The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 196 Arriving in Durmstrang (Part 1)

As he walked forward, Jon thought about the huge sperm whale that ate him not long ago; if I recall correctly, a few Durmstrang students mentioned its name just now——

Leviathan, the underwater behemoth recorded in the Bible and entrenched in the North Sea, symbolizes "jealousy" among the seven deadly sins... Although the legends of Muggles are not necessarily accurate, most of them have a certain basis in reality.

So what does that whale have to do with Durmstrang?

However, as a school with a history of nearly a thousand years, especially a school like Durmstrang that is famous for its mystery...they must have a lot of secrets.

Jon didn't ask anything, and followed the Durmstrang students through the gate.

After walking a few steps, he saw a huge black ship stranded on the side of the square.

It was eerie, skeletal, as if it were the wreck of a freshly salvaged ship, and the portholes shone with dim, misty lights that looked like ghostly eyes.

This was undoubtedly the same ship that Karkaroff had taken Durmstrang's students to Hogwarts last year.

On the ghost ship, an old man with white hair was wiping the deck... He seemed like an administrator.

A few steps further, Jon saw the wall in Grindelwald's memory.

On the wall, where the Deathly Hallows logo should have been, a huge stone slab was covered to cover up the original pattern on the wall, and the school emblem of Durmstrang was engraved on the stone slab.

When several of Durmstrang's students passed the wall, they deliberately took a long way around; Jon followed them wisely and did not approach the wall.

After a few minutes they stopped, for the Castle of Durmstrang was in front of them.

As Viktor Krum mentioned to Hermione at the Christmas dinner...the castle only has four floors and is much smaller than the Hogwarts castle.

At the same time, it was very crowded, and Jon saw many students wearing blood-red robes and fur cloaks, walking on the stairs... They almost crowded the stairs.

This is not in line with Krum's mention that Durmstrang is more spacious than Hogwarts... Maybe he is bragging in front of the girl he admires.

There's no doubt that Durmstrang's students haven't had their summer break despite it being the end of June.

After all, for Nordic colleges and universities, their summer vacation time will be very short; on the contrary, the time of Christmas holiday and New Year's Day holiday will be very long.


As soon as I stepped into the castle, two statues appeared in front of me.

The statue on the left is of a young-looking witch in a pointed wizard's hat; she is kneeling on one knee, looking up to the sky.

A line of small characters was written under the statue: Nerida Volkanova (1013-1047), the first headmaster of the Durmstrang Academy of Magic and one of the greatest witches in Balkan history. Born in Varna, Bulgaria in 1013 AD, founded Durmstrang in 1042.

This witch actually died in her thirties... This is quite rare in the wizarding world. Generally speaking, wizards and wizards with powerful magical powers can easily get rid of the threat of disease, and most of them can die of old age.

While thinking to himself, Jon shifted his gaze to another statue... This statue is a wizard who is not young. He holds his wand high and faces forward, with a strange smile on his mouth.

There is also a line of small characters written under the statue: Harfon Monte (1010-1139), the second principal of the Durmstrang Academy of Magic, a famous duelist in European history, a master of war magic, and a gentleman born in Byzantium in 1010 AD Constantinople participated in the creation of Durmstrang in 1042 and took over as headmaster of Durmstrang in 1047.

Looking away from the two statues, Jon slandered at the same time... Two wizards from the Balkan Peninsula came to Scandinavia in northern Europe to build a magic academy. What kind of international spirit is this? .

But, why does the name Harfon-Mount seem familiar... Jon searched his memory carefully, and just remembered that this name appeared in Chapter 26 of "Secrets of Advanced Dark Arts":

"The earliest known Fierce Curse was discovered in the 11th century by a wizard from Northern Europe, Harfon Monte, and another witch..."

It seems that the headmaster was once a master of black magic before his death?

Jon took another look at the statue of the headmaster with a somewhat hideous face, before walking into the castle.

With a little effort, he squeezed into the crowd on the stairs, and then stopped a student pretending to be nonchalant.

"Hello." He asked, "Do you know where the office of Professor Winston Vance, the black magic research teacher, is?"

"Professor Vance!" The girl who seemed to be one or two years younger than Jon showed a disgusted expression on her face, and she replied, "It's the cabin on the far right on the second floor!"

"Okay thank you!"


Arriving at the hut on the far right on the second floor, the door was only ajar, and Jon carefully pushed the door open.

At the same time, he called softly, "Professor Vance..."

No response was received.

The whole office was a little dark, and the surrounding windows were closed, making it look a little gloomy.

On the ground on the right-hand side of the entrance, there is a huge skull... Judging from the size and structure, it is likely to come from a Swedish short-nosed dragon.

And on the wall on the left hand side, hung a silver looked like an invisibility cloak.

It looks different from the outside, the inside of the house is much more spacious, and there are a lot of weird things everywhere.

For example, a strange thing looks a bit like a golden TV antenna, but it makes a buzzing sound; on the opposite wall, there is a mirror with a copper frame, and many dark figures can be seen; There is a huge black box, and there seems to be something vibrating in it...

"Professor Vance?" Jon called again.

Still no response.

Jon took a few steps towards the office again, and on the wall at the inner side, he suddenly saw a yellow mark... a triangle, a circle and a vertical line are nested together... It looks like death Hallows markings are still very popular in Durmstrang.

Jon was thinking wildly, and suddenly...

"good afternoon!"

A slightly gloomy voice sounded from behind him.

Jon looked back, and it was a dry little old man with a goatee who came in from the door.

"Is there anything I can help you with, honey?" A wicked smile crept across his face, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

Then he waved his hand, and the door of the office was slammed shut.

Thank you book friends for always being loyal to gcism, Yu Yu, Keguan Li and Alex Fengdi for their rewards.

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