The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 322 Greengrass Manor (3rd update, supplement)

This journey was not very long, it lasted less than five minutes.

After passing the open green lawn and the blue sky, Greengrass Manor came into view.

It is a majestic house, flashing from the end of the lawn.

The first thing that appeared in front of them was a gorgeous round arch, which looked like a bronze gate with quite beautiful patterns engraved on it... Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the place where the doorknob should be. Elk head in bronze.

When they approached, the elk on the bronze gate suddenly said: "Who are the visitors, explain your purpose?"

It is a bass with a certain magnetism, and there seems to be no hostility in the voice, which is very comfortable to listen to.

"I am the daughter of Diana and Andrew, Astoria Greengrass!" Astoria said softly, "The visitor is my friend Jon Hart, and there is a phoenix named... ..."

"A phoenix named Fox," Jon added.

"Okay." The bronze elk head raised its big horns: "Welcome to Greengrass Manor, Mr. Hart, and Miss Fox!"

There was only a creak, and the round arch was opened.


In the courtyard behind the gate, there is a fountain that sprinkles water into the sky.

The falling water became crystal clear under the sunlight, and finally splashed on the surrounding dense and low thorns, as well as the neatly trimmed tall hedges.

"Welcome to Greengrass Manor!" Astoria happily made a gesture of invitation.

"I think I'm honored, beautiful lady." Jon also bowed to her gracefully, and then followed behind her.

They stepped on the hard and clean marble steps, took "bang", "bang" footsteps, walked past the fountain and entered the corridor.

The corridor is very wide, and the stone floor is covered with gorgeous carpets... Those classical oil paintings and exquisite huge relief paintings on the walls stared at them intently, pointing at the two people and birds here from time to time. Pointing and whispering.

Astoria glanced at Jon with some concern, and offered him a hand.

"It's okay." Jon smiled at her, then grabbed Astoria's hand again.

At this time, a small object in front blocked their way.

Recognizable as a small, old house-elf; the papery skin hanging from her frame doesn't match the rich gold coat (if it can be called that) she wears .

"My youngest mistress!" The house elf bent down and bowed to Astoria respectfully, "The most beautiful and lovable little princess of the Greengrass family..."

Jon felt that Astoria's palms were slightly hot, and she shook her head shyly: "Get up, Emily."

"Emily is our house elf. She has served the Greengrass family for sixty years and has been here since my grandparents." Astoria introduced to Jon, and then she Turning to look at the house-elf:

"Emily... this is Jon, my friend..."

"Emily is very, very disappointed..." The house elf didn't look at Jon at all, but looked at Astoria respectfully and disappointedly with her old eyes: "Emily's most respected Little master, you actually want to introduce Emily to a mudblood that exudes a foul smell..."

"...The noble Greengrass manor was actually stepped on by a dirty mudblood. How many times does poor Emily need to clean it to wash away the horrible stench..." the house elf was still chattering.

"Shut up...quickly shut up..." Astoria's expression changed. She never expected that the house elf who had been very kind to her since she was a child would say such words. She shouted in a panic: "I command you to shut up, Emily..."

"The little master ordered Emily to shut up, but Emily is obliged to warn every member of the Greengrass family that it is absolutely wrong to stay with a mudblood..." the house elf muttered, and then Suddenly, her face changed, and she grabbed her throat with one hand, and then rushed to the nearby pillar:

"Bad Emily... Bad Emily, dare to disobey the little master's order... She should be punished... She should be punished..." As she spoke, she slammed her head against the pillar.

"But Mudblood... the little master must never be with a mudblood..." She spoke in two different voices as if schizophrenic.

A loud cry like a whistle suddenly sounded from behind Jon.

The phoenix spread her wings completely, and flew in front of Jon——she was condescending, her golden eyes fixed on the house elf, and traces of flames began to flash among the blazing feathers...

The house elf's movements stopped abruptly, and she almost collapsed on the ground, unable to make any sound... she didn't dare to raise her head, and didn't dare to make any movements, but her body kept shaking.

"Come back, Fox." Jon ordered calmly.

Phoenix gave the house-elf a disdainful look, then flew back behind Jon. When she flew back, she glanced at Jon with an expression of asking for credit, as if to say: "You have to add chicken legs to me after you go back, no, add herbs..."

The house-elf, on the other hand, scrambled and scrambled in fright, and fled out of the corridor without daring to look back.


"Jon, I'm sorry...I'm really sorry...I didn't know she would say such a thing..." In the corridor, Astoria said tremblingly: "I mother Definitely not like Emily..."

The expression on Astoria's face was almost crying.

"It's nothing." Jon shook his head gently at her, and at the same time wiped her tears with his hand: "I'm not a child anymore...and how could I be angry with a house elf."

"Thank you... thank you..."

Before they knew it, they had come to the end of the corridor.

In the living room in front, a girl who was slightly taller than Astoria came over.

"Astoria, did you bring your boyfriend back?" She asked casually while drinking tea from a teacup, "That Christopher Patrick?"

Pushing open the door of the living room, seeing Jon's face, the expression on Daphne Greengrass's face froze immediately.

"Ha... Hart?" Her voice trembled a little: " are still alive..."

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