The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 255: The Law of Transformation (Part 1) (Part 3)

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"I have to patrol the campus until 11 o'clock!" Draco Malfoy shook his head, and then told Gregory Goyle on the side: "Gregory, take Christopher back to the common room , so that that damned Weasley doesn't bother him again."

"Okay!" Goyle said in a low voice, and he glanced at Jon: "Let's go, Christopher!"

They parted with Malfoy and Crabbe, and walked to the basement together.

As he walked through the Potions classroom, Jon suddenly felt a ray of golden light fly by him.

"Gregory, why don't you go back first..." He took the initiative to suggest to Goyle: "Suddenly remembered something, I have to find Professor Snape... Or you go with me?"

Hearing Professor Snape's name, Gregory Goyle couldn't help shivering.

In Potions class, he was often reprimanded by Professor Snape.

"No need...I...I'll go back first..." Gore stammered.

After more than ten seconds, he disappeared.

The corridor in the basement was pitch black, and Jon deliberately walked to a corner without a portrait, and then softly shouted:


A golden light flashed across, and the big bright red bird flew in front of Jon, blinking at him.

"Is Professor Dumbledore free?" Jon asked in a low voice.

Phoenix nodded, then pointed her tail feathers at Jon.

Grabbing Fox's tail, I only felt the sky dim for a while, and there was only a mixture of gold and red in front of my eyes...


Jon Hart appeared in the principal's office, and he also took off the iron ring on his hand.

The wall in front of him covered with portraits of headmasters and headmasters, almost half of the portraits, is now empty.

"They're all going to deliver the news, we've been very busy recently!" A gentle voice came from above Jon, and Headmaster Dai Lisi Dewent smiled kindly at him: "Serving the Headmaster of Hogwarts, It is our duty."

"Yeah!" Jon smiled and nodded to Principal Derwent, and walked around the wall.

Albus Dumbledore is holding what appears to be a handful of hellebore herb in his hand, feeding the phoenix over there.

"Since meeting you, Fox has become more and more greedy!" Dumbledore said with a smile, "This is not good news... Jon, sit down!"

Jon sat down opposite Dumbledore with an obedient face, then took out his notebook and spread it out in front of him.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time you have asked me for advice!" Dumbledore put a handful of hellebores on the plate under Fox, then wiped his hands, and sat down: "Fortunately, you ask me for advice." Fortunately, the problem is within the scope of my expertise."

"It doesn't matter if you're not here!" Principal Phineas Black's carefree voice suddenly came from behind Dumbledore: "There are still us!"

Jon suddenly found that the dozen or so portraits of the headmaster that were still here were all drilled into a portrait behind Dumbledore, looking at this side excitedly.

"Listen, don't interrupt Albus later!" Jon heard Headmaster Dai Lisi Dewent reminded: "That's very impolite."

"But if Albus can't answer, maybe it's our turn..." Jon saw Principal Christopher Evra say so.

"And if he makes a mistake, we should point it out..." It was Armando Dippet, Dumbledore's predecessor, who Jon had seen in "Hogwarts, A History" over his portrait.

"Cough! Cough!" Dumbledore coughed lightly, pretending not to hear their conversation.

"Then let's start..." he said softly, "Start from the beginning!"


"What do you think of Transfiguration, Jon?" asked Dumbledore.

Jon thought about it for a moment, and then took the initiative to say: "The essence of transfiguration is to use magic as a medium to change the nature of matter and make one kind of matter into another kind of magic!"

"That's a good summary!" Dumbledore praised: "Maybe I have to write it down, and when I plan to write a book about Transfiguration someday, I'll put this sentence at the beginning of the first chapter! "

"Professor, you are joking..." Jon scratched his head.

"It's not a joke..." Dumbledore shook his head: "So Transfiguration must follow a few basic principles."

"Five exceptions to Gamp's Law of Transfiguration?" Jon asked softly.

"To be exact, the three exceptions!" Principal Phineas Black's voice came from the wall over there inappropriately.

"Stop interrupting, Phineas!" Headmaster Dai Lise Dewent snapped.

"It's so rude, drive him away!" The rest of the principals also echoed.

Poor Headmaster Blake was pushed out of that portrait, then angrily returned to his own portrait and began to pretend to sleep.

"Phineas is right..." Dumbledore was not affected by their riots, he still smiled and said: "The first two are actually not important to us...the first is food , the second is money."

"Food first..." Dumbledore raised his wand, and lightly tapped a silver knife on his table... the knife changed little by little, and finally turned into a delicious sausage.

"It's not impossible!" Dumbledore said with a smile, "Would you like a bite?"

Jon shook his head quickly.

"Using transformation to conjure delicious food is actually not difficult, but it is strictly forbidden to do so; because different wizards have different levels of magic. Like me, this transformation can last for hundreds of years and thousands of years. There will be no problem with the food; while some ordinary wizards may only be able to control its duration for a few hours, so if the food is eaten and the food returns to its original form in the stomach, it will have dire consequences."

"So, in order to prevent unexpected occurrences, the transformation of food is strictly prohibited... But this does not affect if a clever wizard is trapped in the desert, when he is hungry and thirsty, he cannot turn the sand into food to satisfy his hunger. .”

"The second law, which is money, is logically the same as food."

"Ulrich Gump actually made a small mistake in this regard...Because most of the gold-related magics on the market are 'replication spells' or some simple blindfolds..."

"Gold is arguably the most magically stable metal, which is why it was chosen as currency. For a long time, it was generally believed in the wizarding world that it was impossible to use Transfiguration and convert other substances into gold... until my friend With the appearance of Nick's research results, he proved that gold is not irreversible...Of course, he also caused the sharp depreciation of the Galleon at that time."

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