The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 880: Warlord's Ambition

When Alek discovered the Sasolian Shrine hidden deep in the Crystal Cave of the Wild Mountains, he was considered eligible to become a dark warrior. Black armor has been transplanted onto him. It gave him strength and resilience. He came to this world on a horse, spreading change and terror in the name of his master.

Then he joined a battle group and fought to become the leader of others, because like all great beings, Susorion liked to let his admirers compete with each other so that they could prove themselves worthy of his favor .

Alek is indeed valuable. He led his followers to victory again and again, showing a deep and keen precise grasp of the tactics and opportunities needed for victory, as well as the political insight needed to rise in the selected team.

He soon defeated Korhoun ’s killing knight — roaring Bain, the filthy and disease-ridden fighter of Khalbu, Lathal, and the decaying perfume of Srevis. The same deadly pleasure knight-Mrs. Silan Fowler.

He also went to pilgrimage to all the sacred Sasolian shrines on the wasteland, gaining more knowledge and magic power, and using many runes to finely sculpt his armor and weapons.

It was during this time that he met for the first time the twin wizards who played an important role in his rise-Kelman Black Staff and Igor Gold Rod. The first time they met was in the endless cave, deep in the wild mountain range, when Alek presented thirteen captured souls of the warriors of the hostile forces to Sasolion.

During his vigil, the demon of the vigil whispered many secrets to him, and the twin brothers helped him explain the mysterious warnings. One of the secrets brought them all here today. Because he knew the reason why Skarslock-Ironclaw had tried so hard to occupy Prague Castle four hundred years ago, and what was hidden there.

The twin brothers realized his great destiny and formed an alliance with him, giving him magical power, giving him ideas on magical issues, and sometimes giving him ideas on other things. He always listened to their suggestions, because they never questioned his decision and never disobeyed his orders, so he was very happy that they could join his team. In fact, their divination and prophetic abilities have proved so accurate that he found them to be his most useful servants.

In a way, they became his lucky charm, because shortly after they joined him, Alek began to enjoy greater success than before. His army grew with the influx of horned beasts and tribe warriors. When their spell opened the gate to Alton Castle, their magic helped him get the first fortress in a piece of waste soil eroded by evil forces. Of course, he once led the soldiers to the castle and killed Alton's ancestors, but they did help a lot.

When he retrieved his invincible armor from the vault in Alton Castle, they helped a lot. Somehow, they already knew how to untie the armor and bind it to him. From that day on, as they predicted, he has proven to be indestructible when confronted by any weapon made by mortals or demons.

Their advice helped him establish a major league of Sasolian followers. They told him who was reliable and who was treacherous. They seemed to have extremely reliable noses and could sniff out those who conspired against him. It was they who warned him that the trusted lieutenant, Mikar, the lionhead, conspired to assassinate and overthrow him. When his betrayal followers were alone in his throne room, he quickly reversed the situation and gave Mirka an unexpected surprise.

They warned him in advance that his troops would be ambushed by the army belonging to Kohuon's followers, and in turn made him suddenly attack those who wanted to ambush him. Their spells used magical powers to turn the sky red, helping him defeat an enemy ten times stronger than him.

They weave magic around him to protect him from magic attacks and even defeat him. For centuries, they helped him gain power and prestige, and finally enabled him to establish this big alliance, even including three other great followers. Alex knew this was the last pinnacle of his destiny.

In the long thousands of years, few warlords have the charm of leaders, military skills, power and pure ability to build such an alliance. More than four centuries ago, Scarcas Locke created the last one. Alek knew that he was the first person to weld such a force together since then.

Indeed, there are at least three other warlords who have already established an army of similar size, and now they have also emerged from that wasteland.

This is indeed a point worth worrying for Alek. Zehadra, known as the King of Thousand Faces, has the weirdest believers. Alek cannot understand why these people believe in a **** with tentacles on his head and countless eye sockets , And only interested in believers ’brains.

But he also had to admit that Zehadra was indeed one of the great beings, although he did not think that Zehadra Bisasolion was greater. But the believers of Zehadra did establish a closer connection with him. Some people say that a certain part of his believer's brain is permanently connected to Zehadra.

As for the purifier Natigue, his believers have longed to purify the world, but they are also the most unbearable group. It is even more unbearable than the believers of Cohorn. Their masters are also called pioneers of destruction, which is not without reason. Fortunately, the believer of the purifier Natigai may be the least of all great beings.

On the other hand, Devil ’s guardian **** Nuger ’s army of demons may not be able to stay away from the wasteland, which may be the only good news. Voters with great presence are very strong, but in the end, Alek will win. Victory in Prague will bring him prestige and unite all admirers of great existence.

If everything goes according to his plan, he will be the last one to live. Because he intends to put the whole world under the control of his power and expand that waste soil from one pole to the other. He knew that as long as he had time, he could do it.

This is definitely useful for twins, but now it seems that their usefulness is coming to an end. They opposed his plan to come to the South so soon. They wanted him to wait for a while to gain more strength. As usual, they warned vaguely that the omen is wrong, which is very ominous.

They once said that the oldest road will open soon, and no such large-scale march is needed. They did not notice that the warlords who had gathered together were already impatient and eager to start acting, and now Alek needed a battle of conquest to maintain their unity. This is the first time Alek has found himself in a dispute with his pet wizards since they admitted that he was destined to rule the world.

But this situation will be corrected soon. Despite their strength, there are still many wizards willing to follow Susorion ’s favorite voters. Once the city is captured, the great plan will start with a complete victory, his army will be united together, Alek vowed that he will deal with these troublesome wizards and find other replacements.

Now he turned his attention to the ongoing battle. Thousands of horned beasts fell on human war machines. It doesn't matter. Alek does not really believe that they have a chance to win the city.

He just wanted to make the defenders aware of the power of the enemies they faced. If he wanted, he could afford 10,000 such servants, and this would not have the slightest impact on the number of his army.

When defenders realize how huge the opponent they are facing, their morale will be fatally hit. In a protracted siege, this will have a major impact on the outcome.

In addition, all the horned beasts who attacked the city were followers of Cohorn. They have been eager to fight ~ ~ He wonders if he can suppress them or lead their warlord Losa-Fire Fist for longer without letting them attack other troops under his command. This is the main difficulty in leading such an alliance. Giving them a common enemy is sometimes more important than pure military utility.

As he watched, he found that the attacker had reached the city wall. The hot oil splashed on their fur, and the guards turned the cauldron upside down and splashed on the horned beast. The burning fire of alchemy turned them into burning human torches.

In spite of this, several horned beasts on the ladder climbed the city wall. For a while, some of them seemed to succeed in clearing a place on the battlement and let their compatriots swarm up. Due to extreme anger, it seems that they may have the upper hand. This will be a good thing, Alex believes.

Then he saw a dwarf and some humans emerge from the bottom of a tower. Then a flash of lightning danced on the wall, killing many horned beasts. The dwarf had a halo of power and destiny, which was evident in the vision seen by Alek's mutant eyes.

One of the humans who followed him also had the same aura, but to a lesser degree, but there was something indistinct in that human that even Alek could not see clearly. But to Alek's surprise, he realized that he recognized the axe held by the dwarf.

He had seen it once before attacking Guntergrim City. This is a powerful weapon, woven from a vicious rune, perhaps powerful enough to break through Alek's armor. As soon as he saw it, he had an ominous hunch.

Perhaps he should discuss it with his pet wizards, and Alek made a decision. He has reason to let them live a little longer.

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