The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 171 Horrible Point Difference (200 Monthly Pass Plus Change)

Fleur Delacour was the first to come, with her sister, Gabrielle, in her arms.

"You saved her..." Furong said in a hoarse voice, she was so excited that she could hardly breathe: "Although she is not your hostage!"

"I guess..." Jon smiled wryly, he felt Astoria squeeze his hand hard.

"Thank you very much!" Fleur bowed her head and kissed him twice on each cheek; Jon could only feel his own face becoming hot.

Astoria's expression looked like she wanted to eat Furong raw... although she didn't say anything.

"Thank you too!" Fleur turned her gaze to her, and then she jumped up and kissed Astoria's face twice: "You should have helped a lot too!"

At this moment, Astoria's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Good luck!" Fleur said lightly, then she picked up Gabriel and went to find Madam Pomfrey.

"For the first time, I don't think she's so annoying!" Astoria whispered.

At this time, Hermione also came over.

Her voice was a little strange: "Jon, thank you... Viktor told me that you saved me!"

"I guess..." Jon smiled bitterly again.

Hermione didn't know what to say, but Krum was already walking beside her.

"You are excellent!" Krum looked at Jon, and he said in broken English with a serious face: "You were able to escape the pursuit of hundreds of mermaids and bring them ashore... As for the ten mermaids just now , Subdue me!"

He gave Jon a serious thumbs up.

"Thank you..." It was Jon's turn to say thank you this time: "It's just luck."

Hermione chatted with Krum, then left and ran to Harry Potter.

She seemed to whisper something to Harry.

The last one to come to Jon was Harry Potter.

"Jon..." Harry's voice was a little low: "I'm sorry...I actually resented you for a moment..."

"It's me who should say I'm sorry!" Jon said sincerely, "I caused you to fail to rescue the hostages in the end."

"It's not your fault!" Harry shook his head, and he said seriously: "If it were me, I would also save Hermione, and save that little girl...and your friend."

"I believe..." Jon nodded.

"It's just that I don't have the strength to get there at all..." Harry smiled bitterly: "Hermione just told me that you gave her the gills and asked her to pass it on to me... Your generosity and heart to a competitor , let me feel ashamed of my previous resentment..."

He said the last sentence in such a low voice that even Astoria on the side didn't hear it.

"...If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't even know how to dive; maybe I could just stand in a daze by the lake and endure the ridicule of the audience!" Harry continued sincerely: "Jon, come on... ...the third project, a championship for Hogwarts!"

"No!" Jon shook his head solemnly: "Whoever we win the Goblet of Fire in the end, it will be the glory of Hogwarts! Harry, I believe you, since the Goblet of Fire has chosen you, you are equally qualified Glory to Hogwarts!"

Harry froze for a moment.

"In fact, the most perfect situation I imagined..." Jon said softly: "That is, we hold the Goblet of Fire together, which is an unprecedented event... For Hogwarts, it will be Double the glory!"

"Double the glory..." Harry murmured.


Harry wanted to refute something!

But at this moment, Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice suddenly rang in their ears, startling them and making the audience in the stands quiet down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a decision. Mermaid leader Al told us everything that happened at the bottom of the lake, and we have decided to give the warriors a score as follows..."

Ludo Bagman shouted:

"First up is Fleur-Delacour. Mademoiselle Delacour showed excellent use of the Bubble Head Charm, but was attacked by Green Lody as she approached the target and was unsuccessful in freeing the hostages; we ended up giving her 20 Minute."

There was sparse applause from the stands.

"I should get zero points." Fu Rong smiled wryly, and also glanced at her sister who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Then there is Jon Hart. Mr. Hart used the gill grass and achieved amazing results." Mr. Bagman paused: "It took only 20 minutes for Mr. Hart to find the target and successfully escaped from hundreds of merfolk and brought the hostages back in 30 minutes; we ended up giving him 47 points.”

"47 points!" Astoria hugged Jon tightly, she was going crazy with joy: "It's great!"

From the Hufflepuff stands, thunderous cheers erupted.

Jon saw countless yellow and black banners flying, and Zacharias' roar could be heard even from his side!

Not only Hufflepuff, but also applause came from the stands of Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and the applause from the stands of Gryffindor was a little sparse.

"Five referees gave you full marks, Ludo Bagman gave you seven points, and Karkaroff gave you zero points... The final score is 47 points." Professor Sprout came over with a full face They all said with a smile: "Gill grass, what a genius idea... Jon, I think your use of herbs is not inferior to mine!"

"No, no, professor!" Jon quickly denied, "I'm still far behind, and I still need to learn more."

"Then Viktor-Krum. Mr. Krum used Transfiguration, incomplete but still effective." Mr. Bagman continued: "He managed to evade the giant squid, but was caught by the merman , failed to free the hostage; we ended up giving him 18 points."

"Hmph!" Karkaroff snorted angrily to vent his dissatisfaction.

"The last is Harry Potter. Mr. Potter also used gill grass, which also achieved amazing results." Ludo Bagman said with a somewhat disappointed tone: "He roamed underwater for 30 minutes, and finally Captured by mermen, failed to free hostages; we end up giving him 14 points."

"It's not fair, why is Harry's score so low!" Ron Weasley shouted dissatisfiedly from the Gryffindor stands.

Ludo Bagman also looked at the rostrum suspiciously.

Percy Weasley found a piece of parchment, looked at it, and explained: "It's normal, because two referees gave Harry Potter zero points!"


"Jon, your final score is 91 points, first place!" Astoria said happily: "Second is Krum, he is 58 points; third is Fleur, she is 55 points; Four is Porter, he only has 54 points!"

"It's are more than 30 points higher than the second place!" Astoria had already memorized the scores of the four contestants and reported them directly.

"It's very good!" Jon also heaved a sigh of relief.

All in all, the final result of the second project was just as he wished.

PS: Today's fourth update... Dear readers, for the sake of my hard work, please subscribe!

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