The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 347: Legend of the Underworld (Part 2) (Part 2)

"Remus Lupine?" Fenrir Greyback said with some feigned surprise, "Oh, my God, such a familiar name..."

While talking, he looked Lupine up and down carefully: "I don't know what is the relationship between you and Mr. Lyle Lupine?"

There was a glimmer of gloom on Lupine's face...but he still kept calm and said, "He is my father."

"Oh, that's it!" Greyback made a dramatic expression: "No wonder, this name is so familiar... Speaking of which, your father and I have a relationship..."

"...It was more than thirty years ago. I was accused of 'killing two Muggle children' and was taken to the Werewolf Registry of the Ministry of Magic for interrogation." Greyback observed Lupine carefully. Looking at the expression on his face, he said vividly: "Of course, the accusation is true. I did kill those two cute Muggle..."

Greyback's witty words made all the werewolves burst into laughter.

"But those stupid pigs at the Werewolf Registry managed to be tricked by me; with my ragged clothes and no wand on me... I nearly convinced them that I was just an ordinary Muggle tramp... "Greyback said with a smile: "But your father stepped forward, my dear Lyle, he is much better than those stupid pigs in the Werewolf Registry..."

"He pointed out all the werewolf traits in me, demanded that I be imprisoned until the next full moon to see if my body would change; and accused me of being a 'soulless, evil, evil monster'!" Graber Ke said with a sullen face.

There was an uproar around him, and the werewolves immediately glared at Lupine.

"I'm almost going to reveal myself, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life in Azkaban; because of your father..." Greyback suddenly showed a smile on his face: "But thanks to the great Abraxa Mr. Malfoy...he vouched for the Ministry of Magic and got me out of trouble; at the same time, through his introduction, I was able to get in touch with the Dark Lord, a great existence that I had never even imagined before!"

"That's really lucky..." Lupine said coldly.

"Yes...Of course, as soon as my companions and I fled, we began to think about how to retaliate..." Greyback said viciously: "On the night of the full moon, I groped into the Le In the home of Mr. R. Lupine, his five-year-old son, the poor little boy, was sleeping peacefully in bed, not knowing what was going to happen next; took a bite, and planted an indelible curse on him..."

The corners of Lupine's mouth twitched slightly, and if one looked closely one could tell that he was trying to suppress his anger.

"Then, my dear Remus." Greyback said with a sneer, "I don't know which little boy has anything to do with you. Is it your brother? Or..."

"Which little boy is me!" Lupine had successfully suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly.

"Oh, yes, that's such a coincidence!" Greyback fussed and said, "So speaking of it, I should be your half father?" I just don't know, did your father call you a soulless, evil, evil monster? "

"My father never liked me because I was a werewolf... If I wasn't his only son, he would definitely abandon me." Lupine was still very calm.

Just a few words, aroused the approval of many werewolves around.

"That's right!" The werewolf named Abt-Hebrew sighed lightly: "My father was like this too... He wanted to kill me at one point, if my mother hadn't tried her best to stop me."

"My parents abandoned me after I was bitten by a werewolf." Ivan Sumarokov also nodded. This Eastern European werewolf's English was very poor.


There was an endless stream of discussions among werewolves.

They complained loudly, complaining about the injustice and indifference of the wizarding world towards them.

Greyback's friend, the werewolf named "Yorman" leaned close to Greyback's ear and whispered, "Remus Lupine, he used to work for Albus Dumbledore , he was a teacher at Hogwarts...he is not to be trusted!"

"Yes, Remus!" Greyback nodded thoughtfully, "You are different from others, you have previous convictions..."

"I thought Albus Dumbledore would be different from other wizards." Lupine replied calmly: "I thought he would not care about my identity as a werewolf... I worked hard for him, gave my best, worked hard To teach every student at Hogwarts..."

"...But he still drove me away because the students knew my identity; I begged him hard, but it didn't work...I lost my job and had to leave Hogwarts in despair." Lu Ping said in a low voice: "If there is anyone I want to bite the most on a full moon night, it is only Dumbledore..."

After a pause, he continued: "The Ministry of Magic is hunting us, and the wizards are afraid of us... I can only find a place that can take me in, and I can only find my compatriots!"

Lupine's words made many werewolves empathize and shed tears.

Even Greyback sighed and glanced at Lupine.

"You have to prove it to us, if you want to join us!" he snapped.

Then, he picked up the Muggle girl he had just captured and threw it in front of Lupine.

"Who is she?" Lupine couldn't help frowning.

"A Muggle girl, the booty I caught in half an hour... Her flesh is tender and her blood is delicious!" Greyback grinned, revealing bloody teeth.

Lupine looked down at the Muggle girl. Her throat had been bitten off, and bloody bubbles kept coming out; her face was pale and full of despair.

Their previous communication was in English, and this girl seemed to be able to understand... Even most of the sentences in it, she couldn't understand the meaning... But she must be very clear, falling into the hands of these monsters, waiting What will be hers.

"Come on, Remus... tear her apart and rip out her heart." Greyback's voice came from behind.

Remus Lupine closed his eyes and took out his wand.

Then only a flash of green light was seen.


"I'm more inclined to use magic to solve problems!" Lupine said coldly.

Greyback was a little speechless, and the other werewolves around looked at Lupin with a little more fear.

Most of the werewolves have a bad command of magic, because few of them have received a good magic education... When I saw Remus Lupine use a perfect Killing Curse without making a sound, They were all amazed and terrified.

"Ahem, cough, good... very good... welcome to join us, Remus!" Greyback coughed a few times to ease his embarrassment,

"Then what is your purpose in calling us to Romania this time?" Lupine asked calmly.

"The purpose..." Greyback grinned again, and said with a ferocious expression, "Of course it is to gather more allies for the Dark Lord!"

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