The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 340 Prisoners and Watchers (Part 1)

Jon couldn't help but froze, and he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Because in the cell in front of me, except for a stone bed and the tattered thin blanket on it, there is nothing else...

There are no prisoners on the stone bed!

What the hell, could it be that I went the wrong way...or Grindelwald just happened to visit the next door...or...

Jon frowned, turned around—

Because he heard footsteps behind him.

A skinny figure gradually appeared from the stairs behind him.

It was the toothless and frail old wizard I saw at the gate of the fort just now, limping over with a broom.

His movements are very slow, as if every step takes all the strength in his body.

He also ignored Jon, but went straight into the cell... He put the broom in the corner of the wall, and then climbed to the side of the stone bed with some difficulty, paralyzed on it, and at the same time grabbed the tattered thin blanket and curled up his body into a ball.


"Hello!" Jon greeted respectfully.

The old wizard's eyes were exposed from behind the tattered thin blanket, and he looked at Jon carefully, and he said weakly, "Excuse me, can you light a fire for me!"

It's June now, and the weather is obviously not too cold. Even though it's on the mountain, the temperature should be about 15 degrees... But the old wizard seems to be shivering from the cold, as if in the cold winter.

Jon froze for a moment, then took out his wand: "Incendio!"

A fiery red flame burned in the very center of the cell, raising the temperature here by several degrees.

"Okay, thank you!" The old wizard's face showed a little brilliance, and he half-sat on the stone bed, no longer hugging the tattered thin blanket tightly.

"You just told me that you are the guard of this prison?" Jon tried to make his tone as polite as possible, and asked tentatively.

"Yes... I am the only guard in this prison... and the only prisoner in this prison..." Gellert Grindelwald on the stone bed replied calmly: "The two are not contradictory."

"You're right, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Grindelwald." Jon nodded, "I just asked where your cell is, but didn't ask where you are... It was my negligence .”

"Jon Hart... If I remember correctly, this should be your name!" the old wizard said slowly.

"Yes!" Jon said quickly.

"Then it seems that my memory has not declined to the point of being incurable, has it?" Grindelwald showed a weak smile at the corner of his mouth: "I heard this name once a few years ago!"

Jon didn't know how to answer. He couldn't see any shadow of the Dark Lord who once dominated the world in the old man in front of him...

The crooked body, the wrinkled face, and the gray and sparse hair...

Any old man in a Muggle nursing home looked more alive and more normal than he did.


"Are you sympathizing with me, little guy?" Grindelwald's gloomy eyes suddenly showed a bit of pride: "Hahaha... so interesting!"

Jon was silent, neither affirming nor denying.

"Hahaha... I don't need any sympathy!" Grindelwald shook his head slightly at Jon, and continued to laugh loudly: "The one lying here is not a harmless old man...he is the twentieth century The most brutal murderer, the instigator behind a Muggle war and a wizarding war, a horrible conspiracy of lies and black magic..."

Gellert Grindelwald stopped his words and scratched his head lightly: "Sorry, I'm old... my memory is gone... I can't remember what they set for me at the beginning is enough to write The crime of two parchments."

"You shouldn't have any sympathy for me. Maybe one of your elders or the great-grandfather of one of your classmates died directly or indirectly at my hands..." The smile on the old wizard's face gradually disappeared. , replaced by an unspeakable loneliness:

"I'm nothing more than a loser. Sympathy for a loser is actually an insult to him!"

"This is not sympathy, but respect." Jon said with a serious face: "It has nothing to do with ideas, success or failure, right or wrong...Albus Dumbledore is an elder I respect very much." who, and you used to be his best friend, so you also deserve my respect."

Jon spoke very slowly, and the old wizard listened very carefully.

After Jon finished speaking, he seemed to be stunned for a moment before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"I can't tell, you're pretty good at talking... Sit down!"

"...As you can see, there is nothing else on my side; if you don't mind, just sit on the ground..." Then he added.


Jon sat on the ground by the fire, looking up at the old and frail old wizard on the stone bed.

"What do you want from me?" Gellert Grindelwald's voice was very soft, and he coughed a few times from time to time: "Ahem, cough... this prison doesn't see visitors very often."

"Why don't you think that Professor Dumbledore asked me to come to you?" Jon couldn't help asking.

"Albus will not come to me, or send someone to me." Grindelwald smiled bitterly: "We have been on good terms for many years, even if he came here once a few years ago, he just sent his Phoenix Just come here and send me a message..."

"...Do you think we are still friends? No, we are not anymore! We have turned against each other long ago..." Grindelwald calmly explained: "I am the culprit who killed his sister; and his friends and students : Shaker, Tufte, Fenier, etc. were all killed by me directly or indirectly; I was also related to the death of Armando Dippet, he was hit by a spell by me, and then he died a few days later. died in the year..."

"Similarly, those subordinates I trust the most, their sacrifices can't hide his shadow...Rosier, Abernathy, and Goldstein; if they didn't sacrifice one after another, I would 1944-1945 will not be cornered step by step..."

"It was Dumbledore who persuaded Minister Leonard Moon to change your death sentence to life imprisonment." Jon said softly.

"That's just Dumbledore's way of doing things." Grindelwald said coldly: "And I am different from him. I think that killing the defeated opponent in the simplest and most direct way is the respect for him." !"

"So, why did you tell Dumbledore to predict the existence of Magus?" Jon asked abruptly.

Sorry, I missed one chapter yesterday, and I will try my best to make it up tomorrow...These few chapters are quite difficult to write.

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