The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 502: Battle of Camranfield

Sir Richard's warhorse wobbled under his feet. As a proud and noble beast, the warhorse refused to accept the imminent death, but with its body pierced by two spears, plunged into the ranks of the undead. When the brave animal stumbled and his legs were bent, the knight shed tears. The war horse tilted its head back and hissed, as if complaining of its weakness, preventing it from causing greater damage to the enemy.

The warhorse straightened for a long time, so that Sir Richard could get off the saddle, and then he fell sideways, blood flowing from many wounds. The knight looked down sadly at his dying horse and raised his sword to pay tribute to the brave spirit of the horse.

Around him, Sir Richard cleared a big circle in the team of the undead. There were broken skeletons everywhere, and some of the skeleton soldiers had broken arms and legs and were still struggling to move. Several of Sir Richard ’s fellow knights, all veterans dressed in lilies, stood next to the heirs dismounted, using their huge two-handed swords to block the undead, blocking them from the outside as they began to approach the gap .

Sir Richard cursed his stupidity. When he took these people to the battlefield, he didn't think more than an angry child. He broke the plan elaborated by his father. The Duke of Blood Eagle does not need to run into the fields of Camranfield now to fight the knights. The monster can happily kill the knights in his own way, and will never expose his army to the archers on the mountain.

The guilt further exacerbated Sir Richard's anger. He understood that what had happened was irreversible, but he still had a chance to defeat the army of the Duke of Blood Eagle. If they can kill the commander of the army of undead all the way and destroy them, then the remaining undead soldiers will be destroyed at the same time. The movement of the undead soldiers is almost like sleeping, which means that they are likely to use any loopholes in their defenses. Despite the large number of undead soldiers, they were slow to move and could not stop the brave and determined knights.

Sir Richard chopped off his legs with a sword when a skeleton warhorse came towards him, and the horse and rider fell to the ground. Just as the Skeleton Knight began to climb out of the tangled warhorse wreckage, Sir Richard's blade cut its spine, split it in two, and let it tumble in the dirt.

Sir Richard inserted the sword into the soil, took off the helmet, and wiped the sweat from his eyes. This is a clumsy movement, and since it can only be done with one hand, it becomes more complicated. His left arm was broken and curled up behind the huge shield on his chest, which was tied to his chest. The young knight made a grimace as he remembered the terrible power of the dark knight he was fighting on the Morso River Bridge. When he thought that the monster he was looking for was the master in the mouth of the dark knight, he felt a sense of fear.

But he must give it a try. Sir Richard prayed to the lady, hoping that she would have the courage to face her enemies. Through the ranks of the undead army, he could see the shimmer of the crimson armor of the Duke of Blood Eagle, in stark contrast to the surrounding decaying creatures. The Duke of Blood Eagle is personally directing his undead soldiers to kill the knights of Aquitaine. There was only a few hundred yards between Sir Richard and the monster. Hundreds of yards, and hundreds of corpses that do not want to die. They exist only to destroy living people.

The heir of the duke turned his gaze to the sky, watching his father hover on the battlefield, waving flags desperately to the knight below. The Duke of Gales signaled Sir Richard to retreat, allowing the Cavaliers to retreat from Camranfield. But it was too late. The undead overlapped the wings and slowly surrounded the knights. There is no turning back. The only way is forward.

Either win or die!


The female prophet Aniston watched the warriors of the Duke of Blood Eagle wandering around the knights waiting for the battle. The monster and his lich are using evil energy to empower their undead warriors to drive them with a speed and strength that exceeds their decaying bodies. It was faster than any knight had expected. Rows of zombies and skeletons surrounded them and locked them in a cage made of decaying spears.

Those people are destined to escape. The female predictor Aniston did not need her foresight to know that the trap set by the Duke of Blood Eagle could not escape them. They need miracles to rescue them from the destruction that threatens them now.

She closed her eyes and her heart pounded with fear. The divine power of the tomb of Duke Rowland flowed on her, beating on her like fingers of lightning and flame. She was able to harness this power, and the effects of harnessing it far exceeded her previous achievements. She can bring miracles to save the knights. .

The female prophet Aniston stared at the battlefield with tears in her eyes. The screams of dying men and war horses echoed in her ears. On the hill, she could see the peasant archers in Burtania, their formation was chaotic, and the blood bats of the Duke of Blood Eagle flew around them. In the field below, she can see the ancient chariots appearing from the flanks of that monster army. The rotten leather and yellowed bones constitute a terrible structure, led by a bloodless horse, driven by a grinning skeleton, and the chariot is heading towards the hillside ~ ~ No need to imagine, just You can guess how they would behave when the wheels of the chariot were fitted with sickle-like blades, and when they climbed to the top of a hill full of archers.

The female predictor Aniston defeated the despair and fear that weighed on her heart, and focused her mind on the divine image of this lady and the Holy Grail. She knows what to do. She knew what her destiny would be like from the beginning. She had hoped that by bringing Sir Raymond and Viscount Melson here and letting them confront the Duke of the Blood Eagle as soon as possible, she would be able to escape the doom she had foreseen herself in the dark hour when the monster was free.

The female prophet Aniston cannot passively inspire the Aquitaine with the tomb of Duke Roland. She must turn the holy energy of the Holy Grail into a weapon, a spear with divine power, to fight against the desecrated undead. She may be able to use the pure power gathered at her fingertips in the cemetery to burn down the army of vampires and bring them the lady's justice.

A chill came up from the spine of the female prophet Aniston, and she became suspicious again. Only the weakest creature under the vampire's hand will be repelled by the Holy Light. Others must endure, enraged by the divine flame, and driven crazy by magical attacks. By saving the knights, she will lead the revenge of the Duke of Blood Eagle to herself.

The female prophet Aniston shook her head. Now, as her doomsday comes, she wholeheartedly hopes that whatever she does, it will be worthwhile. She could n’t tell what would happen after she had done all this. She did n’t know whether Duke Gaels could lead his army back to Oquine Castle, or whether Duke Bloodhawk could still be Viscount Melson stopped.

She only knew that the monster would come to her.

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