The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 298: The Battle Between White and Black (Second Change)

Voldemort had appeared in the middle of the hall.

He looked tall and thin, with a black mask on his face, pale and haggard, like a snake, with scarlet pupils staring around.

Kingsley-Shacklebolt carefully guarded Harry behind him, looking at Voldemort with vigilance; at the same time, the rest of the members of the Order of the Phoenix also formed a circle around Harry.

"Master!" Bellatrix rushed over quickly, lying at his feet and sobbing, "Master, I'm sorry...we failed to complete your task..."

"Be quiet, Bella," Voldemort said majestically, "I'll deal with you later. Do you think I came to the Ministry of Magic just to hear you cry and apologize?"

Bellatrix took a few steps back timidly.

"Are you going to stop me?" Voldemort looked coldly at Kingsley who was standing at the front.

Kingsley didn't answer, but opened his arms, ready to protect Harry desperately.

Voldemort slowly raised his wand—

"Wait, Tom!" A majestic voice came from behind Voldemort: "Your opponent is me!"

Ahead of them, in the door that led to the hall, stood Albus Dumbledore, his wand raised above his head, his pale face smoldering with anger.

Harry only felt an electric current pass through his whole body, and his whole body seemed to be inspired and full of strength.

"Let's go!" Kingsley grabbed Harry's hand and motioned him to leave here quickly.

Harry noticed that his hands were covered with sweat.

"We have to find your friends, and catch the rest of the Death Eaters!" Kingsley explained, pointing to the room full of crystal balls, where there are still a large number of Death Eaters fighting with Aurors. They are fighting.

"But Voldemort..."

"Dumbledore will take care of him!"


"Why... Voldemort shouted, his face was a little dignified: "Dumbledore! "

He raised his wand, and a green light came straight at Dumbledore, but Dumbledore turned away like a gust of wind.

"It was definitely a wrong choice for you to come here tonight, Tom!" Dumbledore said gently, and several golden statues appeared beside him as if they were alive.

Wizards, witches, goblins, house elves and centaurs, five statues began to surround Voldemort from different directions.

"I think this will be your burial place, Dumbledore!" A ferocious smile appeared on Voldemort's face, which was full of confidence at the same time.

"Looks like you're ready, Tom?" Dumbledore said casually.

Bellatrix at Voldemort's feet giggled and said, "Of course, the Dark Lord knew you would come, Dumbledore!"

"Shut up, Bella!" Voldemort said coldly, "You look confident, Dumbledore... You don't think I avoided you for a year because I was afraid of you?"

"Of course I don't think so." Dumbledore shook his head gently: "But today, I have helpers!"

"You should know what to do?" Ignoring the two opponents in front of him, Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the phoenix flying beside him.

Fox glanced at her master with some concern, but she nodded anyway.

Only a flash of golden fire was seen, and she disappeared.


"Fox..." Jon saw the phoenix that suddenly appeared beside him, and smiled on his face: "You are finally here."

Fox fluttered his wings quickly, looking at Jon, his eyes were full of anxiety and longing.

"I know..." Jon nodded: "You can go back now and fight side by side with Dumbledore... Just leave it to me."

Phoenix didn't reply. As soon as Jon's words fell, she had turned into a golden flame again, and there was no trace of her. It appears she has returned to the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries.

Now that the time is almost up, Jon is about to start his own plan——

He turned his gaze to the room in front of him. This is Dolores Umbridge's office... Half an hour ago, Jon took out two things from the Room of Requirement and brought them here.

One is Tom Riddle's diary when he was young, and the other is Ravenclaw's diadem.

Both are Voldemort's Horcruxes. Now, both Horcruxes are safe and sound on Umbridge's desk, with a pile of Ministry of Magic documents stacked underneath.

As early as the end of the first grade, Jon already knew the location of these two Horcruxes; but he was not strong enough at that time, so he didn't deal with these two Horcruxes, and what he was waiting for was today.

Jon took a few steps back, took out his wand, and at the same time took out Grindelwald's silver-white octahedron - "Mithra's Core".


There are not many ways to deal with Horcruxes, one of which is to rely on "Fiendfire". In the original book, Fiendfire summoned by Crabbe accidentally helped Harry Potter and his party destroy Ravenclaw's crown.

Fiercefire is a kind of terrible black magic. They are magical fires that are constantly becoming more and more powerful. They can mimic the shape of some monsters, chasing and killing all flammable objects regardless of whether they are friends or foes.

Similarly, Fiendfyre is an extremely dangerous and uncontrollable black magic. Its biggest characteristic is that it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Harfon Monte and Nerida Volkanova named it such a terrible name, which has the warning meaning of "those who play with fire will burn themselves". Because it is too dangerous, few dark wizards in history dare to scale it up, even Voldemort is no exception.

Jon had fully learned how to summon Fiendfyre in the book "Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic", but with his attainments in black magic, he obviously didn't dare to use these flames at will.

But there is a way, and that is to use Grindelwald's "Mithra Core". Apart from memory, Fiendfire is also the key to that small box.

Gellert Grindelwald, he is one of the few dark wizards in history who can easily use Fiendfyre.

The method he came up with is actually very simple... That is to use the Mithra's core to amplify the weak Fiendfire, so that the enlarged Fiendfire has the terrifying destructive power of the real Fiendfire, and at the same time it needs to be controlled. much easier.

It was with this method that he created the fire that almost destroyed the entire city in Paris...

Got Grindelwald's small box; in the past six months, Jon has made many attempts——

And now, it's time to practice.


Jon took out his wand and muttered a spell softly... Soon, a small hair-like flame appeared in front of him; although it was small, the flame was full of violence and fear.

Jon tried his best to control it and drive it took a lot of effort to let it enter the core of Mithra.

Then he felt the small silver-white box in his hand start to become hot at an extremely fast speed...

Jon didn't dare to neglect, and quickly threw it forward... The moment it touched the ground, the small silver box was suddenly opened!

At the same time, countless terrifying flames began to swarm out from all directions of the small box... The flames soared into the air, forming a bunch of ferocious beasts: a burning poisonous snake, a silver dragon and a fire dragon.

They started burning everything around them. The kittens on the surrounding walls began to yell heart-piercingly, and then they were swallowed by the flames one by one...

Tom Riddle's diary was beginning to be enveloped in flames; Ravenclaw's diadem was no exception.

These cursed fire monsters, throwing them up one after another as if in celebration... a tarry, blood-like substance began to overflow from around the two Horcruxes, and at the same time Jon could hear Voldemort using two A different sound, a tragic cry.

He knew that his plan had been completed. With a wave of his wand, the small silver box on the floor flew back to his side.

Just as he was about to close the door, Jon suddenly found a short and fat woman in the office.

Dolores Umbridge, who has been lying unconscious on the floor here, is now gradually waking up due to the heat of the flames; at the same time, the flame monsters seem to have discovered her and began to approach her.

Jon frowned slightly, and he called calmly, "Umbridge is coming."

As the half-awake toad flew out of the room, it slammed into the wall behind Jon... The door of the office was also completely closed.

Jon put away his wand, turned back and strode upstairs.

He didn't pay any attention to the tragic screams in the room.

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