The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 308: The End of the Semester (Second)

Professor Dolores Umbridge sneaked out of the hospital hospital on the last morning of term, trying to leave Hogwarts.

Obviously, she didn't want to be noticed by too many people.

Unfortunately, before she was about to escape from the castle, she encountered Peeves; Peeves seemed to have heard someone's reminder, and seized this last chance... It eagerly stopped Umbridge and used a A cane and a sock full of chalk lashed at her.

The students happily ran to the foyer of the castle to see off the former principal and former professor of protection of magical animals; seeing her fleeing, everyone was very restrained, and many students in the lower grades couldn't help laughing. sound.

At the following breakfast, Professor McGonagall expressed strong protests, thinking that the students had not shown respect to a departing teacher; at the same time, she also regretted that she could not personally send Umbridge out of Hogwarts, Because Peeves "borrowed" her crutch.


At the end-of-year banquet that night, Slytherin House undisputedly won the House Cup.

Because their scores are too high. In comparison, the scores of the other three colleges have been deducted...Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout tried to deduct some points from Slytherin, The other three house scores plus...

However, they soon found that this operation was too troublesome, because it would take too much time to bring down the gems that symbolize Slytherin's points, or put the gems of the other three houses on they simply gave up .

At the final year-end banquet, it was decorated with green and silver representing Slytherin.

Although few Slytherin students were happy about this; in stark contrast, although Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had only two final scores Counting, but every one of their students has eager smiles on their faces.

When Harry Potter and his four friends entered the auditorium (Hermione Granger was still being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital), there was thunderous applause throughout the auditorium.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, who returned to the school, gave a speech before the banquet... called on everyone to unite, not to be afraid of the dark, and to meet new threats...

After the speeches, the annual banquet began.


Draco Malfoy was sitting next to Jon. He seemed to have changed in the past few days... The whole person became taciturn, his face became paler, and he also lost a lot of weight...

The person this kid admires the most in his life is his father, Lucius Malfoy. He even imitated many of his behaviors in school; A cold and contemptuous attitude.

At the same time, he also firmly supports his father's views, such as "pure blood is supreme"; "the Malfoy family is destined to be the leader of the wizarding world" and "after the Dark Lord takes power, the Malfoy family will carry forward as the most loyal servant of the Dark Lord"... …

As a result, all dreams and illusions have been shattered now; with Lucius Malfoy's defeat in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Draco Malfoy's world view has since collapsed.

He has always believed that the Malfoy family is at the top of the power of the wizarding world, but now his father is imprisoned in the wizarding prison of Azkaban; at the same time, he and his mother have gradually become "untouchables" among the Death Eaters , because both the Death Eaters and Voldemort believed that Lucius Malfoy was to blame for the failure of the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

For a son who has a strong sense of superiority since he was a child, this kind of blow is undoubtedly terrifying...

At the same time, this will give people an opportunity!

"What are you thinking, Draco?" Jon asked relaxedly while drinking pumpkin juice.

"Dark Lord... Will the Dark Lord really fail?" Malfoy raised his head timidly and asked in a low voice.

"Have I ever deceived you? I don't have any need to deceive you..." Jon replied coldly.

"I'm sorry, Christopher..." Malfoy shook his head hastily, and then looked around in a panic, afraid that others would hear what he just said: "If the Dark Lord fails, then my father, and Malfoy family……"

"Actually, what you should be worried about is the situation after the Dark Lord came to power..." Jon said with a smile: "You don't think that after all this, the Dark Lord will still value your father and your family so much. Can I still have the status I once had?"

"...You know, after the Dark Lord comes to power, everything will be reshuffled...Sinners with a hand of chips generally don't end well..."

" this what you saw...or..." Malfoy stammered.

"Guess!" Jon said casually, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"Then what should I do?" Malfoy asked sincerely.

"It's very simple, just like me, stand on the side of the winner!" Jon said meaningfully: "Do you remember the prophecy I gave you?"

"Remember!" Malfoy nodded hastily: "I will receive an impossible mission, and the result of mission failure will be very bad... The only way to solve it is to ask someone who is willing to help me?"

"I hope you do a better job than Mr. Potter!" Jon said suddenly, and Malfoy was taken aback for a while.


The year-end banquet is over, and they will leave Hogwarts after the last night.

The students from the four colleges filed out, preparing to return to their respective dormitories to pack up their things. The green flow of Slytherin also rushed towards the basement.

Jon stood up and walked towards a group of girls behind him without any scruples.

"I'm sorry...can I have a few whispers with Miss Greengrass?" He said generously.

Several roommates of Astoria-Greengrass couldn't help but smiled at each other, while teasing Astoria, they left her behind and walked forward with a smile.

Astoria stood there at a loss, and when there was no one around, she didn't dare to look directly into Jon's eyes, and asked in a small voice like a mosquito: "...Jon...what's the matter? "

"Do you remember this time last year?" Jon said with a smile: "You invited me to your house during the summer vacation, you invited me to meet your mother..."

Astoria was stunned suddenly, and she nodded dumbly.

"I just want to ask, after a year, is this invitation still valid?" Jon asked in a low voice.

PS: On the last day of the month, ask for a monthly pass as a courtesy!

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