The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 258 In St. Mungo (Second)

The attack on Mr Arthur Weasley did not appear in the Daily Prophet.

It seems that neither the Order of the Phoenix nor the Death Eaters are willing to expose the affairs of the Department of Mysteries.

But on campus, many people found out about this matter... After all, the students of Weasley's big family, plus Harry Potter, all left the school early at once, and even a fool could detect something was wrong.

"Christopher, is that pure-blooded traitor, old Weasley, going to die?" Draco Malfoy asked Jon excitedly the next day, and he clearly remembered last night , What Jon said to Ron Weasley.

"Honestly, I don't know!" Jon replied calmly, "Sometimes there is only a thin line between life and death... It's like shadows in the mist, it's hard to distinguish..."

"It's amazing that you can do this!" Malfoy exclaimed, "You are definitely the greatest prophet I have ever seen... and you are not yet fifteen years old, and you still have infinite possibilities !"

"Some things are actually determined by talent..." Looking at Malfoy's adoring expression, Jon shook his head lightly.

"Are you free for Christmas?" Malfoy sent out an invitation out of the blue, "I think my parents would love to meet you, there's a pure-blood family gathering..."

"I'm sorry, but I have already promised my aunt to go to her place for Christmas." Of course Jon chose to refuse without hesitation.

Malfoy did not give up, but lowered his voice: "If you are lucky, you may even meet the Dark Lord in my manor..."

As soon as this sentence was said, Jon was taken aback.

Damn, I didn't really come here to be an undercover agent... It's okay to hang out with these students or Umbridge, but I really go to see Voldemort; in case I can't practice Occlumency well, show it to Voldemort Transparent...

That's too miserable, I'm still young, I don't want to die yet.

"Of course it's only possible!" Fortunately, Malfoy added: "The Dark Lord's whereabouts have been erratic recently, and it's not easy to find him."

Jon quickly "hehehe", and then tried to change the topic.

Fortunately, Malfoy didn't get too entangled in this aspect.

In the last few days before the Christmas break of the fourth year, Jon received several invitations... all from the members of the Knights of Walpuss.

It seems that I am already a big man in Hogwarts; the status of a prophet. Is it very popular with these pure blood families!

After all, everyone wants to know their future.

Of course, Jon refused all of them with the excuse of "aunt".


Harry Potter stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place for one night, and this was his first time here.

In addition, he also knew for the first time that the godfather Sirius Black actually had a house, which was the headquarters of an organization called "Order of the Phoenix" established by Dumbledore, and many wizards who were loyal to Dumbledore came here every day Here, discussing how to fight Voldemort...

This annoyed Harry.

Whether it was Ron or Hermione, or Ginny, Fred, and George, they all clearly knew the existence of this place.

It seems that only Harry Potter in the whole world is kept in the dark.

Who is the Boy Who Lived, who has escaped from the mysterious hands many times, who won the Triwizard Tournament champion a few months ago...why I didn't know anything and was kept secret the whole time? in the drum?

The angry Harry first quarreled with his godfather Sirius, and then drove Ron and Hermione away.

Just lost my temper like this...

But on the second day, his mood seemed to calm down a lot, and he felt like a different person compared to yesterday.

Mrs. Weasley was very, very grateful to him. She thought that if it wasn't for Harry, Arthur Weasley might have died at the door of the Department of Mysteries... Although the mysterious man didn't use the Avada Kedavra, he just made Arthur suffer However, in such a cold weather, if someone does not find out in time, it is very likely that he will freeze to death due to his injuries.

Harry couldn't help but feel a little guilty... because in the nightmare the night before, Harry dreamed that he was actually Voldemort, the spell he used on Mr. Weasley.

Also last night, his mind lost control for a while, and he even wanted to fight Dumbledore, Sirius and Hermione successively.

This made Harry wonder if he was being controlled by Voldemort?

This worried Harry very, very much.


The next day, their luggage from Hogwarts was returned... so they could go to St. Mungo to visit Mr. Weasley.

They were escorted by two Aurors, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks.

Tonks, whose hair has become short and bright red, is quite noticeable in the subway; fortunately, the well-informed Kingsley helped her out a few times.

And Tonks was interested in Harry's dream about Mr. Weasley being bitten by a snake, even though Harry didn't want to talk about it at all.

"You don't have prophetic blood in your family, do you?" she asked curiously, as they clattered side by side in the carriage toward downtown.

"No," said Harry, feeling insulted at the thought of Professor Trelawney.

"No." Tonks thought to himself, "I don't think what you're doing is a real prophecy, are you... You don't see the future, you see the present? Strange, isn't it? But it's useful! "

Harry didn't answer. Fortunately, Tonks went to discuss with Ginny what color hair looks better, and he didn't continue to pester him.

Moreover, what Tonks said once reminded Harry of something... It was just at the beginning of this semester.

That mysterious transfer student Christopher Patrick... He once gave Harry a prophecy.

Although in his heart he felt that this Patrick was just a Trelawney-style liar... But for some reason, Harry kept that prophecy firmly in his heart and didn't tell anyone?

"What you see in the illusion may be real, but there will also be false... When you immerse yourself in it, you will definitely suffer from it!"

Could it be that what he saw in the illusion refers to the nightmare he had last night... Harry couldn't help shivering.


Mr. Weasley was recovering fairly well, and he was even in the mood to tell a couple of jokes, even though he was covered in bandages.

St Mungo's physiotherapists didn't allow so many family members to congregate in the wards that Harry had to wander around the hospital with Ron and Hermione.

Ron's mood was also a little depressed... He didn't have the joy that he should have after seeing his father safe.

"Actually... I could have prevented all of this!" Ron suddenly said quietly when he reached a lonely corner.

"What's going on?" Hermione screamed, "Stop joking!"

"That Patrick, the transfer student from Slytherin... He warned me last night, before my father was attacked!" Ron said with a straight face: "He asked how my father was doing... tell me, My father will be in danger...and asked me to give my father a letter to confirm...I thought he was just humiliating me and didn't care at the time..."

"It's just a coincidence!" Hermione shook her head.

"It's not a coincidence!" Harry plucked up his courage and said what was in his heart: "He also prophesied me once!"

"Huh?" Ron and Hermione looked at him immediately, very surprised.

"After the first solitary confinement with Umbridge, I met him when I returned to the Gryffindor common room..." Harry said seriously: "He told me that when I go back, I will give a A letter from a relative... I thought he was just joking at the time, and thought he was referring to Aunt Petunia... Then I wrote a letter to Sirius immediately after I went back..."

"That's just his hint!" Hermione argued.

"But he predicted it at the time, and I would see Mr. Weasley attacked!" Harry yelled angrily.

Both Ron and Hermione froze.

"You're kidding... mate!" Ron asked tremblingly.

"He told me that I would see reality in illusion... I didn't understand it at the time, but now, I finally understand..." Harry said angrily, "It means now!"

"What are you doing, Hermione?" Ron quickly grabbed Hermione who had stood up.

"Go to the library!" Hermione Granger said with a straight face.

"But... we're not at Hogwarts now!" Harry interjected.

"Eh..." Hermione seemed a little embarrassed, and she stammered, "After the Christmas holiday... I'll check it out... the details of that Christopher Patrick..."

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