The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 366 Let the flames purify everything (second update)

Leaving the forest, Jon walked towards the burning Brown Castle (Dracula's Castle).

In Brown's Castle on the hillside, the flames of Fiendfyre were still blazing...but almost all the Muggles inside had escaped; after all, the previous fire was not fierce.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there may be a few Muggles trapped in the castle and burned to death by the flames... But there is no way, in order to prevent the bloody massacre of vampires after nightfall, this is the best method Jon can think of. But it's not foolproof --

Start a fire in Bran's Castle before dark (let Sandro sneak into it disguised as the werewolf Jean before, and then drop a crystal bottle containing the strange fire), set off the fire alarm... so , the Muggles will flee the castle.

At the same time, with the magic of the werewolves, it is impossible to control such a terrible Fierce Flame... Let Sandrodo throw a few crystal bottles containing Fiendfire in the castle, making the fire completely uncontrollable...

In this case, under the premise that the entire castle was shrouded in flames, the werewolves and vampires had no choice but to abandon their previous plans.

But whether they will chase the giant eagle Sandro who fled in the direction of the Black Forest...that is another story.

"Does my behavior count as setting fire to the mountain?" Jon smiled self-deprecatingly.

I only heard a few loud horns from the castle, and more than a dozen fire trucks rushed over; the fire trucks sprayed out jets of water, trying to extinguish the flames...

But obviously this kind of operation is futile, Fiendfire cannot be extinguished by water.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, even burning to the suspension bridge, and there was a faint tendency to spread to the other side of the suspension bridge.

"It's about time!" Jon said to himself.

Then, he took out the small silver-white octahedron box, and with a flick of his wand, it flew towards the castle.

The flames began to weaken little by little, and the terrifying flames curled up into the small silver box, and the aura of violence and fear disappeared completely.

The Muggles thought it was the fire trucks, and there was a real cheer.

After just a few minutes, Fiendfire had all disappeared.

All that remains is the burnt ruins of Brown Castle...

The little silver box was back in Jon's hands, feeling slightly hot to the touch.

Jon stuffed it into his pocket without hesitation, and then returned to the Black Forest along the same road.


The time card was just right.

When Jon took out the brass telescope from the suitcase and observed the situation above the forest——

He happened to see Sandro, who had turned into a giant eagle, fly to the center of the forest and land, while a large number of vampires in the sky were chasing after him; although the werewolves couldn't see clearly, they should have entered the forest.

"It's time, the ghosts should start!"

Without any explanation, Jon threw the silver octahedron into the sky again.

Fiercefire, which had just fallen silent, emerged from the Mithra Core again...but this time, their target was the forest.

The castle was made of stone anyway, which was not conducive to the spread of flames; and the forest full of trees completely turned the intensity of Fiendfire to the highest value in an instant!

Those giant beasts made of flames wantonly destroyed all the trees and bushes... Starting from the surrounding area, they gradually spread towards the center of the forest, and the speed of its spread was unbelievable.

Sandro was transformed into a giant eagle again, soaring to the sky; high in the sky, he would not be corrupted by the flames.

And Remus Lupine, when he felt the scalding heat behind him, he chose to Apparate without hesitation.

However, Sandro and Lupine are the two exceptions that Jon told the "ghosts" to let go; the rest of the vampires, as well as the werewolves, were all entangled by the strange creature that they couldn't see, and couldn't help it. move……

Helplessly, watching their bodies being completely swallowed by the terrifying flames.

Fear pervades...

The screams and shouts of werewolves and vampires can be heard endlessly.

Jon turned his head and walked out of the forest. He found a larger stone and sat down, quietly observing the tragedy in the forest.


"Is the forest on fire over there?" A militiaman from Jilewu Town shouted in surprise.

Mayor Joseph Pistor couldn't help but frowned... In the past few days, he gathered dozens of militiamen in the town and asked them to prepare their weapons, and at the same time asked them to plate a layer of silver on the bullets. .

Fortunately, the prestige of the mayor of Pistor has always been good, and this weird behavior did not attract too strong opposition.

After everything was ready, he hurriedly followed Mr. Patrick's instructions and rushed here.

This is what he doesn't know, the situation has changed greatly...

"Go and have a look!" Pistor said calmly.

Dozens of people hurried to the burning forest.

The forest was not far away, and after a few minutes, they had come to a position about 500 yards away from the forest.

"Do you want to move forward? The fire is too big, and we may also be affected!" A militiaman asked.

The mayor of Pistor's face suddenly changed, and he raised his hand, indicating that the militiamen were hiding in the bushes.

For suddenly a loud, echoing crack came from ahead, like a gunshot, cutting through the sleepy silence.


Fenrir Greyback gasped heavily.

He escaped... At the last moment, before the flames consumed him, he broke free from the comfort of those invisible things and Apparated out of the forest.

He should also be the only survivor.

The rest of the people, whether they were werewolves from all over Europe or vampires from Transylvania, were all burned to ashes by the terrifying flames.

Fenrir Greyback's fine hair was also burned off, looking extremely embarrassed...

The only thing to be thankful for is that he is still alive.

"Who did it... If you let me know... I will make him suffer the most horrible torture..." the werewolf said bitterly.

Then he sat down, ready to rest here for a while.

Then, hurry back to England and leave this wretched land.


Mayor Pistor will never forget the face that suddenly appeared before him.

A few days ago, Mr. Christopher-Patrick gave him a moving newspaper, and the face on the newspaper was exactly the same as the man in front of him... Mr. Patrick said that this man was the most brutal werewolf and also killed his daughter Prime culprit.

Pistor took Mr. Patrick at his word, so—

In the bushes, he raised the double-barreled shotgun that had already been loaded with silver bullets.

Focus your anger on your fingers!

"Bang!" Only a crisp gunshot was heard.

"Kill him!" he yelled.

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