The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 306 The Castle Chooses a Wizard (Third Update)

Fawkes had two tail feathers, and Jon and Dumbledore each grabbed one of them.

With a flash of golden light, they left the Pig's Head Bar and reappeared in the castle.

"Don't you need to say goodbye to Mr. Aberforth Dumbledore?" Jon reminded softly after standing firm.

"Aberforth never liked to see me too much, because he couldn't stop wanting to break my other half of the nose." Dumbledore said half jokingly, half seriously: "Ariana will talk to the representative We say goodbye to him."

"Okay..." Jon couldn't help curling his lips.

"But he admires you very much, Aberforth, which is very rare." Dumbledore continued: "And if it weren't for your face, I might not see Ariana today..."

"Well, I'm honored!" Jon said casually.

Fox's tail feathers had already broken free from their hands, and quickly flew towards the principal's office ahead.

At the same time, the ugly stone monster lay flattered on the ground and smiled foolishly at Dumbledore.

"Long time no see!" Dumbledore lightly patted the stone monster's head, and it almost jumped up with joy, completely ignoring Jon who fell to the side.

"I didn't expect you to be such a stone statue..." Jon muttered softly, followed Dumbledore into the principal's office.


They climbed the stone spiral staircase, which ascended of its own accord, like an elevator, and Dumbledore pushed open the door at the top.

At this time, a deafening sound suddenly broke out... There was a burst of cheers, and all the former Hogwarts headmasters on the wall stood up and applauded excitedly in the picture frame; they waved their hats, and several waved their wigs; They stepped out of their frames to shake hands; they danced around the chairs in the painting...

"Welcome back!" the principals and principals shouted in unison.

"Thank you... thank you..." Dumbledore responded with a smile, "Thank you, Phineas...don't be so enthusiastic..."

Principal Phineas Black just blew a kiss to Dumbledore.

"But before I greet you, I have one more important thing to do." Dumbledore continued.

The expressions on the faces of the male and female principals suddenly became serious again...

Obviously, they all seemed to know what Dumbledore was going to say in advance.

"Come with me, Jon." Dumbledore nodded to Jon.

Dumbledore didn't go very far, just moved the chair by his desk slightly to reveal the wall behind him.

Jon took a few steps back subconsciously. He saw Dumbledore raised his wand and pointed it at the wall carved with ancient patterns behind him.

What he said was not an incantation, but a password:

"Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon (Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus)!"

The wall carved with ancient patterns cracked a little from the middle, revealing a deeply hidden door.

Dumbledore stepped in.


Inside is a strange space, the surroundings are pitch black, and the starry sky can be clearly seen above the head...

You know, it's not late at night yet.

They seem to be standing on the top of Hogwarts Castle, but there are only two stone tablets in front of them... one is tall and the other is very short.

"Maybe I have to tell you a story first!" Dumbledore said gently: "It is said that more than a thousand years ago, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar- Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw, the four founders of Hogwarts, who were about to start a school..."

"... Among them, Ms. Ravenclaw dreamed of a warthog and took her to a cliff by a lake; so the next day she took three friends to come here by rowing a boat according to the route in the dream... ...As a result, they discovered that this place is actually a dragon's lair!"

"... living in the dragon's lair is an old proto-dragon, which is very old, so old that it can hardly move its position; the four wizards are very surprised, because the proto-dragon is recognized as extinct hundreds of years ago gone."

"Gryffindor decided to kill it, and use the head of the last proto-dragon to decorate the school gate; but was stopped by Hufflepuff, who thought they might be able to convince the proto-dragon, It looked like its time was numbered, after all; Slytherins barely communicated with the dragons, acting as their translators, using their unskilled Draconic."

"The four wizards successfully persuaded the progenitor dragon to agree to live here forever in another way... The four wizards worked together and used an extremely powerful transformation technique: the dragon's lair was transformed into Hogwarts The campus of the giant dragon, the treasure of the dragon turned into a dense forbidden forest, and the body of the dragon turned into a huge castle, which is the castle of Hogwarts..."

"I've heard of this story, the origin of the Hogwarts school motto, right?" Jon nodded, "But Professor Binns told us that this story is probably false, because the first time he heard this story was 14 century, when the four founders had been dead for hundreds of years.”

"Oh, is that..." Dumbledore turned around slightly, looking slightly embarrassed.

He coughed lightly, and continued: "However, the core story expressed in this story is correct... because the Hogwarts castle itself is a powerful magical creation, and it has its own consciousness!"

"A castle with autonomous consciousness?" Jon murmured.


Before he knew it, Jon had followed Dumbledore's footsteps and arrived at the big stone tablet.

The whole body of the stele is black, and it seems to be made of obsidian (Dragon Crystal), and the stele is densely written with golden letters.

It can be seen that these are the names of Hogwarts students, and there is a date behind each name.

Joanna Brewster, September 21, 1994.

Euan Abercrombie, February 14, 1995.

Ross Zeller, June 13, 1995.

"When every young wizard reaches the age of eleven, whether he is born in a muggle or a wizarding family, his name will appear on this stele, and of course the time when it is recorded..." Dumbledore He introduced behind him: "On July 29 every year, we will send admission letters to Hogwarts to the names that appeared on the stele in the past year."

Jon quickly found his name on the top few lines.

Jon Hart, July 15, 1992.

"That is to say... If I was born more than ten days later, I would have to study at Hogwarts a year later?" Jon asked curiously.

"I think so." Dumbledore nodded.

Jon continued to search the stele.

Astoria-Greengrass, December 23, 1991.

Hermione Granger, September 19, 1990.

Daphne Greenglass, August 8, 1990.

Ron Weasley, March 1, 1991.

and also--

Harry Potter, July 31, 1991.

Jon couldn't help blinking, pointed at Mr. Potter's name and whispered: "If I remember correctly, July 31st should be later than July 29th..."

Dumbledore was taken aback for a moment, then explained with a smile: "That's right, I deliberately sent the admission letter to Mr. Potter one year in advance, before his name appeared on the stone tablet... As the headmaster, this I still have some power, as long as it can be confirmed in advance that Mr. Potter is a real wizard."

Jon nodded, and at the same time secretly thanked his parents for letting him be born more than ten days earlier, otherwise he would have to enter the school when he was almost 12 years old (or even already 12 years old) like Daphne and Hermione.


"Then what is the function of the other stone tablet?" Jon walked towards another stone tablet curiously.

It is also made of obsidian, but it is much smaller than the previous one.

At the same time, golden letters are displayed on it, but the writing is much larger.

The first name is "Salazar Slytherin", followed by the number "993".

Then "Helga Hufflepuff", followed by "998".

Then Brian Geigerveld, 1032.


You can see many familiar names, and Jon had talked and laughed with them in the principal's office, including——

Dexter-Fusco, 1642.

Doris-Derwent, 1741.

Phineas-Black, 1872.

Armando-Dippet, 1926.

Albus Dumbledore, 1943.

...And under Dumbledore, there is another name, its golden light is much dimmer than other names, and it is not followed by a string of numbers indicating the year.

The name is "Jon Hart".

"I can't see it wrong..." Jon rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief.

"No, you're not mistaken!" Dumbledore said meaningfully: "The content of this stone tablet contains the names of previous principals, including future principals..."

"Then it must be wrong!" Jon shook his head in disbelief: "I'm just an ordinary Hufflepuff student, no, I'm also an ordinary Slytherin student. I became the headmaster of Hogwarts...Professor Dumbledore, I am not humble, but you definitely need to hire someone else..."

"Hogwarts has already decided." Dumbledore said with a serious face: "It never goes wrong!"

"But...that's a bit of a joke!" Jon argued.

"Whenever the current headmaster is about to step down or die, the Hogwarts stele will be four years in advance, and the name of the next headmaster will be displayed on it..." Dumbledore said meaningfully: "The castle will choose wizards , will independently choose a headmaster who can lead Hogwarts to glory!"

"That is to say, you will step down or die within four years?" Jon suddenly realized something.

"That's right!" Dumbledore nodded: "To be honest, I am very happy to be freed!"

"When did it show my name?" Jon asked sternly.

"Three years ago, when I just found out that you were a prophetic Muggs...your name suddenly appeared on the stele." Dumbledore replied: "This also verified my idea, only those with the most outstanding and most Wizards with terrifying talents will meet the conditions of Hogwarts and be selected by it when they are under the age of twelve... You know, Hogwarts never makes mistakes!"

"Three years ago...four years in advance..." Jon muttered silently, he raised his head and looked at Dumbledore:

"Professor, you will not die, nor will you resign. You can continue to be the principal for more than ten or twenty years... I can guarantee... I swear, I will help you prevent death!"

PS: This chapter is 3300+, let’s make up for yesterday’s...

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