The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 354 Kruja's Knowledge (Second)

According to Professor Binns' description in the "History of Magic" class, the Nordic magic system originated in Scandinavia, and its scope of influence only includes Europe, India, Oceania and a part of the Americas.

Except for the Nordic magic system, and also the extinct Indian magic system, Indian magic system, and Atlantis magic system, Shangcun's ancient magic systems in the world only include the African magic system and the East Asian magic system.

Among them, the African magic system originated in Egypt, and later spread to the entire Africa and West Asia.

The most notable feature of the wizards of the African magic department is that they cast spells without a wand. Their tradition has always advocated that no external force should be used when using magic; Realize the importance of the wand. They didn't officially use wands until the 20th century, but they still don't regard them as necessary for magic.

Excellent Animagus magic is also a hallmark of African wizards. For example, the Ouagadu School of Magic in Moon Mountain, Uganda, claimed a few years ago that all their students from the fifth grade onwards were proficient in Animagus. Maggs transformed... However, due to the very shallow communication between the Ouagadou Magic Academy and the three European schools, it is impossible to confirm whether this statement is credible.

Get in touch with the history of Albania...

George Skanderbeg was raised by Ottoman sultans more than 500 years ago, and legend has it that he was able to transform into a double-headed eagle; so his Animagus magic likely came from African magic.

The Skanderbeg family in Albania and Kruya, the mountain of Eagle's Nest, have very few records in the history of European magic... So the magic of the Skanderbeg family is very likely to be from George Skanderbeg's lineage Passed down, had less communication with wizards in other regions, thus leaving behind the habit of casting spells without a staff.

After thinking about it, Jon followed Sandro's footsteps and walked into the mountain.


They walked in a tunnel that looked very rugged, and entered a cave from halfway up the mountain. The surrounding walls were covered with torches, which looked brightly lit.

Some carved ancient murals can be seen on the walls, and the people on the murals are whispering there. At the same time, from time to time, the sound of thumping and thumping could be heard from above the cave, which sounded like a giant eagle.

"You live with the giant eagles?" Jon asked curiously.

"Yes, they are our relatives!" Sandro nodded: "Come, this way!"

Along the way, they also met one or two Kruya wizards; just like Sandro, the hair was disheveled, as if it hadn’t been washed for a few days, and the facial features on the face were not coordinated at all. The outline of the eagle's face and the clothes on his body were also made of animal skin... They all looked at Jon in surprise, and pointed at the outsider.

If the environment and decoration of Hogwarts have a strong medieval flavor, it even looks a bit like an ancient primitive society.

Following Sandro's footsteps, Jon came to a restaurant-like place.

The tables and chairs were all made of wooden stakes, and a few witches who were wrapped up a little more tightly were busy there; Sandro yelled something at the witches, and then one of the witches waved lightly. waved --

A large wooden basin and a wooden barrel fell on the stake in front of Jon, almost startling Jon.

Among them was a roasted lamb in the wooden basin, and the wooden barrel was filled with things in the shape of wine... The witch came to Jon with a smile and said something in her mouth, but it was a pity that Jon didn't say a word. Can't understand.

"She said this is a treat for you, welcome to Kruja, it's hard to see outsiders here!" Sandro came over to translate in time.

"Thank you!" Jon hurriedly bowed to the Albanian witch, which made her giggle.

"If you want to see the elders, you have to wait here for a while and have something to eat." Sandro continued to speak in his broken English: "I'm going to inform them now."

"Okay, no problem." Jon nodded bluntly, then reached out and began to tear a leg of lamb.

He also felt a little hungry.


The connection between the flesh and blood is still quite tight. Seeing Jon sweating profusely, the witch who prepared the food for him just now walked over and stroked the root of the leg of lamb with her index finger while pursing her lips. A leg of lamb was cut off in an instant.

"Thank you..." Jon quickly thanked again.

It's a pity that the other party still didn't understand, and returned to her companions, and continued pointing at Jon and talking.

Sometimes pointing to Jon's black robe, sometimes pointing to the wand on Jon's waist, and sometimes pointing to Jon's face; several witches almost laughed together.

It's quite uncomfortable to be pointed at like this while eating... Fortunately, they are all young girls with decent looks. If they are muscular brothers like Sandro, Jon's meal I guess I can't eat it anymore.

The taste of the lamb is really good, very tender and not too aggressive.

Just when Jon didn't pay much attention to the image and started to eat the leg of lamb... the witch just came over again, she snapped her fingers in the air, and a bamboo wine glass floated in the air; then, she He seemed to be chanting words again, and waved his hand, directing a stream of water to surge up from the wooden barrel and flow into the bamboo wine glass.

This operation of casting a spell without a wand made Jon stunned... He thought that even if he held a wand, he might not be able to control it so accurately with the levitation spell.

Just when Jon was thinking wildly and staring at her movements intently, the witch's hand suddenly shook accidentally, and then the direction of the water flow suddenly changed, and the crimson "wine" splashed all over herself.

Her companions laughed a little out of breath, and she couldn't help but blush, lowered her head and placed the bamboo cup, which was more than half full, in front of Jon, and then ran away in despair.


The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, but fortunately, Sandro rushed over in time.

"Mr. Patrick!" Sandro approached Jon's ear and whispered, "The elders have agreed to meet you, and they are waiting for you in the Bat Hall."

"Okay, please take me there!" Jon said quickly.

Sandro nodded, and waved the witches away annoyedly... The witch, whose clothes were splashed with wine, had already changed and returned here, hiding behind her companions. Watch them from behind.

Then Sandro took Jon and left here.

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