The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 359 Residents of the Sewer (Part 1)

"We..." Looking at the terrifying mark on Fenrir Greyback's hand, the thin vampire couldn't help but tremble.

On the werewolf's arm, there is a green brand... The main body of the brand is the head of a skeleton, and at the same time, a big boa constrictor emerges from its mouth, wrapping around...

"Fenrir, the Dark Lord has given you this honor?" A werewolf couldn't help but ask.

The rest of the werewolves also looked at the branded arm with reverent eyes.

"For those servants who are loyal to him, the Dark Lord will never treat them badly." Fenrir Greyback said triumphantly, and then put down the sleeve of his right arm.

Among the crowd, Remus Lupine frowned slightly, but he immediately lowered his head, not letting the other werewolves notice his abnormality.

"So you werewolves have taken refuge with that lord..." The vampire asked with a trembling voice, "He sent you here, and he told you that we are still living here?"

"That's right, the Dark Lord knows everything!" Fenrir Greyback nodded, he was very satisfied with the vampire's reaction: "Now, take us to your lair, bat!"

"This way...please follow me." The vampire nodded repeatedly.


The werewolves followed the emaciated vampire and began to advance.

However, the direction of progress is not the direction of the castle, but the opposite.

They were getting farther and farther away from Dracula's castle, and the voices of the travelers on the other side of the castle were getting quieter; soon they were out of the woods, and after walking about a mile, at last they seemed to come to a place that emanated from the castle. Empty areas with a foul smell.

It's like an abandoned town, and it's like a temporary garbage dump... all around is full of all kinds of garbage; although werewolves live in the bottom of the wizarding world, most of them have never been so bad The place.

Several female werewolves covered their noses and glared at the vampire.

"Sorry, my patient." The vampire quickly apologized with a smile.

After walking a short distance, he led the crowd to a broken bridge.

He took the lead and jumped off the broken bridge, the river below had already dried up...

It is estimated that no Muggles will come to such a desolate place in a few years.

In an inconspicuous bush under the broken bridge, there was a manhole cover... The vampire trotted over and raised the manhole cover only after exhausting his strength.

"Gentlemen, our lair..." Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, with extremely quick movements, he rushed to the other side of the broken bridge.

The werewolves thought that the vampires were going to harm their group, so they took a few steps back in a vigilant manner.

But the target of the vampire is obviously not them, but a field mouse that just ran out of the garbage dump on the other side of the broken bridge.

He came back in a hurry... Between his bony fingers, he caught the fat vole.

He grinned, revealing two sharp canine teeth, and then, he bit down without hesitation.

Regardless of the werewolves on the side, he greedily sucked the blood of the vole, not wanting to let go of a drop... until the corpse of the vole was completely shriveled, he reluctantly threw it down.

The vampire raised his head again, and smiled obsequiously: "Sorry, adults... I haven't tasted such fresh blood for two weeks..."

Fenrir Greyback frowned: "Hurry up! Take us down, take me to meet your leader!"


Below the manhole cover is a long-abandoned sewer.

There are muds that have been here for an unknown amount of time, and the corpses of various animals can be seen everywhere, which seem to be left by vampires after eating... However, they did not see any human (Muggle) of) corpses.

The sewer is very narrow, and every compartment next to it has several pairs of bright red eyes looking out.

However, these gazes are not as vigorous as the werewolves imagined, but rather lifeless.

Judging from the number of eyes, there are at least a hundred vampires living in this secretive but small sewer.

The vampire who led them roared into the next compartment from time to time... I can't tell that he still has a certain status among vampires.

All the way to the compartment at the innermost side of the sewer, there is a dilapidated curtain hanging outside this compartment... He stopped in his tracks and said humbly:

"Dear Countess Ileana, a guest is here."

After a while, a hoarse female voice came from inside: "Let them in!"


The leader of the Transylvanian vampires is a young-looking female vampire.

Of course, vampires have a long lifespan and can remain young forever, so they can't judge their age from their appearance... Her actual age may be over a hundred years old.

Countess Ileana, she has already changed into a white princess dress... but the dress is full of stains, and it is tattered and has no aesthetic feeling.

Her figure is not as deformed as other vampires, but her face seems a little swollen, which is still not good-looking; at her feet, lay the corpse of a stray dog, and the corpse was still oozing blood.

"That lord sent you here?" The countess looked at the werewolves with a vigilant expression.

There was a strong hostility in her voice.

"I've heard that werewolves and vampires are mortal enemies since I was a child?" A female werewolf couldn't help asking, "Why did you become like this... Life is so bleak, even worse than the poorest Muggles?"

"That adult didn't do it." There was a bleak smile on the female vampire's face: "Fifty years ago...that terrible disaster, he broke into the castle...he killed my father, chopped He killed his head, and killed almost all of our adult compatriots... He left us alive, but he also left us with the curse of eternal life..."

While speaking, she lifted her right hand weakly... On the wrist of her right hand, there was a very clearly visible bloodstain.

"I was ordered by that lord... I was ordered by the Dark Lord." Fenrir Greyback said coldly: "He can give you forgiveness, and he can give you long as you swear to His allegiance!"

"Really?" Countess Ileana raised her head tremblingly: "Master Gunter decided to forgive us?"

Fenrir Greyback couldn't help but take out a scroll from his pocket:

"While free, he also brought you a mission!"

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