The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 239 Education Order No. 24 (Second Change)

For the rest of the weekend, Jon had a pretty easy time.

The last bright sunshine of autumn still shines on the entire campus; Jon likes to sit under a willow tree by the lake with a book, reading a book while basking in the sun.

It's a pity that Astoria can't read books with him anymore... She is always surrounded by a group of chattering girls, so even if they meet, they can only exchange a glance.

It's the same around Jon, those Walpus Knights are very enthusiastic about him much so that his popularity in the Slytherin common room has increased a bit compared to before.

In addition, he did not find a chance to contact Dumbledore... On the entire eighth floor, on the murals on the wall, you can find the kitten caught by the portraits of the principals that Jon saw in the principal's office. .

That means there are Umbridge's spies everywhere... Going directly to the headmaster's office is like giving Umbridge a clear indication.

Owls don't work either, as owls throughout the castle are inspected by Umbridge; especially for Dumbledore.

Compound decoction can be considered, but it's a pity that Jon doesn't have a suitable candidate, and secondly, the stone monster may not let him in... So Jon had to give up.

And with Dumbledore's well-informedness, he may not be unaware of the existence of such an organization on his campus... It's just that he doesn't care about it.

So Jon waited for the next time Dumbledore sent Fawkes to him, and mentioned it to Dumbledore by the way.


But on Monday morning, when Jon was about to go to the Great Hall for dinner.

A large group of people gathered at the bulletin board not far from the main entrance of the hall.

While pointing at the notice board, they seemed to be discussing something.

The new notice is printed in big black letters, with a formal-looking seal underneath, and a neat cursive signature next to it.

The content is as follows:

"The Hogwarts Senior Inquisitor orders that all student organizations, associations, teams and clubs be dissolved hereby. Organizations, associations, teams and clubs are hereby defined to mean regular gatherings of three or more students. May be addressed to the Senior Inquisitor (Umbridge Professor) request reorganization. No student organizations, associations, teams and clubs shall exist without the approval of the Senior Inquiry Officer.

If a student is found to have formed or joined any organization, association, team or club without the approval of the Senior Investigating Officer. Immediate dismissal.

The above regulations are in line with the Education Decree No. 24.

Senior Hogwarts Inquisitor: Dolores-Jane Umbridge"

Jon saw the group of people who came out of the Pig's Head Bar that day. They were headed by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, gathered together and talked a lot. Among them, Harry and Ron seemed to be very angry.

It seems that the "Dumbledore's Army (DA)" against Umbridge is still established?

Jon thought to himself.

At the same time, they were discovered by Umbridge's spies in Hogsmeade at the beginning of their establishment... So this notice appeared?


But when eating, the atmosphere in the whole hall is different.

The students of the four colleges were eagerly discussing the announcement on the bulletin board just now and the so-called "Education Order No. 24".

After all, it involves a very wide range... Due to its existence, almost all school clubs, groups, or teams have to be reorganized.

A few minutes later, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, both panicked, came to Jon's side.

"Christopher, did you see that announcement?" Malfoy said nervously.

"Why did the Ministry of Magic suddenly issue such an announcement as soon as you joined the Volpes Knights?" Pansy Parkinson looked at Jon suspiciously and asked, "There has never been such an announcement before." things..."

"Don't panic." Jon said calmly, then lowered his voice: "This matter has nothing to do with us!"

"What guarantee do you have?" If it wasn't for the fear of being heard by others, Pansy Parkinson might have scolded out loud.

"Hmph!" Jon snorted coldly: "If the Ministry of Magic really knew that the Dark Lord had returned and that we had established such an organization on campus... would they just issue such a stupid announcement?"

After saying this, Pansy Parkinson was a little speechless.

It does make sense... If the Ministry of Magic really knew that Voldemort was back, it might not be an announcement, but Aurors came to Hogwarts to arrest people.

"Then why?" Malfoy nodded thoughtfully at first, and then asked a little puzzled.

"That day at the Pig's Head Bar, when we came out, did we see a group of people!" Jon reminded softly.

"That's right..." Malfoy's eyes lit up suddenly: "Potter, Weasley..."

"And that Mudblood Granger!" Pansy Parkinson added, "and lots and lots of Gryffindors!"

"If I remember correctly, there should be Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw!" Jon said calmly: "There are at least thirty of them, and you don't think that thirty people gathered in the Pig's Head Bar Such a remote place, just for drinking?"

"They want to fight against Umbridge?" Malfoy's eyes lit up. "And among them, did someone secretly inform Umbridge?"

"Yes, I guess it's the same!" Jon nodded, and then pretended to be mysterious: "Although in the mist of the crystal ball, I also noticed a hint!"

This time, even Pansy Parkinson nodded thoughtfully.

"Actually, this is an opportunity for us!" Jon said with a serious face.

Both Malfoy and Parkinson froze, not quite understanding what he meant.

"No student organizations, associations, teams, and clubs shall exist without the approval of the senior investigator." Jon repeated the original text of Education Order No. 24: "Does this mean...with the approval of the senior investigator, we Then you can exist openly and aboveboard!"

"But..." Malfoy and Parkinson glanced at each other: "Such a risk...if the Ministry of Magic finds us..."

"How is it possible!" Jon smiled and shook his head: "We can find a legitimate excuse, and we can even extend an olive branch to Umbridge!"

"What do you mean?" Pansy Parkinson asked puzzled.

"After an organization that secretly opposed her appeared at the school..." Jon said with a smile: "I think Professor Umbridge needs some help from the students!"

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