The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 335 Gambling (Part 2) (Part 2)

"Heat it?" Jon was stunned for a moment, and replied without thinking: "The processed mixture of the ash snake's egg and Mortella's tumor should be slowly heated until the eggshell becomes soft, and then crushed... "

"You can't see open flames!" Horace Slughorn almost growled: "This is the egg of the ashen snake, which is extremely sensitive to phlogiston itself... plus it has been treated with the Gublai fairy fire. , just a little spark can put it into a state of complete combustion... Merlin's beard, a completely burned ash snake egg, the heat it releases is enough to burn down my castle ten times!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Jon apologized quickly, then took out his wand and extinguished the flames in the cauldron.

He couldn't be more aware of the energy contained in the Fire Ash Snake's egg, after all, he had used it himself.

Slughorn, who was in a state of excitement, took a few minutes to calm down.

"Such a low-level mistake..." He turned around and looked at Jon with a suspicious look: "You can't... be unprepared... this is the first time you have prepared Felicia Potion?"

" guessed it all!" Jon lowered his head in shame, and then he quickly added: "Of course, I am very familiar with the specific steps and sequences."

The expression on Slughorn's face looked like he was about to faint... If it wasn't for the existence of the unbreakable oath, he would definitely drive this stinky boy away, the farther the better...

The first few steps of preparing the Felix Elixir can be said to be very dangerous... A tiny mistake can cause a big fire, and then turn an area of ​​several hundred meters into a piece of scorched earth; thirty years ago, Slug When Horn prepared the Elixir of Felicia for the first time, he tried hundreds of times in advance and kept all the steps in mind before he dared to start the first real attempt... and in the following thirty years, he only dared to Seven configurations have been performed.

Unexpectedly, the stunned young man in front of him would actually——

Once there is an accident... As a wizard, Slughorn himself will not have any problems in terms of safety; but the castle does not have magic. The ancestors of the Horn family apologize!

"It's okay, I swear... there won't be such a low-level mistake again!" Jon on the side swore again and again.

"Don't worry, Professor Slughorn!" Mrs. Greengrass on the side also said something that seemed to be comforting but not consoling: "If anything happens, I will protect you in time...and prevent you from being in danger of!"

Slughorn took a deep breath, then sighed, and there was nothing he could do...

Because of the existence of the unbreakable oath, if he prevented the boy next to him from continuing to make preparations, it would mean breaking the oath, and the impact would be more serious than losing the bet.

On the one hand, he must maintain the gamble until one side loses and the gamble is over; on the other hand, he has to prevent the boy in front of him from making some low-level mistakes that lead to blowing up the entire Slughorn Manor...

He just feels so tired now!


"You have to use a lead rod to grind eggshells, or you'll get a spark and you're done!"

"Pay attention to the temperature control in the water bath... Be sure to pay attention to the temperature control..."

"Hurry up and add a section of vines from the devil's net to stop the spread of phlogiston, or something will happen!"

Horace Slughorn's screams came from the room from time to time.

Apparently, he's stopped Jon time and time again from trying to burn his entire castle to the ground.

Jon's movements were very slow. For him, the first mistake was indeed caused by his own unskilled factors; and the subsequent many "mistakes" were obviously deliberately made... Attracting Slugher En's attention, he had to spend time "helping himself", so that he could not devote himself fully to his own potion.

There is no way, the skills are not as good as others... I can only use this slightly "low-handed" method to narrow the gap between the two.

Due to the extremely cautious operation throughout, and the "help" of Slughorn at the side... one step after another dangerous preparation step, Jon was able to pass the level smoothly.

Almost six hours later—

In the past six hours, Jon has finished grinding the eggshell of the ash snake egg; warming the water bath to make the eggshell and the solution blend into one; then adding the vines of the devil's net little by little to neutralize the phlogiston... …At the end, when Jon added a small spoonful of finely ground white sugar, the solution in the cauldron completely recovered and turned into a pile of clear liquid.

Slughorn on the side couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After this step was completed, the solution was completely stable...the castle was no longer in danger of being blown away.


"You are indeed an outstanding little guy!" Slughorn couldn't help but commented: "I was able to do this on the first attempt, and I'm afraid I was ashamed of myself back then."

While speaking, he lowered his head and focused on his own crucible.

As early as an hour ago, Slughorn had already completed this step; however, because a large part of his energy was distracted by Jon, the product that Slughorn concocted this time was much better than he had done before. The finished product prepared this time is much worse.

But even so, it was much better than the solution just prepared in Jon's crucible.

"Thank you!" Jon nodded solemnly.

"Need a break?" Slughorn asked with a smile. In his opinion, the game was over.

"No need." Jon said calmly, "Let's continue!"

Next, due to the different sequences of potions they control, the preparation steps of the two will not be the same...

Slughorn first took a bottle of thyme tincture from the shelf, and dropped three drops into the clear liquid in his cauldron; Jon rummaged among the shelves, but he What he took down was a bottle of thymol, and he only dropped a drop into the clear potion, and then added a little white sugar powder...

Slughorn frowned slightly as he watched his movements.

"Are you related to the late former headmaster of Hogwarts, Armando Dippet?" He asked softly.

"Principal Dippet... um..." Jon replied vaguely, "A aunt and him...that..."

"Oh, damn it!" Slughorn's face became serious for the first time, and he also showed a sense of crisis: "You are actually using Principal Dippet's Felicity Elixir sequence..."

He briskly ran to the medicine rack and began to quickly pick out the medicines he needed.

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