like Ambrose, blonde. Every time Miss Anne was accused, the crowd cheered and then kept silent for the next person. After every relative accused the lady, Annie's strength and figure seemed to have increased. Catherine was surprised at first, but she also began to sit higher. The more they disparaged Miss Anne, the more she wanted to show them how strong she was.

The last one to stand out was Ambrose. He opened his mouth but said nothing. His brother leaned over to speak to him. When Talkan said, "Please, Ambrose. You must do this."

Ambrose took a breath, then said in a clear but barely improved voice: "You are a traitor to Bill Barry and the King. I demand to execute you." His brother put his hand on Ambrose's shoulder. Ambrose continued to stare at Miss Anne, tears rolling down his cheeks. This time the crowd did not cheer. Update the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

Peverly said: "I believe he is crying. He is as weak as a woman."

However, Miss Anne did not cry. Instead, she made a gesture: she put her hand on her heart, a simple gesture of love for Ambrose. Then she turned around and her eyes met Catherine's. Miss Annie raised her right hand, as if to wipe tears, and left hand on her chest.

This is such a smooth, so disguised movement that it is almost invisible. Catherine has been reading sign language since she was a child. This is one of the earliest sign languages ​​she learned. It means "look at me".

Then Miss Anne made a kiss gesture with her right hand, and her left hand swept down, clenching her fist, which seemed to be clenching her fist. Catherine frowned. The fist clenched in front of the groin is a symbol of anger, hatred, threats. It's strange to match it with a kiss.

Then another signal: "Boy." Mrs. Anne turned to stare at the king and made another gesture, but the man holding her arm blocked her way.

Catherine did not know Miss Anne; she had never spoken to her, only met her once in court. Catherine spent most of her life confined to her room, so seeing other women was hardly more common than seeing men and talking to them. Are these signs she imagined?

Miss Anne was taken to the front and forced to kneel on a low piece of wood. She lowered her head, then turned her head so that her eyes met Catherine's again. There was no doubt that her eyes were so intense. What did she want to say to me at the moment before she died?

The executioner Bradwell is now wearing a hood, but his mouth is still exposed, he said, "Look forward, otherwise I can't guarantee it will be clean and neat."

Miss Anne turned her head to face the crowd.

Bradwell raised the sword over his head, and the sunlight reflected from the sword into Catherine's eyes. The crowd was suddenly quiet.

Bradwell took a step forward, then stepped aside, perhaps to assess the angle of his knife edge, and then he walked behind Miss Anne and circled the sword high above his head in a circle ~ www. ~ A half step forward, the sword hovered over his head for a while, and then he slashed at a slanting speed again. For a while, nothing seemed to happen.

Miss Anne's head fell off, hit the wooden floor with a bang, and then rolled to the edge of the execution table. Behind it, the blood spread from the neck of the slowly falling body. The crowd cheered like a blow on Catherine's body, and she wobbled back to her seat.

Bradwell took a step forward, took his head back, grabbed his hair and lifted it up. There was a cry of "Pierce her! Put her head on the spear!" Bradwell's assistant stepped forward with a spear, and the crowd's enthusiasm intensified.

Somehow, Catherine's eyes crossed the execution table and the noisy crowd and met Ambrose's eyes. She grabbed his eyes, wanted to comfort him, and told him she was sorry. She needs him to know that she is not like her father or brother, she has no choice to appear here, and despite the insurmountable distance between them, she still cares about him.

Peverly whispered in her ear: "You are not looking at Miss Anne, sister."

Catherine turned around. Noting that Miss Anne's head was hanging on the spear, Noyes stood at the foot of the guillotine, and when he turned his attention from her to Ambrose, a smile hung from the corner of his mouth. Catherine realized she was a fool: it was not punishment, warning, or lesson.

This is a trap.


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