The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 202 Overheard Conversation (Second Change)

"Come on, you go in first!" Tonks opened the door of the phone booth, and then she walked in.

Picking up the crooked phone, raising the receiver above his head, looking at the dial, Tonks was a little confused: "What's the number..."

After watching her ink scribbles for a long time, she made mistakes several times.

"62442!" Jon couldn't help reminding.

"Oh... yes... ouch..." Tonks was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up excitedly, slammed his head against the glass door of the telephone booth, and finally covered his head and howled...

The whole action is done in one go!

"You... are you okay?" Jon asked with a wry smile.

"It's... not bad!" Tonks rubbed the bumped area on his head, "Hey, how did you know the password!"

"Because I have been here..." Jon could only explain in this way: "My aunt lives in England."

Fortunately, Tonks did not continue to care about this issue.

She turned her gaze to the phone and entered the number "62442".

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please tell me your name and what to do." An indifferent female voice came from the phone.

"Ah... I am Auror Nyfadora Tonks from the Auror Office... I am responsible for leading the wizard Christopher Patrick from Austria to the Ministry of Magic for inspection and registration!"

"Thank you," said the woman's indifferent voice, "Guests, please pick up the badge and pin it in front of your clothes."

Jon picked up the silver coin that fell from the coin slot, and pinned it to his chest... After that, he felt that the phone booth was slowly sinking into the ground, and the surrounding area was plunged into darkness...


"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant day."

About a minute later, with this voice, the door of the phone booth was opened.

Tonks pulled Jon out, and Jon found that they were on the side of a hall.

In the middle of the foyer is a fountain. In the pool of the fountain stood a group of pure gold statues: the highest one was a noble wizard, holding up his wand, pointing to the sky; surrounded by a beautiful witch, a centaur, a Goblins and a house-elf.

And all around, so many witches and wizards swarmed past, it looked like there might be hundreds of them.

"We have to go for an inspection first!" Tonks pulled Jon, and came to a table not far ahead, on the left, and stopped under a sign that said "Security Inspection".

"Eric, I brought a foreign guest!" Tonks reminded the drowsy-looking wizard under the sign, "He needs to be checked."

The wizard lazily stood up, held up a long golden rod, as thin as a car's antenna, and was very resilient. He swept it across Jon's chest and back from top to bottom. .

"Nothing out of the ordinary!" he said, and sat down again.

"Okay, thank you!" Tonks nodded to him, and then said to Jon: "We have to go to the International Affairs Department now to register you."

Follow Tonks through the gate into a smaller hall with at least twenty elevators.

Went into the elevator and stayed in it for a minute or so.

"The fifth floor is the Department of International Magic Cooperation, including the International Magic Trade Standards Association, the International Magic Law Office, and the British seat of the International Federation of Magicians." Jon looked at the content posted in the elevator.

"We have to go to the International Magic Law Office!" As the elevator doors opened, Tonks ran out first.

Jon had no choice but to keep up with her... until he came to a very deserted office.

"Christopher Patrick, an underage wizard from Austria, needs to register his wand," Tonks yelled.

A wizard with a peacock blue robe and a badly shaved beard raised his head from his desk:

"Wand!" he muttered.

Jon took a wand from his pocket and handed it over. The wizard tossed it onto a grotesque brass machine that looked like a one-pan balance.

The machine started to vibrate slightly, and a narrow strip of parchment was quickly spit out from a hole at the bottom.

The wizard tore off the paper and read the words on it:

"It's made of plum wood, eleven inches, and the core is dragon heart tendon. It's been used for twenty-one years. Is that right?"

"Yes!" Jon nodded. "This wand used to belong to my father. He bought it from Gregovich when he was in the third grade in Durmstrang."

It is common in the wizarding world for a son to inherit the use of his father's wand, and wizards have little doubt about it.

The wizard stood up and took out a small vial from a side shelf; then he poured all the fluffy stuff in the vial onto Jon's wand.

The wand absorbs it completely very quickly.

"Done!" He returned the wand to Jon.


"Please, Miss Tonks!"

"It's okay, it's easy to do... Good luck at Hogwarts!"

Saying goodbye to Tonks, Jon parted ways with her.

Glancing at the traced wand in his hand, Jon put it back into his pocket... This wand was naturally not his green bamboo wand, but Barty Crouch Jr.'s wand.

Barty Crouch Jr. has been "dead" for more than ten years, and it is impossible for anyone in the Ministry of Magic to remember what his wand looked Jon can safely register it with the Ministry of Magic, so that he can truly The wand can be stained with traces.

He is also free to use magic outside of school.

Jon, who was alone, boarded the elevator again and returned to the golden hall of the Ministry of Magic.

But as Jon passed the fountain, he heard a little girl's fussing, high-pitched voice ahead.

Undoubtedly, this voice is relatively familiar from the memory of Jon's previous life.

It's Dolores Umbridge, although she's on the other side of the fountain and Jon can't see her face:

"I need you to tune me two dementors, Yaxley..." Her voice was filled with incredulity.

"You should know, Miss's very difficult..." The wizard named Yaxley stammered, "Every move of the dementors is strictly monitored by the Ministry of Magic. .”

"This is an order!" Umbridge's voice sounded again: "If you can't handle it, then you don't have to go to work in Azkaban anymore!"

"I..." Yaxley said with a wry smile, "Is it okay in a week? After seven days, I will arrange two dementors to serve you..."

Then there was a silvery laugh from over there, and Jon could hear the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

But he walked over as if no one else was there, as if he hadn't heard anything.

600 monthly ticket plus change

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