The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 351: The Werewolf and the Animagus (Part 1) (Part 1)

"...So, Mr. Werewolf, can you volunteer to admit it?" Jon asked with a smile, and at the same time glanced at the two traveling companions who were dressed in completely different clothes.

"What are you kidding!" Sandro's face changed suddenly, and he threw the wine glass in his hand to the ground and smashed it into pieces. At the same time, he glared at Jon, his strong muscles tensed suddenly.

Jon ignored him, but turned his gaze to William Smith on the other side.

Mr. Smith looked very embarrassed. He was struggling to put his right hand around his throat, as if to prevent himself from saying what he shouldn't say.

"Relashio!" Jon took out his wand and tapped him lightly.

The hand that was tightly clutching the throat was released in an instant.

"I... I'm a werewolf!" His voice was very strange, as if it didn't belong to him at all.

The high hat on Mr. Smith's head was tilted to one side, his face became very ferocious, and he looked at Jon angrily; he didn't look like a gentleman at all...Suddenly, his body seemed to lose all strength, and his whole body Paralyzed on the chair, wriggling with difficulty,

"This..." After hearing the other party's short "confession", Sandro's hand after smashing the wine glass stayed in the air, and he was stunned.

"Veritaserum." Jon explained calmly: "It is a colorless, odorless, transparent liquid. It only takes three drops to make a person tell the secret in his heart."

While explaining, Jon picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine:

"There is also the paralysis potion... just one drop can paralyze an adult man's whole body and last for about an hour; but I am not sure if this potion will still be effective after you transform, after all, werewolves are very sensitive to magic. Drug resistance is quite high."

turn around. Looking at Sandro's surprised expression, Jon added another sentence, comforting: "Don't worry, the potion is poured on the wine glass, and the wine is completely safe."


There was a brief silence in the hotel compartment.

"" William Smith said weakly.

"How to find out, it's too simple..." Jon explained to him indifferently: "William is almost one of the most common names in the British Muggle world, and Smith has the most numerous you It's not clever, even clumsy, to have taken that pseudonym; for it doesn't sound like a wizard's name at all..."

"...Moreover, you keep saying that you are a graduate of Slytherin, but you don't even know who the dean is..." Jon continued: "Professor Severus Snape fourteen years ago He just went to Hogwarts to be the head of Slytherin; he couldn't have taught you for seven years... If you really studied at Hogwarts, according to your age, then the head of you when you entered should be It was Horace Slughorn."

William Smith, who was paralyzed in position, was shaking his teeth slightly.

"So, you didn't study at Hogwarts at all, and you should even have grown up in the Muggle world... Then why did you lie and deceive me, in order to get close to me? Besides, you have such a gentle and gentle face Is the breath also a disguise?" Jon looked into the other's eyes, and said to himself as if:

"Actually, you can tell by a little observation - light brown eyes, but you can see a hint of green light, which is more obvious at night; pale complexion, tired expression; and older than your peers... These are all werewolves traits, though you seem to be well disguised."

Jon paused, and said: "To be honest, Mr. Smith, your disguise is quite perfect; but your luck is relatively bad, because I have learned enough about werewolves when I was in the first and second grades, so I know you better."

"So after breakfast, I took a chance to check it turns out that tonight is actually a full moon, so your purpose seems to be coming soon!" Jon smiled: "To contact me today, to get acquainted with me, Then walk with me... until the full moon came out at night, and suddenly turned and bit me while I was not paying attention, making me your compatriot, is that right, Mr. Smith?"

"That's right..." The other party immediately became dull-eyed, and said in a flat tone without emotion: "I would rather kill you, you lofty wizards, let us just hide in the gutter , you are all guilty!"

"Very well, so what's your real name?" Jon continued to ask with a blank face.

"Gene... Gene Cruise."

"Okay, Gene." Jon continued, "Then why are you trying to attack me?"

"This is Fenrir's plan... Fenrir thinks it's all your wizards' fault that we avoid normal society, that we steal for food, that we can hardly find any work... Fenrir thinks that if we turn more wizards into werewolves, our status in the wizarding world will be improved." Genn still replied in that flat tone without emotion:

"So every full moon night when we transform, we try to do something like this... At the same time, we choose our targets very carefully. We only choose lonely or weak wizards to prevent being discovered by the Ministry of Magic."

"A single foreign underage wizard, it seems that I fit your hunting plan perfectly!" Jon couldn't help laughing at himself: "Who is Fenrir?"

"Fenrir Greyback, leader of the werewolf resistance, he will lead us to live in the sun!" The werewolf replied.

"Sounds like a great goal," Jon commented.

The name Fenrir Greyback is certainly familiar to Jon... the most ferocious werewolf in the original book, and also a powerful subordinate of Voldemort (although the rank is very low among the Death Eaters).

"You, like him, serve the Dark Lord?" Jon continued to ask.

"That's right."

"So you didn't lie when you told me to go to Kruja?"

"Yes, it was the order of the Dark Lord... The Dark Lord sent me to Kruja for..."

"Stop it, don't talk!" Jon ordered coldly, preventing the werewolf from continuing... He didn't forget that there was a traveling companion by his side.

Then, he raised his wand and pointed it at the opponent's head:



A few minutes later.

He ignored Sandro, who was in shock, and the werewolf who was paralyzed there.

Jon looked down, seemingly lost in thought.

at the same time--

In the sky, the day gradually dissipated, and the moon behind the dark clouds slowly appeared.

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