The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 328 Girl's boudoir (second update)

Daphne Greengrass helped her mother as she left the restaurant.

The two house elves also went to the kitchen to clean the dishes just now.

Only Jon and Astoria were left in the dining room now; the soft saxophone still sounded from the corner from time to time, but it made the atmosphere here slightly awkward.

Astoria stood up and stole a glance at Jon: "It was a terrible meal, wasn't it?"

"No... On the contrary, I think it's great." Jon shook his head: "I've never experienced such a sumptuous banquet!"

"Emily's cooking skills are really good!" Astoria forced a smile on his face: "Although her sanity is a little unclear."

The two stood in the restaurant like this, looking at each other awkwardly, but they didn't know what to say. In fact, the two of them hadn't had a private conversation together for several months before this... Because some time ago, Astoria had been deliberately choosing to avoid Jon.

"Do you want to take a break too..." Astoria said in a mosquito-like voice, "I must be a little sleepy after eating just now..."

"A little indeed!" Jon nodded thoughtfully.

"You can go to my room..." Astoria turned her back, her cheeks flushed slightly, and whispered, "Rest there for a while..."

"Okay!" Jon nodded without thinking, and then smiled.


Astoria led the way, her pace was very slow, and she looked vaguely hesitant.

Jon's expression was very calm, and they walked together one after another luxurious marble staircase, and finally stopped in front of a pink wooden door.

Astoria took out the key and opened the wooden door.

"This is my room!" Then, she said softly.

Jon looked around - the whole hut was indeed filled with the breath of a girl. A pink Simmons bed with a blue quilt. A pale pink mosquito net is tied to the bedposts above the bed, and a bedside cabinet is filled with knick-knacks.

On the desk, in the most conspicuous position, apart from a few books, there is a silver mirror; and above the desk are two photos, and the people in the photos are waving to him——

One seems to be a photo of Astoria with her sister and mother, and they should be taken recently; and the other photo is a photo of Jon himself with Astoria. They all looked about eleven or twelve years old.

"When was this photo taken?" Jon asked curiously.

"At the end of the first year, Colin Creevey from Gryffindor helped me take the photo, have you forgotten?" Astoria reminded softly.

"Yeah, I remembered!" Jon nodded... and continued to look around the room. In the other corner of the room, there were some things piled up here and there: for example, a puppet bear half the height of a person, a Take the Nimbus 2001 broom that seems to have been useless for a long time, and a few textbooks...

"It might be a bit messy here..." Astoria explained in a low voice.

"It's much cleaner than my house." Jon shook his head: "I can find newspapers or books everywhere in my house, but it's a mess!"


The two sat on the pink Simmons bed, and the room fell into a brief silence again.

Jon smelled the faint fragrance in the house, and listened to Astoria's slightly rapid breathing.

"I heard from Hodder that you just talked to your mother for more than an hour..." Astoria said timidly, she didn't even dare to look up into Jon's eyes: "Did she tell you everything about me?" things."

"Yes!" Jon nodded solemnly: "She told me everything."

"So...Jon...are you afraid of me..." Astoria's hands were trembling slightly.

Jon took the initiative to grab her hand: "Scared, how is it possible."

"But... I'm... I'm a monster..." Astoria summoned up her courage and said; this sentence seemed to be held in her heart for a long time: "Since I was a child, I have known that I am different from my sister, I'm not healthy at all...although my mother never told me the truth..."

"No, of course you are not a monster." Jon hugged her in his arms: "How could there be a monster as beautiful and cute as you?"

Astoria took the initiative to break free from his embrace.

"When I was five years old... I visited Malfoy Manor with my mother and sister..." Astoria's voice trembled, and it sounded distressing: "There is an ancestral mirror in Malfoy Manor, my sister told me It was a 'magic mirror', which could reflect all the black magic... Then I got up and took a look in that mirror..."

The girl's voice was full of despair and fear.

Jon took her in his arms again, and this time she didn't break free.

"Jon... what I see in the mirror is not myself... it's a snake... that snake is still spitting at me, as if smiling at me..." The girl curled up in Jon's arms, Trembling all over the body: "I always think of that mirror in my dreams, and the things I see in the mirror... They always remind me that I am a monster, I am a monster..."

"Listen Astoria, you're just sick..." Jon said with a smile.

"No, Jon... Although my mother didn't tell me what happened to me, I know that I am a monster. I will die overnight just like Aunt Alice and Aunt Anne!" The girl's face The face was already full of tears: "I'm so scared...I'm afraid of death, and I'm even more afraid of hurting you..."

"Do you believe me?" Jon held her tightly in his arms.

The girl in her arms nodded slightly.

"I've never lied to you, right...not this time!" Jon said seriously: "I will save you, I will make you as healthy as your sister and your mother... Believe me , Astoria!"

"But... I shall die... Aunt Alice and Aunt Anne..."

"No, you will live to be a hundred years old, Astoria!" Jon continued to say calmly: "You do have a little problem, but don't worry, I will cure it for you ……I swear!"

Astoria put a finger on Jon's lips.

"Don't swear, Jon... I believe you..." she murmured, "And... don't ever let me hurt you, I'll be very, very bad!"


Hearing the faint breathing sound from his arms, Jon put the girl on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Then, with a solemn expression, he walked out of the girl's boudoir.

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